Chapter 7-Pony's feelings

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Me and Dally sat down by Pony and Johnny, Dally next to Johnny and me next to Pony. "Hey Johnny how you doing man?" Dally said "I'm doing okay man."Johnny said.

After that we ordered our food and we ate. After that Dally paid the check. And we left and Dally said "I have to go see Tim Shepherd, Johnny and Pony will make sure you won't get into any trouble." His eyes turned colder than usual and he turned to Pony and continued "and Pony won't screw up this time." He then turned back to me and said "bye Doll, see ya soon." I said back "alright, see ya later Dal" and then he left.

I then turned to Pony and Johnny "so, what are we going to do." They looked at each other and shrugged and Pony said "guess we could go watch a movie." I smiled and said "sure" and we started walking to the movies. Once we got there I sat down in between Pony and Johnny.

After the movie it was getting late so Pony and Johnny walked me home. Once we got there I smiled and said "thank you for the movie, and walking me home." Pony and smiled and said "no problem y/n." And Johnny said quietly "of course y/n" and then Pony said "well we better get going, it was nice seeing you y/n." I said "alright, bye Pony, bye Johnny." Both of them said "bye, see ya later y/n." And then they left and I went inside.

I had saw Two-bit when I walked in, he smiled and said "hey y/n, what ya been doing all day?" I smiled and said "I hung out with Dally this morning and then I went to the movies with Johnny and Pony." Two-bit smiled and said "that sounds like fun." I smiled back and said "it was" I checked the clock real quick and continued "well I better get ready for bed, we have school tomorrow." He smiled and said "you have school tomorrow, I'm skipping, I can almost guarantee Dally will come pick you up, I don't even think I have to ask him." I rolled my eyes and said "whatever, but why aren't you going to school tomorrow?" He said "hangin' out with Tim Shepherd's gang." I said "alright good night Two-bit" he then said "good night y/n" and I went to bed.

In the morning I woke up for school and Two-bit was gone. Since Dally would be coming to pick me up from school I put on a nice, short skirt, a nice spaghetti strap shirt, and my pink converse and a light coat of makeup and headed to school. When I got there I saw Pony and Johnny and walked over to them.

I smiled and said "hey guys, nice to see you again." Pony smiled at me and said "nice to see you again too, y/n." And Johnny gave me a shy smile, I think he was staring to warm up to me, Dally had told me once that his life was pretty rough, his parents hit him often, and that jumping from the Socs he got a few months ago sure hadn't helped matters.

The bell rang signaling it was time to go to our first class. I sat down in my seat and prepared for classes. A few people still pointed at me and spread rumors about me, but for the most part me and Dally being together was starting to become old news, thankfully. But the Socs would sometimes still give me a hard time about it, especially the boys, but I didn't tell Dally about it because he threatened to beat everyone of them to an inch of their lives.

Classes went pretty normal, and boring, but soon enough it was lunch so I headed to the cafeteria. I knew today there was going to be trouble since a few Soc boys stopped me. One said "hey Winston girl" the Socs had started calling me that. I rolled my eyes and said "what do you want Bob?" He smiled an evil smile and said "just to make Winston a little mad." I rolled my eyes and said annoyed "the last person to try to do that ended up in the hospital." All the Socs laughed but backed off.

I found our table and went to sit by Pony and Johnny. "Hey guys." I said. Pony smiled at me and said "Hey y/n, what took you so long." I rolled my eyes and said "dam Socs"


I watched as y/n walked over to the table, and I couldn't help feeling a feeling that I had never felt before, I knew she was Dally's girlfriend, but I couldn't help but like her, like in a girl boy way. I knew she didn't feel the same way about me yet, but her and Dally couldn't last forever, y/n is a kind, caring person, and Dally was definitely not that. I didn't understand what she could see in those cold, though blue eyes, he couldn't love her, he couldn't love anything.


The bell rang signaling the end of lunch, so we all hurried to our classes. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to head out to the parking lot. I had a smile on my face knowing I would see Dally in just a few more minutes. I pretty much ran to my locker to put my stuff away.and then ran out to the parking lot and spotted Dally and I smiled at him and walked over to him. He smirked at me and said "Hey Doll, ready to go see a movie." I smiled and said "that would be nice Dally."

And with that we started heading to the movies. When we got there we took our seats, but I noticed Pony was in a seat a few rows ahead of us. I whispered to Dally "should we go sit by him?" Dally whispered back "nah, he came here by himself." And Dally and I continued to watch the movie, he had his arm around my shoulders, and my head was resting on his shoulder. I noticed Pony would turn to look at us every now and then though out the movie. It seemed to annoy Dally.


Pony must of followed y/n and I to the movies. I knew he liked her, he liked my girl. I knew if she was with me, he had no chance with her, but it still was annoying. He kept looking back at her and me with jealousy. I just tried to ignore him and watch the movie, and enjoy the movie with y/n, I had to admit, I was starting to care for her, I knew I shouldn't, a girl like her wouldn't stay with a guy like me, I was breaking my own code. Get tough and nothing can touch ya, get smart and ya don't get hurt. I knew there was a good chance she wouldn't stick around forever, but I was falling for her.


When the movie ended Pony left, and Dally and I walked out of the theater soon after. Dally said smirking "Hey Doll, wanna go to Buck's." I said "I can't tonight Dal, I have school in the morning." I paused and then continued "but I can this weekend." He smirked and said "alright Doll, I'll walk ya home." We started walking to my house.

When we got there I noticed Two-bit still wasn't home yet, he must've still been with Tim Shepherd and his gang. Dally followed me into the house. He said "I'll stay until Two-bit gets back, he told me he was going to meet Tim Shepherd and his gang." I nodded and said "he told me that too." And then Dally and I sat down on the couch and started watching television and waited for Two-bit to get home.

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