♡23. 𝙃𝙚 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝘿𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙎 𝙢𝙚!♡

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"Well Well Well~ If it isn't my Favourite? Say, what were you up to since the last time I saw you? Seems like you've been enjoying yourself, eh?~

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"Well Well Well~ If it isn't my Favourite? Say, what were you up to since the last time I saw you? Seems like you've been enjoying yourself, eh?~ ...You kept your promise I see~ Very Good"

No One's POV:


Charlie's voice echoed in the Embassy. Then you and Charlie come to the front desk with no one but a single bell. 

Charlie taps the bell to ring it, and at the instant, a golden scroll and feather ink pen floats from above over to her. 

Charlie smiled a bit awkward. "Ok...Also creepy" She passed the paper to you and you signed it as well.

The scroll and feather flies up before disappearing. Right then, the twin doors slide open to show Charlie the meeting room, and she enters inside the dark room with no one around.

"Uh...hello? Is anyone here?" Charlie asked, The lights suddenly switched on, revealing 2 angels at the end of the room, with one being a exorcist lieutenant, Lute and the big boss leader of the Angel Army, Adam, who is eating a rib in his hand.

"'Sup!" Adam greeted "Holy Shit!" Charlie exclaimed in surprise, immediately fell down after getting surprised by the sudden appearance of two angels in the room. 

"Wait, I know you. Aren't you that one Hellborn always cavorting around Adam during Extermination?" Lute glared at you.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs Lu...Te-Tenant? Is That how you spell it?" You tilted your head at Lute in confusion.

"Don't you act all sweet and oblivious around me... I know Succubis like you trick men!" She slammed her fist on the table, glaring through her mask.

Eh, she half caught me. Curse you too, I guess

"Lute! You're scaring the Cutie! Don't be such a Whiney Bitch!" Adam exclaimed, furrowing his brows. "BUT SIR-" "Ah ah ah" Adam raised a finger and wiggled it as a no, cutting Lute off. 

"I've already told ya, this girl's sensitive and soft! Not every woman is like you yeah? So how about you just Cease that Bitch Crying? Anyways, how're you doing these days Sugar Tits?" He placed his ribs down and leans against the table.

You didn't reply, just kept staring at the ribs, swallowing your saliva. Adam noticed this and snickered by your expression, thinking it's cute.

Charlie got back up and readjusts herself to introduce herself and you properly. "Hi, I'm Charlie and this is Y/n. My dad asked me if I could meet you"

Adam afirms that he knows about his as he ate his rib like a buzzsaw. " It's nice to meet you" Charlie extended her hand towards Adam. 

"Totally. It's nice to meet you, too" Adam smiled at Charlie and reaches over to give her a handshake, and as she was about to shake his hand, her hand slips right through, revealing him to be a hologram, fizzing on and off after being touched, which freaks Charlie out.

"Ha! I fucking got you. Did you see that?" He turned to Lute and she nodded, glaring at you. "Ha. Good shit" Adam talked again. 

"Uh...so, wait. You aren't here?" Charlie asked in confusion. 

"No, you think I'd come down there? Heh No, I mean, I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes. Pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong. But! it's such a bummer! man. Everything down there's just so 'eugh', ya know? Heh Ew" After hearing that, you narrowed your eyes and stared at Adam, looking very dissapointed. 

The man of course noticed it, and his smile stiffen a bit. "Well...Uh, fuck. I would get down there if Y/n's willing to see me of course heh" He rubbed his nape.

"Ooh! You remembered my name!" You clapped your hands together happily, which made Adam smirk proudly. "Of course! I'm fucking awesome! Memorising is no biggie!"

"Right. So, I'm happy we've got this opportunity to meet. There's a project that We've been working on that I really want to talk to you about-" Charlie was cutted off by Adam, who putted his finger on Charlie's lips to quiet her down for a moment.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down. We've got time. How about we get to know each other a little. Mmm. How about lunch? You hungry? I got you"

Adam takes a plate of ribs he's been eating toward Charlie. "Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it" Charlie smiled a bit confused and thanked Adam for the ribs. 

She went to take a piece of a rib, but her hand past right through them, also revealing to be a hologram, as they fizz on and off from the touch, and Adam laughs.

"I got you again, bitch! HAHAHAHA!! Fuckin' hilarious!" Charlie made a small unamused chuckle alongside Adam's hyper laughter.

But just then, he heard your stomach grumble, then he stared at you, raised an eyebrow and held the plate. "Oh, you want some?" You nodded, wanting to eat it but knowing it's a hologram you couldn't do anything.

"Cool, wait a sec" He got down the table, doing something NOT dirty as he lowers the plate of Ribs. 

And just then, a small golden portal appeared infront of you and a gloved hand that was holding a plate of ribs was seen. "Hey! You see it? Eat some! It's really fucking good!" Adam yelled from the other side of the table.

"Oh My Satan! Thank you So much Adam!" You took 4 ribs and started to nibble on the meat. The Aroma of The rich meat juice spreads in your mouth, making you yelp out in satisfaction.

Adam raised the plate up to the desk, and patted your h/c hair through the portal. "No problem, Babe"


The Meeting with Adam isn't going well, Charlie looked bored, propping herself on her elbows while listening to Adam exaggeratingly boasting himself and his sex life while You were sitting on the chair beside her with her leg crossed.

Then, you got a phone call from Vaggie.

"Oh... I'll go get this"

♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now