𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶 - 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇

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This chapter contains heavy sexual content.



In the soft glow of her bedside lamp, Mavis found solace. Her room was wrapped in a cocoon of gentle warmth, the darkness outside held at bay by the faint light filtering through her curtains. With a sigh of contentment, she settled into her bed, the softness of the mattress enveloping her slender frame.

In her hands, Mavis held an old leather book as she traced her fingers over the foreign letters, trying to decipher their meaning. She stumbled over the words, her tongue grappling with unfamiliar sounds. Lamentably, the book she chose had the writing style she was unfamiliar with.

The fae still had a bit of a problem understanding the old terms and sentences that her lovers used to speak in their conversation at times.

There was only the sound of the faint rustle of paper and the occasional soft sigh of contentment that escaped her lips until her mates burst through the door with a thunderous crash. Mavis, startled by their sudden intrusion, rose from her bed. "My loves? What is it?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the haunting melody of the night.

"Do not play coy with us, Mavis" Caius hissed, his voice laced with venom. "We saw you with that human and the way he touches you. Tell me where he is, so I may erase him from existence"

Her warrior's jaw clenched with barely contained fury, and his hands, once graceful, now curled into fists at his sides. "Caius, darling, he is only a friend. There's no need for that" Mavis regarded him with a calm demeanor.

The fae's heart ached at the sight of his turmoil, but she pushed her unease aside, reaching out to him with a gentle touch on his arm. He recoiled as if her touch scorched him, his eyes flashing with a raw intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Mavis withdrew her hand, her heart plummeting to the pit of her stomach.

Did that just happen?

"Caius?" Mavis's voice trembled with uncertainty, her heart sinking at the distance he kept. But Caius turned away, his gaze fixed on invisible demons tormenting his mind. In his jealousy-fueled rage, he was blind to the hurt etched across his mate's face.

"He dares to look at you with love in his eyes as if he could steal you away from us" Marcus muttered in a spur of the moment, his voice laced with an unfamiliar edge. It reminded Mavis that had three furious mates to deal with. Now, she was feeling regretful for planning the whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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