Chapter 14

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Loren and Mel are at the mall:

They are in the store by themselves while fans bang on the doors

Mel: You know, it's been a year and I still can't get used to everyone screaming for you. I don't know how you guys do it.

Loren looks at the door and waves

Loren: It took a while, but I mean I just look at them as that's how we were at one point. I mean Mel, we literally tried sneaking through a tiny bathroom window to watch Eddie preform.

Mel laughs

Mel: Ah memories.

Loren laughs

They continue looking through the racks.

Loren: So have you given anymore thought to reaching out to Adam?

Mel: No.

She pauses

Mel: I mean Lo he was so much more furious then I had ever seen him. It terrified me.

Loren: He was hurt Mel. I think if you tried talking to him now he's calmed down. I mean, he's Adam. He doesn't stay mad very long.

Mel: Maybe.

Loren puts her hand on her elbow.

Loren: Come on, I'm in desperate need of a Mani pedi

Mel: See this is why you're my best friend.

They pay for their stuff and walk towards the door

Mel: Brace ourselves

They walk out the doors and fans scream

Loren: Thank you guys! I love you so much!

She waves and they exit the building to a black truck waiting in the parking garage

Mel: I swear one of these days they'll trample us to death.

Loren laughs

Loren: Hey Dan can you take us to Queens Nail Salon please.

Dan (Driver): Of course Miss. Tate

They drive off

Now to Eddie

Eddie: Man I want to go to see Loren so bad

Jake: You guys have been apart for like a little over 24 hours. It's not like it's been a year.

Eddie: Yeah but I just miss her so much.

Jake puts his hand on Eddie's shoulder

Jake: I know. You do this every time you guys are apart. But Eddie, this is your job.

Eddie: I know. And I love it, but being with the woman I love is a lot more of a priority these days.

Jake: You're not thinking of quitting on me, are you?

Eddie: No! No of course not, but Jake it sucks to be away from my life. I finally found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and being on tour constantly puts a halt on that.

Jake: Just a few more days and then you'll see your girl, ok?

The girls are getting their nails done

Mel: So I read another article yesterday that you and Eddie are in a shame relationship. All for publicity and stuff

Loren laughs

Loren: Yeah and then there's the, I'm forcing him to marry me right now or I'll leave him. And I'm pregnant with Jakes baby. Oh or my favorite that Eddie is gay and I'm with him to cover it up.

Mel shakes her head

Mel: The things people come up with! Doesn't bother you at all?

Loren shrugs

Loren: At first a little, but Eddie's always told me it is just stupid tabloids and comments and it shouldn't bother me.

Mel nods

Loren: Besides... I know for a fact that Eddie is definitely not gay.

Mel's jaw drops

Mel: Loren Tate! I have finally rubbed off on you!

She nudges her and they both laugh.

Later on Loren does yet another interview

Interview: So you're working on your next album right now, is that correct?

Loren nods

Loren: Yes. That's true!

She gets very happy.

Interviewer: And will a certain someone be recording some music with you?

She nudges her

Loren: Maybe...

Interviewer: That's fantastic! I always love when couples work together. Especially on music.

Loren: Well hopefully he will get some time off soon to come and record.

She crosses her fingers

Interviewer: Ah yes, the struggle of being away from one another. It must be hard.

Loren: I'd be lying if I said it wasn't, but at the same time we've been apart before so we're in a way used to it. But yes, it can be challenging.

Interviewer: Well we've seen on your instagram that he does send little gifts so you don't miss him so much.

Loren smiles

Loren: Yeah. He is so amazing. I'm incredibly blessed to have...

Suddenly someone smacks their hands on the back of Loren's shoulders

Eddie: BOO

Loren: AHH!

She turns around and sees her man


She jumps behind the chair and hugs him

Eddie: Surprise beautiful!

She breaks from the hug

Loren: What are you doing here? You have a show tomorrow

Eddie: Yeah that's tomorrow through

She lets out a gasp and smiles. They hug once more and then go back to the interview.

Later on Eddie finds Loren passed out back at the hotel room after her conference so he takes a pic of her and tweets it

After all the press she's been doing, I told her she was going to pass out. Sleep well my love. (PS. Please don't kill me when you see this.) @loveto_love_you

He kisses her forehead and then leaves to the other room.

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