Chapter 5 - A New Face

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Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this :) I know I said something was going to happen didn’t quite work out like that. I wanted to get this up so you’ll just have to wait a little longer for the interesting bit. Thank you everyone who has read this far :)

I sat in school, waiting for the lesson to begin. I enjoyed school more when I wasn’t so tired that my eyes kept shutting, but it didn’t mean I enjoyed it so I sat, staring out of the window. Charlie wasn’t in my Geography, and I didn’t really know that many people in my class, so I took the window seat and stared at the branches of a tree and the roof of the next building across from us. Mr Taylor rapped his ruler on the board and I grudgingly tore my eyes away from the window and looked towards the front. I saw a boy with black hair standing at the front, hands in pockets, looking at the floor. New kid, I thought.  “Today, class, we have a new student joining us!” Mr Taylor was quite young, always enthusiastic to the point that it became tiring. He thought, because he was young, he could be informal and try to be our friends. It didn’t really work for him. “This is Lewis, he’s just moved from...well, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?” Lewis looked up from the floor and stared at us all. His amber eyes seemed to shine, almost unnaturally, giving him a slightly haunted look.  “Well, I’ve lived in a lot of different places. We move around a lot and...yeah. My dad’s job includes quite a lot of travelling and I’m not sure how long I’ll be staying.”

“We hope you’ll be happy here, how ever long you stay.”

“Thank you.” Said Lewis. There was a knock at the door and a teacher came in, asking if Mr Taylor had a moment. “Take a seat, Lewis.” He said “I won’t be a moment, guys.”  We sit in rows of four and there was a space between me and a girl called Sarah. Mr Taylor let us sit where we wanted as long as we sat boy girl boy girl, the school’s policy. “Hi.” I said as Lewis sat down.

“Hi, Lewis!” Said Sarah a little too excitedly, I just about refrained from rolling my eyes “I’m Sarah!” Typical girl. Lewis looked at me, the question clear on his face “Lily.” I said with less vigour “how do you like it here?”

“Where did you move from again?” Piped up Sarah.

“It’s nice, I’ve not really seen much of the place but it seems alright.” I didn’t even realise he dodged Sarah’s question. “I could show you around,” said Sarah “I know all the best places to go. You doing anything tonight?” I don’t think Sarah noticed either. Either that, or she didn’t really care.

“Yeah, sorry. My parents want me home. Maybe some other time?”

“Alright.”  I didn’t really get to talk to Lewis any more that lesson, I wasn’t really that bothered though. I’m not one of these people who went trying to be best friends with the new kid, but I’ll help them out if they want anything. When the bell rang, I slung my bag over my shoulder and stood up, my ears buzzing with the general conversation of people. “Hey, Lily, right?” Said Lewis, looking at me.

“Yes.” I said, not really sure what else to say.

“You don’t happen to know where M7 is, do you?”

“I’m going there now. Maths with Miss White?”

“I think so.” Lewis shrugged, looking nervous.

“Well, you can come with me. It’s hard getting finding your way around at first, but it gets easier after the first week.” We arrived at M7, the door was still closed and I knew better than to go in uninvited. Only a few people had arrived and I leaned against the wall with its peeling paint, getting out my phone and switching it off. Miss White really didn’t care for phones going off in her lesson and I wasn’t about to take any chances. Charlie arrived and wouldn’t have even noticed me if I hadn’t prodded him in the arm. “Oh, hi” he said, smiling.

“Charlie this is Lewis, he’s new today.” I said, feeling a little sorry for Lewis who was looking lost “and, Lewis, this is Charlie.” I paused and then hurriedly added “my best friend.” People always seemed to get the wrong impression. “Hi,” said Charlie, scanning Lewis’s face “where are you from?”

“My parent’s move around a lot. I can’t really say I’m from anywhere anymore, I’ve never been attached to a certain place.”

“You think you’ll stay here long?”

“Can’t tell. It depends-“ Before Lewis could finish whatever he had been about to say, Miss White ushered us all inside. As we walked in Charlie whispered in my ear “upset. Torn. Scared.”

“What?” I said, flicking my eyes to look at him.

“Lewis. I don’t like it. I don’t know what it is, but I’m not getting involved.” Just as I was sitting down Charlie said “and don’t think you are either.” I couldn’t concentrate that lesson, I tapped my pen against my book, not paying attention. I kept glancing across the room at Charlie, but he never looked at me. I caught Lewis’s eye once, he smiled at me and I turned away, clenching my fist under the desk. Charlie hadn’t ever told me this directly, but I knew he could do it. When he met people, he could get a certain feel about them. Sometimes just vague feelings, sometimes something more. It was something to do with his seeing ghosts and souls and things. I don’t really understand it. What had he meant when he said those words? Upset...torn...scared. I knew what he meant. I knew that’s what he felt when he saw Lewis. But why? What was behind it?

Author’s Note: Well, a mysterious new boy starts school. I’m sure you can probably guess he has a part to play in all of this, my summary kind of gave that away ^_^ Anyway, this chapter was just a sort of ‘meet Lewis’ thing. I promise you another nightmare scene in the next chapter. There hasn’t been one for a while and I noticed that people seem to like them so I thought I’d mention it. Something to look forward to (I hope.) Anyway, thank you everyone for reading :) All of your comments are much appreciated.  

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