Chapter 27 - Pain in my Heart

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Author’s Note: Well, I don’t have much else to say apart from – enjoy :) Oh, and, personally, I love this chapter :)

The room I was taken to was dimly lit. There were cages on either side of me, several hands feebly reaching out through the bars. I could see a figure at the end of the room next to a window, what was through that window, I had no idea, all that seemed to come through was light. I walked towards the old man and stopped, waiting for him to turn around. “I’ve been expecting you.” He turned to face me.

“Of course you were. You sent for me.” I said. If it hadn’t been for the situation, I would have groaned at the cliché line.

“Stop being clever and everything will be much better for you. It will be painless. So, have you thought of an answer?”

“An answer to what?” I said, playing for time.

“Will you give me your soul...or do I have to take it?”

“You can’t take it.” I said but when the man’s eyes narrowed at me I said “no. You can’t have it. You won’t have it.”

“Oh, well if that’s the way you want it,” snarled the old man “maybe your friend can help you change your mind...” I could barely look at Charlie shackled to the wall, his wrists bound together, his head tilted down.

“I don’t think so.” I said, no idea what I was doing. I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t know what to do.

"Really,” said the old man “I think I can change your mind.” I didn’t like that look in his eye, that smile on his lips.

“You won’t touch him.” I said, standing next to Charlie.

“Lily,” said Charlie “don’t.”

“Is that so?” Said the old man.

“I’ll give you my soul.” The man’s eyes lit up “but.”

“But?” He said, eagerly.

“I want you to release all the other souls. Release them and their bodies and release your soul stealers too.”

“But-“ Protested the man.

“That is my condition.”

“I don’t accept your precious condition.” He spat angrily.

“Then do your worst.” I said, stonily.

It was horrible. It really was. The chain of events that followed, I will never forget for the rest of my life. Never will I forget...

I felt Charlie shake next to me so I put a hand on his shoulder. Tears ran down his cheeks. I’d seen Charlie cry before, of course I had, if you’ve known someone all your life, you’ve seen them through everything. But I’d never seen his like this. It was scary. The tears just ran down his cheeks as he shook. I grabbed his arm and a sob escaped his lips “what are you doing?” I said, panicking.  The man didn’t answer “what are you doing?” I shouted. Charlie’s cry ripped through the air and pierced my heart. “No!” I flung my arms around him “please, make it stop...” I felt Charlie shudder and I could almost hear his heart beat thudding against his skin far too fast for my liking. Then, his heart beat slowed and it...”Stop it!” I shouted, afraid that it would stop completely. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared. Ever cried so hard. 

What would you do if you thought your best friend was going to die in your arms?

What would you do?

There was a blinding light and screams. My screams and Charlie’s screams and even the old man’s screams. There was screaming from the dead and all the Lost. Then it stopped. And there was quiet. Silence. I registered my heavy breathing and looked at Charlie’s still face. “Charlie, please,” I said, brushing the hair from his face. His eyes snapped open.

“I’m fine. I’m...ok.” Stop being so brave, Charlie. Stop being so nice. I thought, you make me feel like such an awful person. Such a bad friend.

“I’m never letting anyone do that to you again. Ever.” I said, meaning every word I said.

“The boy has a special soul.” Said the old man.

I turned around and said “so what? You only want mine.”

“Or I could have his...” he grinned evilly. No, no, no, I thought. Charlie would give it to him. He would. I thought desperately.

“I’ve got a special soul?” Said Charlie, bewildered.

“Yes.” I said, quietly. “I can see it.” Then “long story. Tell you later.” This sort of proved my theory that someone had to notice the soul...but, what had been that light?

“I’m sick of you, boy. Always getting in the way, being a precious guardian angel-“

“What are you talking about?” I said.

“Him! Charlie, your best friend. He’s the reason I can’t get to your soul. He’s always there helping you, protecting you.”

“And that didn’t happen to anyone else?”

“No. The others were far too weak. He’s just...I don’t know, devoted.”

“What was that light?” I said, playing for time yet again. I had to work out how to stop him from hurting Charlie.

“Don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Looks like you’re ‘devoted’ too, girl. It was some sort of ‘special soul’ bond.” An idea began to form in my mind and I must have looked a little jaw dropped for a moment before I regained my wits. “The only way to get to your soul will be to get rid of him forever.”

“No!” I shouted “I’ll give it to you. I’ll do whatever you want.”

The old man smiled “friendship. I’ve never seen the point. It’s where you’re weakest. Friendship. Why do you need it?”

But there was a point. A big point. There was a point to friendship and there always would be...always. And I needed it. I needed it like never before.

Author’s Note: Ok, you might have guessed what’s going to happen next...or maybe you haven’t. But, the big picture comes out soon. I hope you enjoy this and, for your sake, I hope you haven’t guessed what happens because I love to have surprises and mysteries :) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)

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