♡30. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙣?♡

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No One's POV:

"NO! He didn't fucking quit! It's worse!"

Vox's slight smile of amusement suddenly vanished when Val denied his saying, Val took Vox's phone. 

"He MOVED!!!" As he says that, he tosses Vox's phone to the wall making it shatter in half, The noise startled you. 

"NOT EVEN N/N IS STUPID ENOUGH TO MOVE PERMANENTLY!! He thinks he can just walk in here, work, and then go home somewhere else? Can you FUCKING believe that?!" You gasped in shock by Val's wording.

I believe that he's insulting my IQ

Val walked towards the closet with a furious expression. "He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter!" Vox looks confused and looked at you.

"Angel is... living with Lucifer's daughter?" He wanted you to comfirm it, you nodded and Vox rolled his eyes. "Well Fuck..." He sighed.

"YEAH! That BITCH Chuckie or Chandler, or I dunno- Something mannish like that, she's got this hotel and—" "It's Charlie, Val!" Val remains in silent for a second, and tried to sound cheerful for you.

"Yes yes! I know, Dulzura!... Anyways-" His tone relaxed after hearing your voice. He opens the closet full of guns, drugs, and pictures including a poster of himself. 

Valentino brings up two long pistol guns: a long revolver and a semi-pistol. "Which of these makes me look sexier?~" He turns back from the closet. 

"The larger one, I think?" You tilted your head curiously, heading towards Val. "Aw~ You flatter me N/n. That's why You're my favourite Succubitch you know that?~" He squished your cheek after making a baby voice.

You remain in silent by that nickname he gave you and side eye him with a smile, laughing dryly. 

"Heh. What are you doing, Val? You're not going over there" Vox threatened, then he eyed you, who were looking for some snacks, he sighs and turned back to Val.

"Not... With N/n here" His left eye changes to show his simmering anger, but Valentino is busy loading his guns.

"That slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone in that rancid shit hole, I swear to god!" Your body shudder when you heard Val who he was gonna swear at.

"Val! Stop! That- I founded that Hotel as well!" You furrowed your brows, visibly angry. Val pursed his lips and chuckled nervously.

"Ah!- I- Uh- Dulzura, well- It's not a shit hole is-... Um... Hm..." Val doesn't know what to say to save what he just cursed at. Before he finishes, Vox grabs him by the collar and shoves him to his face, clearly furious.

Vox's voice Distorted, he didn't want to look so threatening infront of you but Val was challenging his limits. "V̵̧͖͙̲̯̞͇̲͔̤͊̔͌͂͆͑́́̑͒͝Ą̵̺̰̻̻͔͇͓̈́̓͛̏̈́͌͋̄̑͆̏L̷͖͈̓͌̎̉͒͗͂̓̌̚͝-" He calms down and chuckles.

"Hehe. Think about it" Vox then walks you and Valentino towards the window, taking away one of his guns and putting it in his pocket, just in case you take something so dangerous and risk your safety.

Vox couldn't let that happen, you were chosen by him, he made the right decision by choosing you. You've gone through a lot with him to create this Empire with together, he couldn't risk it.

(Fun Fact: There'll be a lot of Obvious Lore intended, feel free to discover them)

"Our brand is, perfection. And what do you think chasing whores around town will, do for our image?" He hugged him by the arms and you by the waist with his other hand.

"Um.....fuck it up?"-Valentino.

A stereotypical 'winning' ding is played. Vox hung his arm on Val's neck now. "Right! Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees?" "No!" Val protested, Vox let him go but he didn't let you go.

He walked into a safe distance for you and set you there, giving you a chocolate chips cookie. You started to eat while Vox walked towards Val.

"Exactly! And hey, you still have him under contract. He isn't going anywhere! SO...you should..." He raised an eyebrow at the tallest male there, who hesitantly stared back at Vox.

"Do nothing?"-Valentino.

Vox hang his arm around his neck again, dragging him down. Val was surprised even when Vox squished his cheek like how the both of them does to you.

A sound like winning at a casaino is played. "Great idea! Now that's why they pay you the Big bucks" Valentino crossed his lower arms and took out a pipe out of his red robe.

"Ugh. But I really wanted to shoot someone" He said irritated. You stopped munching on the cookies and gave Val a big hug. "How about a hug instead? Killing too much is bad for the head!"

That physical touch was well-pleasing for Val's mental health, he smiled softly and patted your soft h/c locks. "You're such a good listener and counsoler, Dulzura~..." 

He nuzzled his cheek on your hair. "You were already this caring ever since our first meeting..." 

He then clapped his hand. "Oh that's right! I almost forgot!"

He demanded Kitty to get him something. "KITTY! THE BOX I BOUGHT! RIGHT NOW!" Kitty went towards the closet and took out a small box with 4 holes.

"Happy Anniversary Darling! I got this thing just for you!" Val passed you the box with 2 hands, crouching slightly

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"Happy Anniversary Darling! I got this thing just for you!" Val passed you the box with 2 hands, crouching slightly.

"Wow! A Present! For me? Is it the chocolates I asked for? Oh! Or is it some Strawberry Shortcake? Tiramisu? Oreo Cheesecake?" Your mouth started to water as you undid the bow tie, while Vox silently noted down those desserts you said on his phone for your dinner tonight.

Val just chuckled, he was already unimpressed by you thinking just food. But a small chipping sound was heard in the box, you hurriedly opened up, and gasped in shock.

 But a small chipping sound was heard in the box, you hurriedly opened up, and gasped in shock

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(Just imagine it with black horns and neon reddish lights for eyes)

"No way... A Chicken?" You were dying of cuteness, Vox eye the gift and snapped photos. "This thing is cute" 

You yelled in happiness and carefully carressed the baby chicken in your hands, twirling around. Val just chuckled and took you by the waist and spinned you around while Vox video recorded you both with his face and send it silently to Velvette.

'I hope we can always stay like this for eternity...'-Vox.


♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now