My Sunflower, Never Stop Shining

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"Keisha's P.O.V"

Me and Yiran hopped on the bus on the way back to the resort. That one hour was very emotional for him, I think. Everything that I said was true.

He's special to me.

It didn't take that long for Yiran to fall asleep on my shoulder. I get that. I'm also very tired. He was sweet and let me borrow his jacket since it was cold. He brought a spare jacket anyway. It's like he planned the whole thing. I wonder what perfume he uses. His jacket smells amazing. Or maybe it's his natural scent. My eyes were getting heavy. I leaned on Yiran's head as I closed my eyes.

Time skip

I woke up and, why am I laying down? Wasn't I on the bus? Wait, why am I in my bed? I thought of an idea.

Did Yiran carry me to my bed? What time is it?

It's 11:40pm...

So, I've been sleeping in my bed without realising for 2 hours? Wow. Yiran didn't even bother waking me up.

Maybe, he likes me back, just maybe...

"Yiran's P.O.V"

I woke up on Keisha's shoulder, fortunately. I couldn't lift my head off. I checked and Keisha was leaning on my head. What a sleepyhead, a cute sleepyhead. I slowly grabbed her head so I could lift mine off. I put her head on my shoulder instead.

The bus kept shaking. This might wake Keisha up. What do I do? I quickly put my arm around her shoulder, so she could stay still. What a relief. I feel like I'm cuddling her. I want that to happen. I quickly kissed her on the forehead before letting her sleep in my arms.

Time skip

I woke up to someone patting my shoulder. I looked and it was Mrs. Fernandez. I realised that my arms were still around Keisha. Oh no. I quickly removed my arms.

"H-hey Mrs. Fernandez. Are we here yet?" I asked innocently.

"Yes, we are, and care to explain the half-cuddling between you and Keisha?" she questioned. This is over for me. The principal will know about my love for Keisha, and she will tell her, then she'll reject me, then I'll cry until I die.

"If you have a crush on her, then let me know so I can arrange you two to be in the same class next year,"

Oh, then I'll tell her.

"Oh, uh, yeah I like Keisha," I finally confessed. Mrs. Fernandez softly clapped her hands. Is she happy?

"To be honest, I've been noticing you two hang out a lot ever since the talent show. You two would always sit next to each other on the bus, give each other food, stare at each other, and way more. Good luck and I hope she likes you back," she smiled.

At least she's supportive.

"Thank you, Mrs. Fernandez," I thanked.

"You're welcome. I have an idea. Don't wake her up but carry her to your room. I think you two are in the same room so that makes it better. I'll carry her bags for you,"

To be honest, that seems like a great idea.

I got out of my seat and carefully carried Keisha into a bridal style without waking her up. Mrs. Fernandez carried our bags and we both walked to my room.

We walked in and everyone was sleeping. Thank goodness none of them are awake or else Celeste and Kenji would know about my love for Keisha. I cautiously placed her on her bed and covered her with her blanket.

"Ok, you get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Yiran,"

"Good night Mrs. Fernandez," I smiled. I went inside the bathroom and quickly changed clothes before sleeping. My bed was the closest to Keisha's. I wonder why...

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