Rule 87 | Never test your roommate's limits.

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   THIS PLACE WAS huge, I quickly realised as we made our way to the first floor of the apartment where all the bedrooms were

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   THIS PLACE WAS huge, I quickly realised as we made our way to the first floor of the apartment where all the bedrooms were.

The apartment apparently had three bedrooms and a private gym on the upper floor while the living room and the kitchen both lay downstairs, along with a massive home theatre room, a separate space for formal dining, and a small resting room for the housekeeper.

At first, it was hard to wrap my head around the fact that Jungkook had a housekeeper, but now, looking at how clean and well maintained the entire space was, it was clear that its upkeep wasn't exactly a one man job.

"How much does it cost exactly to maintain a place like this in Seoul?" I couldn't help but ask out of pure curiosity as Jungkook looked at me amused.

"Why? You wanna pitch into maintaining our very own newlyweds house?" He questioned cheekily as I rolled my eyes, suppressing a giddy smile.

This boy was going to be the death of me.

"I will what I can." I admitted finally, ignoring the 'newlyweds house' comment for the sake of my own sanity. The thought of actually getting married to Jungkook, even though he was technically already my fiancé with us being engaged to be married, did funny things to my stomach.

Like an air-light feather constantly tickling on my insides, the feeling only intensifying with every moment that I spent thinking about me and him together.

Taking a quick, deep breath to calm my racing thoughts, I redirected my focus on him and continued, trying my best to keep my voice soft and even. It was important to think about the near future first rather than focusing on an event that was unlikely to occur for at least another couple of years, until we both settled down into our respective careers.

"I really doubt it'd be much though. But I'd still like to contribute somehow... especially since I'm not paying any rent."

"Rent?" Jungkook echoed confused, pausing mid-step as he turned to look at me concerned. "Why in the world would you be paying rent to live in your fiancé's house?"

I blinked at him, unsure what to say. I don't know what response I'd been expecting, but it was certainly not this.

Why I would pay rent? How was that the first question that had come to his mind because wasn't that what everyone else did in a relationship these days? Pay rent together?

"Because that's what everyone else does?" I finally answered after some thought, though my response still sounded more like a question than an actual statement.

At that, Jungkook gave me a deadpan look. One that had me frowning as I matched his stare with a petulant one of my own.

"What?" I muttered, eyeing him up and down warily as he finally sighed.

"That's a fair question, I guess." He admitted with a quick reluctant nod as I released a soft breath.

I did know what I was talking about alright! He really had me questioning myself for a bit there with his dramatic reaction. As if paying him rent was the biggest offense I could ever commit.

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