Chapter 5- Dally's fun

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We walked for a while until he walked up to the dingo, we got seated and sat down at a booth. He smirked at me and said "what do you wanna do today Doll?" I shrugged and said "I'm fine with anything." He said "so after we finish eating we're going to Buck's." I looked at him confused "the bar doesn't open until night, it's only 12:00." He smirked devilishly and said "who said anything about a bar." I blushed, understanding what he had meant.

We finished eating and Dally paid the check and we started walking to Buck's. When we got there he led the way up to his bedroom, a smirk and a devilish glint in his cold, blue eyes.

When we got there he immediately took off his shirt and then kissed me and we headed to the bed, this was the first time we had both done it sober. Before I knew it we were both naked. The rest of the day pretty much consisted of this.

When it got late enough for the bar to open, he smirked and said "hey Doll, wanna head downstairs to the bar." I smiled at him and laughed and said "we both know it's just gonna lead us back up here." He smirked again and said "you're right, but come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the bed and we put our clothes back on and headed downstairs.

When we got downstairs Dally said "hey Doll, I gotta go talk to some friends." I said "alright" he quickly grabbed a drink from the bar and went over to a group of people, who I assumed were his friends.

I started walking over to the bar when I spotted Soda, he was drinking a 7 up, he didn't drink alcohol, he had told me that once. He spotted me too and started walking over to me and smiled at me and said "hey y/n" I smiled back and said "hey Soda, I didn't know you came here." He continued smiling and shrugged and said "not very often, only when there's a girl I like that comes here." I said "oh, who do you like." He seemed to blush a little bit and looked down as he said. "I like you, y/n." My smile went away and I said seriously, yet apologetically "Soda, you're my best friend, but that's all I see you as, and you know I'm with Dally." He sighed and said "I know, but I just had to try, and when you two break up, I'll be here for you." And with that, he got up and walked away.

A few minutes later Dally came up to me and handed me a beer, which I drank. And then a few more, and then the whole night, once again, turned into a blur.

I woke up in the morning and once again, was in Dally's arms on his bed, I checked the clock and it said it was 8:00am, Dally started to stir next to me and said "mornin' Doll." I smiled at him and said "good morning Dally." I paused for a second and got up from the bed and put my clothes on and said "I better get home before Two-bit and my aunt start to worry." He smirked and said "alright, give me one second, let me get dressed and I'll walk ya home Doll. He then got up and got dressed and we started walking to my house.

When we were a few feet away I stopped and said "you better wait here or Two-bit will know something happened between us." He smirked and said "he'll know anyway, you're wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday." I smacked my forehead and said "you're right." He smirked and we continued walking to my house.

I walked in with Dally behind me and Two-bit said "where have you been y/n, I was worryin' about you all night." But then he noticed Dally, who had walked in behind me. He glared at Dally and said "you coulda at least called me to tell me she was spending the night at your place." Dally shrugged and said "relax Two, nothing happened to her, she's fine." He paused for a moment and then looked at me and said "I better go, see ya later Doll." I said "alright see you soon Dal." He smirked at me once more and then left the house.

Two-bit looked at me and said "just what were you thinking when you stayed, all freaking night at Dal's?" I was starting to get annoyed and said "Two-bit, haven't we had this discussion before?" He sighed and said "fine do whatever the hell you want y/n" and then he went upstairs to his room."

It was a few hours later and I was getting bored, so I decided to go on a walk. I had been walking for a few minutes, until I saw Pony. I smiled and called out to him "hey Pony" he saw me and he smiled back and said "oh, hey y/n" I then walked over to him and said "mind if I join you on your walk?" He smiled again and said "not at all y/n, I would like the company." And with that we started walking.

A few minutes later he checked his watch and said "y/n it's 12:00pm, wanna go to the Dingo for lunch." I smiled and said "that would be nice Pony." And then we went to the Dingo and sat down at a booth. While we were waiting for our food we talked, mostly about school, he had skipped a grade so he was one ahead of me. He was starting to become a good friend of mine too.

After lunch he said. "Well y/n I better get going before Darry starts to worry. I had a real nice time with you." I smiled and said "I had a real nice time with you too, see ya at school on Monday." And with that we started walking away from each other.

I was a few blocks from home when I heard one of the Soc's cars pull up behind me. Four or five Socs got out of the car and started walking towards me, I tried to back up, but I tripped over a crack in the side walk and fell to the ground.

They started laughing and one said "well, well, well, if it isn't Winston's girl." I said in a shaky voice "what do y'all want." They all laughed again and said "to get that jail bird Winston mad." I decided it was best to seem tough "touch me and 'Winston' will beat your ass." They all laughed and said "we would love to see him try." And with that they all started circling me.

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