♡2. 𝙍𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙡 𝘿𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨!♡

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No one's POV:

"It's cold tonight, wanna have dinner at my place?"

You were stunned. "I have the privilige to do that?" Charlie just nodded. "Just take it as a reward for giving me this" She pointed the hairband with her thumb. 

"I'm more than honored Princess!" You jumped excitedly on your seat. "Just call me Charlie or whatever..." She blushed a bit in embarrasment by inviting you and all of that. 

That was the first time Charlie had friends so she doesn't really know how to socialize.

"Ok then Charlie!" You hugged her arm and dragged her into the giant building of hers after stepping out of the Limo, she doesn't seems to dislike the physical touch.

I knew that in every Hellborn's Heart there's a Rainbow! She's so kind behind that image!

You looked around your surroundings, feeling amazed by the structure of her place, damn it rich people! Damn it!

"Wow! You can win a lot of money by just selling one of the cheapest thing you got in your castle!" Charlie just hummed in response, she walked towards a big door and stopped you.

"You stay here, I'll inform my parents" You nodded enthusiatically, and sat behind the door. 


You looked around again and spotted a big rubber duck plushie. "Oh! What a cute little fella!"

You stood up and snuggled your face with it, then you heard the door open. "Uh... What the fuck are you doing?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, You quickly let it go. "Oops! Hehe, sorry!"

"Well, anyways. My dad wants to see you" You widen your eyes in surprise. "He does?" "Yes, he wants to know who the hell was uh... hanging out... With me" You clapped your hands together, smiling. "Does that mean we're friends?" Charlie remained in silent and smiled slightly.

"You... can say that?" "Oh! Goody! I'm so happy to hear that Charlie!" You squeezed Charlie into a hug and entered the room, seeing the King himself on his throne, but You didn't see Queen Lilith anywhere. 

"Dad... This is my..." Charlie gestured you with a hand to introduce yourself. "Oh right! Hello your Highness! I'm Y/n L/n... A Succubi! Hehe... Uh" You bowed slightly, saluting politely to Lucifer.

Lucifer just stared at you with a poker face, then he smiled cheerfully at his daughter. "Oh-Ho My Golly! Charlie! You've never introduced me such Pretty Lady! Is- Is she your friend? She's Kind of Hot..." He eyed over you.

"!?!??!?!?!?!?!"-Confused Y/n and Charlie.

Lucifer realised what he had just said and tugged his collar nervoursly. "Haha! I'm just kidding heh... Hehe... Ahem... Uh- Don't tell this to your Mom" He tried to look prideful and intimidated while cleaning imaginary dust out of his white suit. "Uh... You may stop bowing uh..."

Shit, he forgot your name. "Y/n, your highness" "Right, Y/n. Yeah, that's the one..." Lucifer nodded.

He believed that since you were a Succubus, you can't be so tall, well. You were huge, like, HUGE. "Holy shit-" Lucifer widen his eyes and put on a uncomfortable smile, you widen your eyes.

Oh... Well... He really seems to be smaller than I expected... Well! That's a good thing! It's cute height contrast compared to the Queen!

You tried to stay positive. "I uh... Hehe... I have quite an appetite" "Oh! No no! Hah! It's ok, all fine! I'm- I'm alright!" Charlie crossed her arms."Dad, stop. You're embarrasing yourself right now" 

"Yeah, right. Heh, Sorry Charlie" Lucifer tapped his finger on his cane, looking around awkwardly.

"Dinner, is served" An Imp servant came to inform. "Well... Uh, Follow me to the dinning room please!" Lucifer pointed a way with his cane. "Yay!" You raised your hand and followed him like a baby duck following its mama, alongside Charlie.


Everyone is seated in the dining room. Lilith was viciously cutting through her food and glaring at you, but the room is completely silent. And there was you, eating as if your life depends on it.

"So, this is aggressively uncomfortable" Lucifer commented, and placed down his tablewares on the long ass table, then stared at you. "I suppose you want to know why you're here, Lady Y/n" "Uh... I apologise but no-" "Great! Cause you're hired to be my Daughter's new friend! Cause... You know... She doesn't have any"

"Dad, shut up" Charlie grunted, showing her fangs. Lilith placed her tablewares down as well. "Lucifer, darling. I know you want a friend for our daughter, but we can't force her to have one this... innapropriate" Lilith gestured her hand towards you.

You gripped on your skirt nervously, lowering your head, it wasn't the first time demons doubted you for your species. But who cares! What's wrong with your species? You're a proud Succubi!

"And adding to it, Charlie doesn't want any friends right now. Isn't that right, sweetie?" Lilith looked over at Charlie.

"Well, I do want one now" Charlire responded, looking at you. "What was that?" Lilith stared at her daughter, surprised as her eye twitched.

"Y/n, are you ok with being my friend?" Charlie stared at you, almost pleeding. You didn't think much, and smiled, giving a thumbs up. "Don't mind at all!" She gave Charlie a wink.

Both Charlie and her dad blushed, then you started to eat the food again, ignoring the pressure surrounding her.

Yummy! I love the Chicken's leg!

Lucifer hums and smiled. "Then it's settled then! Haha!" Lilith stood up and stormed out the door. "I'm full" She eyed Lucifer talking to you one last time, her eye twitched and left the dinning room.

Charlie of course, noticed this but didn't say anything. "So I was thinking of making a branch amusement park of Lu Lu World in here so that you guys can have fun! Like More things like Rollercosters! Or Bumper Cars! Or spooky doopy houses!" Lucifer wiggled his fingers at you, trying to sound scary.

You just laughed by his attitude, you didn't know a thing he just mentioned but a new park sounds nice. But kept eating the dinner as Lucifer stared at you, placing his elbow on the table and supporting his chin on his palm.

"You sure likes eating huh?" His lips curved upward seeing your cheeks being stuffed like a cute little squirrel. 

"Mhm! Well, You never know Your majesty! To think that I can take time to just enjoy a meal like this is a privilege! I need to eat while I still can!" 

"Hmm... I see" His gaze was filled with pity for a momment when he heard that and turned away from you. Then he looked back at her and narrowed his eyes, smiling.

'Guess that I have to talk with Ozzie about keeping this girl around'

♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now