Chapter 15 - The Gateway to the Place in Between

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Author’s Note: And the chapter you’ve been waiting for :) Hope you enjoy it and I hope it was worth the wait.

 “Lost?” I said, shocked “why is he lost?”

 “Don’t ask me,” said Charlie shrugging “all I know that is he isn’t a ghost and he hasn’t crossed over. He’s somewhere between life and death. “

 “How are we meant to get to him then?”

 “Well...we could but...”


 “It’s a bit risky. You don’t know if you’re going to be able to come back or not. I know how to go but...” Charlie frowned for a moment and then his eyes lit up and he addressed the ghost. “How much are you willing to do for this deal?”

 The ghost wrote on the mirror ‘I WILL DO ANYTHING I CAN. I AM DEAD. I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.’

 “That’s what I was afraid of,” muttered Charlie. “Ok. Here’s the deal. I’ll open the gateway to the place in between-“

 “Charlie!” I said, panicking.

 “If you go and check something out for us whilst your there.”


 “You can go through the gate. I’ll give you one day and then I’ll open the gate again and you can bring your murderer through again and our information.”

 “But Charlie-“

 “Don’t, Lily. Just don’t. Just...listen to me for once, ok?” I nodded and Charlie took a deep breath “deal?”


 “Charlie, please, you don’t have to do this.”

 “But I do.” He said, looking at me, right in the eyes. “You’ve had your fair share of reckless actions, now it’s my turn.” I was about to open my mouth when Charlie cut me off “anyway, I’m not going through the gate. I’m just opening it. But I can’t do it alone. I’m going to need some help.” I chewed my lip, indecision gnawing at my heart.  I wanted to help Charlie, I did, but I didn’t want to put him in danger either. But...if I didn’t help, he’d probably only try doing it himself.  “Fine.” I said, gritting my teeth “I’ll do it. But I’m not happy.”

 “It’ll be fine, I promise.”

 “I’ll hold you to that.” I said, a small smile at the corner of my mouth.

 “Ok, are you ready?” He said to the thin air.


 Three letters. That was it. I clutched Charlie’s hand “hurry up and do whatever it is you have to do.”

 “I think you’d better stand behind me.” He said.

 “Why?” I asked suspiciously.

 “I don’t want you getting sucked into the gate do I? You don’t know how to get out.”

 “You never told me-“

 “You never asked.” He said, untangling my fingers from his. I grumbled to myself as I wrapped my arms around his middle. 

 “You know, if you get sucked in then I’m coming with you.” I said, gripping tighter.

 “No, because you’re going to let go.” Said Charlie sternly. “I mean it Lily, I can’t get us both out of there.”

 “Then we’ll just stay there together,” I mumbled.

 “No. Lily, you let go, don’t you even think about keeping a hold if something goes wrong.” I nodded. “I want to hear you say it.”

 “I will let go if something goes wrong,” I rolled my eyes even though Charlie couldn’t see me.

 “Then let’s begin.”  I wasn’t really sure what was going on since Charlie was blocking my view. The fact I had my eyes closed didn’t help much either.  There was such a blinding light, I didn’t have much choice but to keep my eyes shut. Then it was done. I cautiously opened my eyes and Charlie said “he’s gone.” For some reason I felt awfully dizzy and my vision swam “Lily, you can let go now.”

 “Oh, right,” I let go of Charlie only to find the world was spinning around me. My knees buckled.

 “Lily!” Charlie caught my elbow before I fell to the floor. “I’m sorry.”

 “What?” I said, leaning against him.

 “I took too much of your energy.”

 “At least nothing went wrong.”

 “I guess that is something.” He said, helping me up the steps and out of the cellar.

 “What?” I said, noticing his silence.

 “Oh, I don’t know. I can’t help thinking our ghost isn’t going to keep his end of the deal.”

 “Does it matter if he doesn’t?” I said, collapsing on the couch.

 “Well...yes. He’s my only hope of finding out about the ‘lost’.”

 “It’s ok. We’ll fix this.”

 “How do you know?”

 “Well...those disasters that happen. They never happen to people like us. It has to be alright.”

 Charlie laughed at that “I like your thinking, Lily. I like it.”

 That night, I sat at home on my computer researching everything I could about life after death, ghosts and other unexplained events. There was nothing. There was nothing about soul stealers apart from novels and films. I played with the strings on my dream catcher and sighed “you weren’t much use were you,” I muttered to myself “but I guess...they weren’t really dreams.”

 I got up and closed my curtains but, before I did, I stared out into the night. The quiet street, not a single person...only shadows. I shivered and drew the curtains tighter, remembering how Lewis had looked at the shadows and said they were lost. Is that what happened when you were lost? Did you become a shadow? I looked at the clock on the wall which read 11:50. I sighed, flicked off the light and made my way over to my bed. Before I clambered in I noticed my curtains were open. Funny, I thought I closed those. I walked over and pulled them tight, talk about déjà vu. Then I felt something, something behind me. Something pressed against my neck and I drew in a sharp breath.

 “Miss me?”

 Author’s Note:  Yes, this is where it ends and no, it isn’t a mistake. Sorry xD Really shouldn’t have left it there but, I really couldn’t resist. It’s a little worse than the last chapters ending but, for me, it’s great. I get to watch you suffer-I excited :) Hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to hearing from you.

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