♡6. 𝙂𝙤𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙖?♡

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No one's POV:

"The fuck is a Slut from Lust doing here? Hey, you know this bitch? YoUr HiGhNeSs"

The Imp mocked the little Owl boy but it was still a threat, tears formed in the boys eyes and rolled down. 

Just then, you jumped high in the sky and kicked the Imp against the wall, she gripped the other Imp by the collar. 

"Shit!" The Imp yelled out and stabbed your arm with a knife he had, your eye twitched a bit in pain but slammed him to the ground and hit him consecutively with your unharmed arm.

Both Imps were unconscious. You sighed unamused, then looked at the Owl boy and his Butler, you took him with your arms softly and ran away from that place to an alleyway.

I have to get stronger if I want to become an Overlord and... To be safe down here...


You sat on the ground and pulled out your Candy Jar. "Ahhhh... That was scary.. I'm bleeding so much" You eat a candy and contains it inside your mouth until it melts.

"Uh... Here, please treat your injury with this" The Little Boy gave her a fabric, she looked over at him and smiled. "Thank you little Buddy" She patted his feathery head and cleaned her wound.

"...That...That was so cool! T-Thank you for... Saving me Miss!" The small boy said in an Elegant accent, which reminds you somehow of British accent even if it's not British.

She stared at the boy's apparence, a Goetia with a white, heart-shaped facial disk, small black beak, slicked back grey-blue feathers, thin limbs, and two pairs of red eyes, one set atop the other, with no visible irises or pupils. He was dressed in a fine red tunic with puffy white sleeves and black pants, and had a plume of feathers trailing behind him.


Your lips curved up into a smile and hugged him as the butler walked towards you and withdrew your hands. "Young Prince! Do not! Let these Hellborns touch you!"

"It's fine! It's fine! She's a really nice lady! Oh, What's your name? What's your name?" He asked you eagerly. "Call me Y/n, Uh..." "I'm Stolas! The Prince of the Ars Goetia Family!" You already like this small little boy, you even offered him your Candy Jar. "Candy?" 

"Oh! I would absolutely love some sugar!" He then withdrew his hand hesitantly. "But... Father told me to not consume things from stranger...!" "Well... Just this time won't hurt right?" You shook the Candy Jar a bit, making the treats inside move as well.

Then he hold your hands as he smiled happily. "You must meet my father! I'm sure you'll get rewarded by saving me just now!" He didn't seems to have answered your question.


ºAt the Mansionº


Staring at the building, you just couldn't help but stare. The mansion is a regal burgundy colored building that turns into a deep blue with violet tones during the night mimicking a night sky. 

Its windows are elegant and tall with pink stained glass, which light long corridors filled with plant vases, which are probably carnivourous.

A common theme is astrology with many star and moon patterns along with night sky imagery on the ceilings. it also has glyph carved in several places such as the balconies, which glows blue during the night.

I don't know how much food I can buy with just the money used on this mansion...

"Come in Come in! Father will be so pleased to see you here! I just absolutely know it!" Stolas took your hand and dragged you inside. "Young Prince, His Highness is a very busy man, and will likely not visit until your birthday tomorrow" The Imp Butler spoke as he followed from behind, his face remaining neutral.

"It's best not to bother him right now. I suggest you wait until tomorrow to speak with him about this woman" You stared at the Imp and tilted your head. "I have a name y'know? It's Y/n!" The Butler just rolled his eyes for a breif momment.

Well, he maybe just had a bad day... That's why he's so ignorant...?

Stolas's gaze was shown that he has rather upset hearing the news about his father absent.  As you were walked towards the hallways, you've noticed that The mansion is full of paintings of Stolas's family in the manner of old aristocratic families.

You stared at Stolas in pity, wanting to make him feel better. And what makes YOU feel better? EAT!

"Well, I'm starving after all that fight!" You asked happily and stared at Stolas. "Stolas, how about we hang out for the rest of the afternoon? I don't have anything to do for the momment!"

Ah yes, you totally forgot that you were in Pride cause you wanted to visit Charlie. Stolas blinked up at you with those large red eyes of his before a smile split his face. "Of course! Come come!" 

With a childlike innocence to his gaze, he grabbed your Pastel Pink hand once more and began to lead down the hallway in the opposite direction, this time entering a room with pale pink linoleum floors and expansive, floor to ceiling bookcases crammed with novels, encyclopedias, and journals. 

Stolas eagerly and quite quickly began to show off his favorite books to you, including one on botany, a topic of interest of his that he would hold onto once he ages. 

Of course, you didn't understand anything he said until he explained it to you. 


At night, you took Stolas to his bedroom that the walls was filled with constelations and zodiac signs. "I'm so excited for tomorrow Y/n! Because it'll be my birthday!" 

"Of course Stolas, who wouldn't be excited for their birthday?" She sat him in his bed, and he gripped on the blanket tugging it happily.

"Story time! Story time! Oh! Now that I think about it, you must know some story from the Human world right? Tell me about it Tell me about it!" You blinked like a frog for a momment and then thought about a story.

"How about... Uh..." You was trying to recall a story or a plot, then it hit you an idea. "Ok, this talks about a boy who was in debt of money because of his father and met an Chainsaw Demon to help him with the living!"


♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now