♡29. 𝘼 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙚𝙚𝙨!♡

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No One's POV:

"Alright, then It's settled, Sandwich for you today it is then"

You tip toed staring at the screen, almost drooling on Vox's Shoulder, he just chuckled at your reaction. You fiddled your nails on his suit as the platform rises up. 

Cut to an elevator with a smiling Vox with the world bubble saying 'trust us!', before opening to reveal a frowning Vox in the same position, sighing, and then putting on a smile for a crowd of reporters that overlap one another before pointing their microphones to him.

He whispered you to stay close behind him in public. "Mr. Vox! What are your thoughts about the new extermination deadline?" A Reporter asked.

"My dear people! We at VoxTek Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation. And now, with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus, to your protection. We are pleased to announce-" The screen zooms to him and an ad featuring the VoxTek logo, now gold and with angelic wings, with the tagline reading. "VoxTek Angelic Security is coming soon! Trust us, with YOUR safety"

Vox uses his left eye to hypnotize the crowd the same way as his consumers. His Manager shown up and looked at his clipboard nervously.

"Uh sir, when did we begin working on Angelic Security?" Vox's smile turned into an annoyed frown drastically as his manager followed him from behind slowly, scared. 

"30 seconds ago" Vox replied, walking off holding your hand softly. 

"Try to get that bitch Carmillo on the books and cancel all my appointments today. I have a fire to put out upstairs" He then morphs his body into electricity and generates itself into the security camera on the wall.

You stopped mid in the hallways. Then looked at the manager. "What... Uh-... Where did Vox go?" The Manager flinched and ran away. You shrugged and flew upstairs since he didn't gave you an answer.


Cutting to Velvette's studio. You stood from the balcony and entered the studio, looking around.

The staff cleans everything up as she looks to four designers holding up dresses to show her. 

"Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired. What is this? WRIST RUFFLES?! Is this 1750?! It's not even re-designed like the ones N/n has you stupid clown! BURN IT like the witches who wore it!" She held her temple in annoyance.

"Velvette!" When she heard your voice her bad mood suddenly vanished, she looked up with a big bright smile. 

"N/n! There's she is! My Favourite Personal Model and BFF! I got us some Starbucks! Let's Have a small chat about the new trend you move in your streams!" She hugged you, thinking that she could finally have some alone time with you.


As she sends the designer away, Vox appears next to her. "Velvette! I can see you're busy. Tell me, where's our hot-headed friend now?" He said it half-heartedly and sarcastically, implying the fact that he was the one with you today.

Velvette's frown was shown on her face and pointed Vox with her phone while holding your hand. "Up in his tower, waiting for Our Peachy Baby Girl and a flat-faced prince to calm him down!"

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, Vox sighs tiredly. "And uh, what's got him so out of sorts today?" He forced a smile. 

Workers ran at the background as Velvette pulled out a torned up hand and threw it right away. 

"Who knows? But he tore up my best model! And you know, the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself back together! Melissa! Get over here!" Velvette pointed at the platform angrily. 

Melissa nervously runs onto the platform, and Velvette uses her overlord powers to change her outfit by swiping her hand, one after another until she spots the one she wants. "No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww. *Gasp* Yes! That's the one"

Velvette smiled again, you looked at the dress Melissa was wearing and give it a pursed lips face. The Lolita Dress isn't pretty much like fashionable for markets that's it.

"Doesn't this looks a bit too much?" Velvette turned to look at you when you said that. "I don't know much about fashion, but seeing how Melissa's style is... This dress... Doesn't quite-" 

"N/n, Sugar. I get it, I'll change it. Guess that dress only looks good on me" Velvette took out her understanding part for you and Vox rolled his eyes, then smirked. "Ahh, looks like you have everything under control here" 

"Of course, I do! Fuck you! Now shoo! Take care of the piss baby!" She flipped him off and back faced him, scrolling through her phone.

"Ta-Ta N/n, Love you Darling"-Velvette.


Vox took you upstairs and are greeted by two moth demons who open the door for you both. Once you entered, you find Valentino sitting on his couch surrounded by a fog of red smoke. 

When Val notices You and Vox, he sits up with fury in his eyes. "Fucking FINALLY!" He threw his drink. "Kitty! Another Drink!"

The Robo Fizz you felt so much guilt for next to Val nods as it quickly heads off screen and re-appears with the drink. 

"Ugh! Can you believe what that piece of shit did? THE UNGRATEFUL WHORE!!!" As he speaks, he tosses the drink at Vox, who moves away making the drink, hits the door, and shatters on the floor.

"Uh, which... One are we talking about this time?" You asked, slowly hiding behind Vox as he covered you with on arm.

"Fucking Angel Dust!" Val got up. "Who the hell else would I be talking about, N/n?!" He walks near Vox, who raised his brow. 

"Hey, no raising voices at the girl. You know the rules, Val" He scrolled his phone as Val continued walking back and forth.

He squished your cheeks and calmed down a bit. "That fucking SLUT walked out on me! ME! I fucking made him!" Val pointed at himself as he got near Vox.

Vox walks a bit away as you flew to the couch slowly with your little wings. "Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes" 

Angry squeaks were heard through Val's joints. He walked up to you and hugged you as if you were some stress relieving plushie. "At least N/n would never leave me right?" He pouted, making puppy eyes at you.

"Well, I did move back and forth-" "Anyways, you've chose to stay with us anyhow" Val put his chin over your head, nuzzling his cheek with your h/c hair, smiling, feeling Healed.

"Oh! Angel quit?"

♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now