Chapter 10 - Lost Shadows

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Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this, things are starting to get interesting ;)

It was 11:30pm. I was stood outside my house in the cold. In the dark. I was crazy. Mad. But I was going. I was going to meet Lewis in the park a little way off from my house. I was going. I’m sorry Charlie, so sorry. But I have to do this. I made my way to the park whilst apologising in my head...but to whom? Were my pleas for forgiveness really for Charlie...or for me? Was it my conscience that needed reassuring? I shook my head and glanced at my watch. Ten minutes to midnight. Well, I was on time, that was one good thing.

I saw a figure sitting on a bench a little way off, head bent. Lewis. I clenched my fist and gathered my nerves then walked over to meet him. He looked up and I almost chickened out there and then, those glowing amber eyes weren’t...human. “You came.” He said, his voice calm and level. There was no emotion.

“Yes. I did.” I sat down beside him “so, are you going to tell me what’s going on? There had better be a good reason for me coming out at this time!”

“I’m sorry but...he’s watching. He’s always watching. I don’t know...I don’t know how to get away. How long I have left.”

“Who is he?” I said, thinking this mysterious person might have something to do with my dreams.

“He’s not really a he...more of an it. He hurts me, keeps me...” Lewis trailed off, tears glistening in his eyes. “I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to get away. I can’t help thinking I’m going to be a prisoner forever.” As Lewis spoke, I couldn’t help but think how much the tree branched looked like claws. Ready to reach out and grab me. But the shadows...I shivered. The shadows were just plain scary.

 “I can help you. You just have to tell me how. How did you get involved in all this?” Lewis stood up and walked forward, I followed him. “Lewis, I can’t do anything until you tell me what’s wrong.” I said, frustrated. Feeling as if I was wasting my time.  Lewis stopped in a clearing and looked off into the distance.

“You can see them there,” he said, pointing into the distance “you can see them all. Writhing and crying and screaming. They’re all lost.” He looked at me, his eyes so cold and hard I almost looked away. “I’ll be like that soon. Once he’s done with me. Once my usefulness is over...I’ll be lost too.”


“Look at them! Just look at them, Lily. Look how they they scream. Don’t you think it’s cruel?”

“Lewis...there’s nothing there. They’re just shadows...”

“You’re just not looking hard enough. Open your eyes.”


“Yes they’re shadows. They may as well be anyway. Shadows of their former selves. Only shadows...” Lewis shook with anger and whispered quietly “is that what you want, Lily? Do you want me to become a shadow?”

“No I-“ I tried to find the right words “I don’t understand.”

“Neither do I. Do you want to help? Are you willing to help me?”

“Yes, of course-“

“In any way possible? You’ll help me, won’t you?”


“Say you’ll help me.”

“I’ll help you.”

“Good.” Lewis smiled, but it wasn’t the sort of smile I liked to see. It was twisted. “You want to know how to help me Lily?”

“Yes. Go on.”

“Give me your soul.”

“Sorry?” I said, taken aback.

“I need your soul. Your soul can set me free or at least...make me one step nearer to getting away. Please...say you’ll give it to me.” I didn’t like the desperation on his face, the pain behind his eyes. I didn’t want to see anyone like this and, even though I had no idea what Lewis was seeing in the shadows, I knew it couldn’t be anything good.

 “Look, I can’t give you my soul.” At one time, I probably would have said ‘yes’ with a laugh and a shake of the head but now, I knew different. I don’t break my promises and I wasn’t about to start now. I might have snuck out without you Charlie but I don’t break my promises. I won’t.

“But you have to.” Said Lewis, his face inches away from mine.

“No,” I stepped back, away from that sinister smile. Lewis’s face changed then, it became softer and sadder. He stepped closer and I didn’t protest “I’m sorry.” He whispered, “I should never have asked you for something like that.” Even though his words seemed genuine, I didn’t like the way his arm curled around my waste and tightened more than I would have liked.

 “’s ok.” I said, uneasy. I couldn’t see his eyes. Lewis’s head was bent forward, his hair falling across his forehead. “Lewis...” I said, not sure of what to do.  Somewhere a clock chimed, its ring echoing in the silence. Midnight.

“I should have just stolen it instead.” Lewis looked up. Red eyes. Blood red eyes. Just like in my dream and, before I could do anything about it, I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw before my head hit the floor was Lewis’s evil smile, his mocking eyes. His blood...or was it mine? Then everything went dark. A dark that was so thick, so intense, I thought I was dead.

Maybe I was.

Maybe I was dead.

Or maybe I was lost.

Author’s Note: So, what did you think? Sorry, cliff hanger there ^_^ Guess I’ll just keep you on the edge until I have the time to upload again. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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