Hold on! Is it over?

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Ajax woke up it was dark, he went outside to the shed it was his shift now, but when he got there the door was open, Bianca on the ground waking up he quickly walked next to her"what happened ?!" He asked worridly Bianca responded "they took her, they took Wednesday, tyler and Mrs. Tornhill, Enid is with them, they went to crackstones grave, go save that damn girl!" Bianca ordered him and ajax ran away to crackstones grave,

 when he got there the scene was heartbreaking, Enid and Wednesday lieing next to eachother unconscious, they had their fingers interweaved "no no no no no no" he said and went to kneel next to Wednesday when he saw the knife

"Wednesday, wake up" he gave little slaps on her face trying to wake her up, it didn't work there was a lot of blood, there was no way she surviving this, he moved next to Enid, he turned her around so she was laying on her back "Enid, please wake up I can't lose you too, please wake up" he said with tears forming in his eyes, he thought they were both gone he just kneeled there and cried, that when he saw Enid starting move slowly, she opened her eyes, ajax had a smile on his face
"Ajax? What happened?" 

She sat up
Enid didn't know what happened she didn't remembered anything, only Mrs. Tornhill capturing her, Enid looked around and saw Wednesday, her Wednesday laying in a pool of blood

"Wednesday? Wednesday!" She moved a bit so she was now completely next to her "please baby wake up, it can't end like, don't leave me" she said while crying, she pulled Wednesday into her lap, and held her while she cried "but how are you okay? You've been poisoned" Ajax Said while he was thinking,
"It's because she's a werewolf, and my daughter is smart, her body fought it"

 Mortica said as she entered the grave Both Enid and Ajax looked up "what are you doing in here?" Enid asked between the sobbing "I had a vision exactly of this,
Don't worry I came prepared"

 Mortica said and pulled out a jar of liquid it was blackish-purpuleish "open her mouth" she said and Enid did what she was asked, Morticia kneeled down next to her daughter, "I'm sorry for this my storm cloud" said and pulled out the knife, first she put some of the liquid on the wound, and it almost immediately started to scar

Then the rest of the liquid went into Wednesdays mouth, Enid made her swallow it, "I'm going to check on Bianca" Ajax said and Mortica went with him to help him if it's needed now leaving Enid with a half dead Wednesday, when five minutes passed and there was still nothing Enid worried even more, she was crying very hard, then suddenly Wednesday grabbed her hand, and held it tight,

 Enid opened her eyes she thought she was dreaming, but it wasn't a dream, she woke up "your okay!" Enid let out happy tears and hugged Wednesday tight "I'm okay, and I see your okay too" they both stood up, and Enid pulled Wednesday into another hug, 

"I don't know how but I'm okay" The she-wolf spoke, when they pulled away "I know why are you okay, my mother told me how the antidote looks like and when, that bitch brought me here, I santched it from her pocket, and injected into you when you passed out"

 Enid couldn't believe this, Wednesday saved her again, "I just love you so much" the she-wolf said while they looked into each others eye, "I love you too, but we should go" Enid nodded and they left the grave and walked back to nevermore, students were running and screaming for their lives, and crackstone was chasing and killing them, 

"go find ajax and the others" Wednesday told Enid, "are you sure?" The she-wolf asked the smaller girl and Wednesday nodded and Enid left to find the others, now Wednesday was left there alone with crackstone
"How are you still alive?" He asked pointing at Wednesday "I'm not easy to kill" she replied , crackstone was furious, Wednesday had no weapon to fight with, "this is no fair like this" she said and crackstone threw a sword in front of her "then let's make it fair" 

he laughed, she picked up the sword, they began to fight, they were equally good, that was until the crackstones magic stick and Wednesday's sword hit each other too hard and Wednesday's sword broke into little piece, she looked at the broken sword in her hand, he threw Wednesday on the ground with his magic ability,

 he walked over to her and he was about to show his stick through her heart "your not so tough after all" he almost succeeded, but then her broken sword went through crackstones heart, he vanished into little pieces, and Bianca was standing there with the sword in her hand,

she helped Wednesday up and they saw her mother ajax and Enid coming in her way, when they finally got there Enid Literally jumped into her arms and hugged her tight

"It's over mio amato" everyone cheered they won, or thought they did,
Mrs. Tornhill walked in with a gun in her hand, 

"it's not over until I kill you Wednesday Addams!" She shouted as she walked closer, Wednesday stood right in front of the gun, it touched her chest "do it pull the trigger" she said in a calm voice 

"Wednesday what are you doing?" Enid asked and tried to get closer but Wednesday put her hand up to stop her, Mrs. Tornhill pulled the trigger but no bullet nothing, she tried again and again, but nothing "not so smart after all, I took the bullets out when you weren't looking"

 Wednesday said and quickly snatched the gun from her and hit her in the face, so hard that she blacked out immediately 

"your so stupid! It could've gone really worse" Wednesday turned around to look at Enid "but it didn't" she smiled then all of them walked away, the police took tyler and Mrs. Tornhill straight into jail

Xavier finally woke up from his come, ajax was really happy about that, and they could finally do that double date they planned before the disaster, the last semester was cancelled because Nevermore was ruined, Enid stayed st Wednesday's house for the whole time, 

she didn't care about her parents anymore, she just wanted to be with her loved one, and that was Wednesday, and the goth girl felt the same for the she-wolf

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