♡13. 𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙚!♡

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No One's POV:

ºPride Ring Human Year in the Early 2000'sº

Time has passed, you founded Video Games in Hell for bigger Entertaintment purposes in the 1958 Human Years. 

It made Vox take the advantage of pulling you to his side, and make you be the first one to join the Vees. After some years, you were the boss behind the scene as Vox was the CEO who took the spotlight.

And he never forgets to give you the credits everytime a new game is pushed to the public. You were the one being biased.

Now, the Vees are the biggest influence through Pride Ring after Valentino and Velvette joined. While your popularity have spread to the other Rings. 

Off topic, tho you're the oldest chronologically, in terms of biological age you were the youngest among The Vees.



Valentino and Velvette both gasped in shock. You were doing push ups, facing the window.

 "Yeah, didn't you hear? It's in Mint City, in Greed Ring. I have 2 tickets for me and the Princess for that Mammon's Stage Performance" You annouced.

"There's other places in Hell than the Pentagram City?" Velvette's British accent hit hard while Val was confused. 

"Voxxy! Why didn't you tell us anything about it!?" Vox narrowed his eyes at Val and rolled his eyes. 

"I've told you guys. You both just never listened, it's not important anyways. We CAN'T get to other Rings so we have Y/n" Valentino sunk on the sofa. "Booh! You're no fun!... Does that mean N/n can take us to Lust?~" He hugged you with his 4 arms.

"No Val, and even if I could. Asmodeus would rip your Dick off by your business" He pouted again and hugged you even tighter. 

"Well, what's with that stupid stage performace anyways? You could've spend the day with us! I already promised to not do anything to you in a sexual way!" He exclaimed, then mumbled. "A shame tho..."

I'm not taking his crap

"Yeah! You can totally ditch that Bimbo Princess and be with us! It's not like she'll hate you just because of that!" Velvette opened her arms, then looked at you with puppy eyes. "Come on N/n! Pr-etty Pl-ease!"

You remained unfazed since they've used this trick many times. 

Right, and maybe most of you readers forgot about what I've putted on Character's Info but you have the ability of Fortune Tell, and you don't use this power with frecuency since it'll weaken your body condition everytime.

You pointed at both Velvette and Vox. "Both of you, Come here. I'll give you both an amulet to avoid death, you both have a Dark shade of red cross on your Physiognomy" Vox jumped out of the sofa and went towards you and extended his hand alongside Velvette.

Valentino watched at how you took out 2 amulent from your seat and started to whisper something. He mentally thanked you for helping them survive the Extermination Day every year. "What about me N/n? Do I have any amulet?" Val wenttilted his head at you.

You fidget your fingers and hummed. "Hmm... Nope, nothing unlucky going for you today. You should try and get Travis to work, the next film you make seems to have a Good Fortune" That answer made Val's face brighten up and wiggled his legs happily.

"Aww~ I always love how you predict everything N/n~! Velvette, go and get her dressed!"


♡𝚅𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙾 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁♡//𝙷𝙷 & 𝙷𝙱Where stories live. Discover now