♡11. 𝘽𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙍𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣?♡

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No One's POV:

ºPride Ring Human Year 1950º

"Care to Explain Missy?"

Ever since your first time massacred the Pride Ring, Lucifer was deeply unamused. Not because that you killed Sinners, no. 

Sinners are AWFUL for him as his people, he was mad because this time he caught you doing it, ALONGSIDE Adam.

FUCKING HELL, that Angel Asshole was bragging silently about it with mocking actions all over Lucifer's face for having a Hottie work with him part timely. He was mad, furious about that one Mother fucker. 

"I want explanations Miss Y/n! Why were you killing MY people?" He pouted, totally not jealous about how Adam and you spended times together. 

You fidget your fingers, looking guilty of everything. "Well, Your Majesty... Sinners are overpopulating, and it's dangerous for me and the Hellborns. And they need to be purifed, and plus, I just kill Sinners who I believe cannot be changed! Small kids and half heart kind ones are spared...?" You don't know if you're explaining well.

Charlie perks up, she already was out of her Emo phase, and brighten up. "That's it! A place to redeem Sinners to go to Heaven!" Lucifer and you raised an eyebrow. "Will that work?" You asked.

"Of course! Y/n you just gave me the best idea!" Charlie rubbed her cheeks together with her hands. 

Lucifer seeing his daughter so happy, he light coughed.  "Then, Miss Y/n. As the King of Hell, I demand you to uh... Help my daughter to found Whatever she wanted to build! You're obligated to move here, in Pride" 

You widen your eyes. "Huh!? Why?" "Because it's a punishment for helping Adam!" He exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table, angry like a little kid. "You can't help him! You're MY citizen! I don't like that selfish pig! Stupid stupid Motherfucker!" He was throwing a Tantrum.

"Forgive my dad, He's like this sometimes" Charlie sweatdropped. "It's Ok! I'll just... Need to pack my things up in Lust" You scratched your nape helplessly.


(The Outfit You're wearing)

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(The Outfit You're wearing)

After packing your things up and moving out of Verosika's place, she hugged you and cried, saying that she'll miss you. 

After getting to Pride Ring you decided to go around for a walk, maybe even buying yourself something to eat. 

"Weird, Where am I?" A voice was heard from behind, you looked back and saw a Sinner.He had a tall and slim-figured, technology-themed demon who stands at approximately 7 feet. He sports a Thick Panel Dark television for a head, with the monitor projecting eyes with red sclera, small cyan pupils and different-colored outlines, black for his right and cyan for his left. He was wearing a orange turtleneck and a black coat that matches his pants a pair of leather shoes. 

A new Sinner? Seems like he's lost

"Hello Mister" You greeted, he turned back and looked at you, weirden out. "Who are you? Where am I?" You gave him a handshake and smiled. "I'm Y/n! A Succubi! Welcome to Hell!" He paused and widen his eyes in shock.

"Fucking... Bullshit, I'M DEAD!?" He looked over to a mirror and was speechless. You went up to him and sniff a bit of him. "Yep, you smell like Human World, I think you just died not too long ago"

He held his head in confusion. "I was in my house then a Television... But why am I here? Am I not supposed to be in Heaven?" "Well... I don't know much about it either" You shrugged at him.

He groaned in frustration. "Ok fine, I'll just accept this... Miss Y/n" You tilted your head. "Talking about it, I've never get your name Mister Television" 

He crossed his arms. "Just call me Vox" You nodded. "Alright Mr Vox! What did you work for when you were alive?" You talked to him as you introduced him the Pentagram City.

He seems to be enjoying your precense while you let him get to know the place, it felt nice. He thought that Hell's filled with insolent and selfish pricks. "Well, I was a Radio TV Host" You stopped tracks, and a hint of terror was seem in your eyes.

"Radio huh?..." He nodded. "Yeah, you ok?" "Oh! No no! I'm all right of course! It's just that... It's a bit uh... Radio is like... I don't know! Kind of creepy for my liking hehe!..." You tried to sound as cheerful as possible.

"I see, well I was thinking of changing from Radio to Programms as a Television Host. I'm starting the business down here then" He chuckled, then you've talked for hours and hours until you bumped into someone.

"N/n! Darling! How are you?" You look up and smiled. "Oh Hi Rosie!" She gave you a warm bear hug and then putted you down, she noticed Vox. 

"Oh! And who's this charming fella? Now come on N/n! You know that you're too good for him!" Vox rolled his eyes at Rosie in annoyance for interrupting his momment with the Succubi. "I'm just Kiddin'! Oh! Want to have some tea at my Emporium? I've a friend that I'd like you to meet!"

"Sure, uh... Mr Vox, wanna come?" He stared at you then back at Rosie. "Okay" Rosie clapped her hands together happily and took you and Vox with 2 of her arms.

Vox was panicking by the massive force Rosie had and you were used to it. "Are Mr Zestial and Mr Carmine free?" "Oh! Sadly no! They had important matters on how get you to be an Overlord as well!" Rosie informed.

"Overlord? What's an Overlord?" Vox asked, you come to realise that you haven't told him about the power and abilities here. "Oh right! Forgot to tell you about the Status of Power here! I'll explain it to you once we get to the Emporium"

Vox nodded hesitantly by the girl's speech, as they head towards Cannibal Town, Rosie placed both of you down again infront of her Emporium. "We're here! Come in Come in!" Rosie welcomed gladly.

Vox opened the door for you. "Ladies first" He smiled charismatically. "Oh... Thanks, Mr Vox" You thanked and walked in.

Rosie walked in and pushed a reddish figure infront of you. "I present to you THE Radio Demon! Isn't he just adorable? He just died in the 1933!" The Radio Demon tilted his head at you and smiled intriguingly. His radio filtered voice filled the room.

"Well well well... What do we got here?"

♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now