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"No I'm not naming my kid david" Enid said with a laugh at the end, it was morning and she was sitting on the bed, while Wednesday was in the bathroom "why it's an accurate name for a male baby" the goth girl replied

She walked out, and saw Enid sitting on the bed with a smile on her face, Wednesday walked in front of her and put her hand on the she-wolfs belly
"I don't like that name" Enid said

She put her hand over her lovers "okay we can choose another" Wednesday said with a sigh in the end "we should ask your parents" Enid got the idea and Wednesday just nodded

They walked downstairs, and found their parents at the dinning table eating breakfast "hey you two" grandmama greeted them, they haven't told the family that Enid is pregnant "we have some news"

Wednesday said and looked around "well go on darling" Mortica said with a smile on her face "Enid is pregnant"
The goth girl said and sat down, everyone went hug Enid

After that they all sat down "oh you must be super hungry, let me get more food for you" grandmama said and disappeared into the kitchen
"We actually want some boy names, we can't decide what name should we give if it's a boy"

Wednesday smiled, and nodded her parents began thinking "if it's a girl?" Gomez asked and looked at Enid "we thought about Emma" there was a little pause then Wednesday continued

"Actually Mortica Emma Addams, will be the full name" the goth girl said and her mother couldn't be more happy about that name "what about Adrian?" Pugsley asked with a smile

"Or Mark?" Gomez asked and the girls looked at each other "we'll think about it, thank you" grandmama got back from the kitchen with two plates of food

Enid didn't mind it all, she was actually very hungry, she already finished her food that was in front of her, she gladly took the other two plates and began eating

After they finished breakfast, Enid and Wednesday decided to go and get some food that Enid was craving they went to Jericho and walked into the shop "so what do you want?"

Wednesday asked and looked at Enid who was already looking around "I don't know" she got some pickles and cheese, and some ice cream three different flavors just to be sure

Then she got some chocolate milk, and some cookies, while Wednesday went to get ink to her typewriter she wondered to the baby section and saw a little dress, she immediately fell in love with it

And put it in the cart, then she choosed out more baby clothes, for boys and girls, she also got diapers and some baby bottles, and a few toys
When Wednesday got back she put some papers and ink in the cart

She saw all of the items Enid had put there, but didn't said anything she only had a light smile on her face, they went to pay it was expensive and Enid wanted to pay but Wednesday didn't let her

After that they went home and showed the things they bought to Mortica and Gomez they were both happy, Pugsley said 'it will be like I have a sister or a brother ' with a big smile on his face

They walked upstairs and out the things down "where will be the baby's room?" Enid asked with a curious look on her face "don't worry we have one"
Wednesday said and took her hand

She led Enid into a room that had a baby bed in it "this is it? We definitely have to decorate it" the she-wolf said as she looked around the room

A full black room with one window and one baby bed, the goth girl nodded and they walked back to their room "baby can you bring me some pickles?" Enid asked as she layed down on the bed

Wednesday nodded and walked out, a few minutes later she was back with a jar of pickles in her hands, she gave it to Enid who Started eating them "thank you baby" she said with a smile

The goth girl layed down next to her, and Enid wanted to kiss her hut Wednesday pulled away "no, not until you brush your teeth" the goth girl said, And Enid pouted "please one kiss"

She begged and Wednesday gave in and kissed her lover, it was quick but she definitely tasted the pickles on her lips, they decided to watch a movie

Half hour later Enid was already asleep, Wednesday turned off the laptop and pulled Enid closer to her and put her arms around her, then soon she fell asleep too

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