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No One's POV:

"You ready, Blitzo?"

"Born ready!"

Fizzarolli and Blitzo leap off of their boards and begin a flying trapeze act. They pass by the Goetia section of the bleachers, and time appears to slow down as Stolas looks up in awe and then blushes. The camera zooms in on Blitzo.

You noticed it and couldn't help but giggle softly by the boy's first love. Blitzo lands on a ball as Fizzarolli swings away. 

 "Haaaaa! Tada~! Hahaha. Heya, folks! Wanna see me make a horse?" Blitzo takes out a green balloon, blows it up, and attempts to tie it into a horse shape. It appears as an incomprehensible knot, then immediately pops. "Crap" Blitzo cursed, widening his eyes.

The Imp tries several times to make a balloon animal and fails, the audience begins losing interest while Stolas remains fixed upon him. "De-de-de-de-do-do-do-do- Ah, heheh, Horse!" He's finally made a horse except it has no legs.

Only you clapped between all of others in the crowd, cause you believe that people who makes an effort should be praised. 

"Thank you, Lady!" He waved at you and then show the Horse proudly. "Well, heh. It was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working, so he had to amputate. Now, it's a gross worm horse"

Stolas begins to laugh softly, clearly charmed? You sighed helplessly. 

He's totally in love.

"See? He gets it. Because, horses... They make no sense" Blitzo pointed at Stolas. "I love this kid" you said and Paimon raised an eyebrow at you. 

"You like children?" "Well, they're cute and fun to hang out with!" You responded, he coughed slightly and spoke proudly. "Well, my son seems to have taken a liking to you. So You CAN stay for a day and a half... What I mean is, uh... I mean, you love kids, why- Me too! We surprisingly have things in common"

You raised an eyebrow by his lie. "We do?" 

"Yes! So what I mean is-" The camera zooms over to show that Young Fizzarolli has joined Young Blitzo with a balloon of his own in his hand. His balloon is red. 

"Okay, Blitzo, that's enough horsing around! Hey, everybody! Look at this! it's Banana Pudding the clown horsey!" He makes a balloon horse perfectly on his first try. He makes neighing noises, the crowd laughs while Young Blitzo looks down sadly.

"I liked his broken horse joke, it was funny. Their legs do stop working when they eat too much sugar, it's called Laminitis" Stolas protested for his late to be lover. 

"Yeah, it's like having Diabetes, but for horses" you commented, but so much watching the show made you have quite an appetite. "Oh... Stolas, do you want something to eat? I'll go get some" He shook his head as he stared at the Imp down there.

Paimon looks down at Stolas curiously as the little owl demon makes a hooting laugh. He stood up and walked beside you. "I'm coming with you"


"So Sweet!"

You were holding a Cotton Candy in the hand while Paimon paid for the treat and teleported beside you. "Seriously, Why do you commoners likes to eat sweet things so much?" "Cause it's tasty! Here, have a bite!" You extended your treat towards him.

Mr Butler was about to say that Paimon doesn't really like too much sweet for the morning, but just then Paimon bend over and bite a small portion out of the Cotton Candy, leaving the Butler speechless.

'Fine, As long as you're Happy with this, Your Highness'-Mr Butler tired of his life.

The scene changes to Cash drinking backstage as the butler walks in with Paimon, who was standing close next to you. "What a show! That was real great. So, ahem... That little clown you have, my son really enjoyed that one. I was wondering if I could buy him"

"Buy him?"-Cash.

"Purchase him, yes. Accurate" Paimon leans over at Cash, even tho he feels disgusted by Cash. "My son doesn't have any friends, you see, and he liked the little clown boy. It's his birthday, he's so sad and I don't want to deal with him. Can I write a check?"

Cash rubs his chin and smirks, walking towards you. "Well, the pretty lady can pay me up for one night. I bet that-" Paimon expressed his demonic form for a breif momment and put you behind him protectively. "NO!... Haha, ahem I mean that... She's not just some random whore, she's..." 

You finished eating the Cotton Candy and stared at them. "She's My Concunbine" You spit the candy out. "Excuse me, what?" Paimon didn't even gave you an explanation.


"Ozzie! Do you feel like something bad's happening but don't know what it is!?" Lucifer cracked his fingers as he look up in panic. Asmodeus raised an eyebrow.

"Luci, are you having another panic attack? Cause- Oh shit..." Ozzie stood up and looked up as well. "Oh Hell yeah, I'm also feeling it now"

"What are you both doing staring at the ceiling?"-Charlie.


"Oh... Hmm... Fizzarolli is a big draw. He has a few more shows to be in today, so it would be pretty expensive" Paimon narrowed his eyes at Cash who was rubbing his thumb and finger together in gesture, clearly knowing who was Fizzarolli, pointed out.

"Hehehe... No, no. The other one" The Ring Leader widen his eyes in shock. "Blitzo?!" "Correct, How much?" He never expected this from an Goetia so he shrugged.

"Wha- Well, he's my son. So... uh. Hm... ah, how much ya got in your pocket?" You got upset by that and Paimon noticed your change of emotions.

Wow, that's how much that cute little Imp's worth?

 The butler digs around in his pocket and produces a crumpled-up $5 bill and an unopened condom. "A wadded-up five and a slim-fit condom" "Ah, that's plenty. Done" Cash shrugged, doesn't seems to care that his son doesn't get him money.

"Splendid! Fetch him for me and we will be on our way" Paimon claps his hands and portals out destroying half the tent in the process.


The scene changes to you,  Paimon, his butler, and a young Stolas in front of their house while Blitzo and his father walk up to them. "Here is your new friend my son, happy birthday"

"A friend?" Stolas excitedly asked. Blitzo confused he shrugged. "I guess? Hi, uh, I'm Blitzo" 

Slotas bow elegantly. "I'm Stolas, it's nice to meet– Ouch!" He gets smacked in the back of the head by his father. "Don't bow to that one! He bows to us. Idiot" 

"Oh, right. Sorry, father" He was a bit upset, and that made you upset seeing Stolas upset. "I'm so good at daddy-ing!" Paimon talked to himself and walked inside the mansion, then looked behind at you.

"Why are you still standing here? Aren't you staying for a day and a half? Come in or you'll get sick and I don't want Hellborns getting sick here" You stared at him and something hit you.


♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now