Chapter 22 - The Old Man

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 Author’s Note: We’re actually getting somewhere in this chapter :) Well, you’ll see what I mean when you read it – enjoy :)

 Sometime later, Lewis came back and wordlessly hauled me out of the room. I didn’t struggle. I didn’t complain. Charlie was asleep and I was glad he wasn’t awake to watch. It would have been so much more difficult.  We walked down a long corridor. Not just any corridor though. No. It was the corridor from my dream. I didn’t really want to think about where we were going. I didn’t want to think at all because I was sure that if I did, my imagination would run away with me.  Lewis opened a door to our left and I sighed in relief that we weren’t going to the end...the end where the hands were. The things that grabbed me in the dark. For some reason, I couldn’t help but feel that what was in the room wasn’t much better. “Get in.” Said Lewis, his voice cold. I hesitated, unwilling to put foot into the dark room. Lewis glared at me so I moved, only to find the door being shut behind me. I panicked and rattled the handle but it wouldn’t budge.

The room had whitewashed walls and bare floorboards, the sort that looked as if they were about to give way underneath you at any moment in time. There wasn’t a single piece of furniture in the room it was empty apart from...a figure. A small hunched up figure in the corner of the room.  The light from the window brushed the figures back but his face was hidden. Then he turned. I recognised the body of an old man in an aging robe. His face looked as if he had lived through many centuries, the lines and creases of time clearly standing out. But his eyes looked old beyond compare. They seemed to look through everything but still see it all the same. His expression could have been confused with madness, that vacant look and a stooped, slightly awkward, position.

“Welcome,” said the man, his voice thin and weak. I didn’t say anything, far too stunned to move.  “What is your name, child?”

“Lily.” I just about managed.

“Lily,” said the man, shuffling towards me. “I see you have quite a soul there.” He stopped about a metre in front of me.

“Um...I...” I wasn’t quite sure what to say.

“You must understand, Lily, that I need your soul. But, right now, I can’t have it.” There was a stretch of silence between us. “Come now, child. Feel sorry for an old man.”

I took a step back “you can’t have it. Why do you want it?”

“You have a special soul. A particularly bright soul. So full of life, enough to make anyone like you. I’m sure someone likes you, don’t they?” I nodded. “See, a nice girl like you has plenty of friends but me,” he sighed “I never had any. My soul is just boring, grey. Nobody ever noticed me, liked me. When I died, nobody bothered to remember me. Do you pity me?”

“Well...yes but-“

“Then help me. Give me your soul or at least, let me borrow it. I want a bright soul too, a kind soul...”

“You could have made your soul better if you wanted.” I spat angrily “stop hurting people for your own selfish reasons.”

“Oh, no. I don’t mean it like that. And, no. I couldn’t have changed my soul. Some people are born with one, some people aren’t. I want to help people like me so that they can be loved too. Help me?”

“Liar.” I said, my voice shaking “you’re lying.”

“Me? Lie? Why would I do such a thing like that?”

“Because you’re selfish and a coward! You get other people to do your dirty work for you. Have you finally realised you can’t keep getting other people to steal souls so you’re going to do mine yourself?”

“My dear child, I am not lying. I do not wish to steal your soul, but for you to give it up freely.”

“Why don’t you take it? You didn’t seem to have a problem with it before.”

“I’d like to give you a choice. I’m not the bad person you think I am.”

Realisation dawned upon me “you can’t take it can you?”


“Why?” The old man didn’t say anything. “Why? Or don’t you know? Don’t bother lying to me again because I’m not buying it.”

“I can’t take your soul...unless you give me permission.”

A smug smile set upon my face, masking the fact my heart was beating twice its normal rate. “Well, I’ve got news for you. You can’t have it. I will never give you my soul. Never. So forget it.”

“You will give me your soul. You will. I will go to any means to get it.”

“Thought you couldn’t take it?”

“I can’t.” A twisted smile appeared on the man’s face. “But I can make you give it to me. What wouldn’t you do for your best friend, Lily?”Oh, no...I thought desperately, no, no. Not Charlie. No. The man grinned at me. “Hit a nerve, have I?”

“I don’t feel sorry for you anymore.”

The man laughed but there was no mirth in the sound. It was dry and his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I don’t want your pity. I don’t need it anymore. But, Lily, I wouldn’t worry about your friend just yet. What do you say we do this the easy way? The easy way and nobody gets hurt.”

Tempting as it was to have a guarantee Charlie wouldn’t get hurt...I couldn’t. I’d promised Charlie that I wouldn’t give away my soul and, anyway, who’s to say he wouldn’t get hurt anyway? “I’ll never give you my soul. Never. So get that idea out of your head.”

“Well, if that’s the way you want it.” The man sneered at me and his face seemed to change slightly, shift in the light. “We’ll do this the hard way then. I will have your soul.” Then, before I could do anything to stop him, he lunged at me.

Author’s Note: Just as it was getting good, right? Sorry xD But, yeah, I hope you enjoyed this as a few of the mysteries have unravelled. I’d love to hear what you think and all comments are appreciated. Thanks for staying with me and, don’t worry, even thought this story is drawing to an end, I have another surprise up my sleeve. Thank you for reading :)

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