Chapter 03

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After Jungkook left Namjoon calls for his PA.

"Sir you are looking for me ?" Jung Hoseok aka Jhope asked .

"Jhope call him." Namjoon said .

"Who sir ?" Jhope was clueless whom to call .

"My second Son-in-law idiot , I need his help ." Namjoon said .

"W-what sir you need help?" Jhope was surprised he knew almost everything about Namjoon. And Namjoon doesn't need help from anyone .

"I don't want to hurt anyone without any reason, so Yes I need help . And don't waste anytime and call him here ." Namjoon said and jhope left Namjoon's office .


Jhope called Namjoon's second Son-in-law.



"Sir needs your help ."

"My help ? And What help does he want."

"Don't ask anymore, Just come to Sir's office , he is waiting. " Jhope said and cutted the call .

After few minutes a knock was heard on Namjoon's office door.

"Come in."

"Mr. Kim you called for me?" The man stated .

"Yes and how many times do I need to tell you call me dad or father ." Namjoon said .

"Ok Dad . But how can I help you?"

"Oh yeah i'll explain what you have to do ."


Somedays later

Jungkook was hanging out with Mingyu because it's there day off . Suddenly his phone rang , it's a unknown number .

"Hello ! Who is this?" Jungkook asked.

"I am Jung Hoseok , Mr. Kim's PA."

"I already rejected his proposal so don't disturb me ."

"If you want to save your brother then come to the location I am sending you ." and with that jhope cuted the call .

Jungkook was shocked to hear that his brother is in danger just because of him.

He panicked and then he heard Mingyu's voice .

"What happened? And why are you panicking? " Mingyu asked worried about his best friend.

"I have to go ." Jungkook began to run toward his car and Mingyu followed him.

"At least tell me what happened? If I can help you ." Mingyu said .

"T-they kidnapped my hyung I have to save him. I don't have anyone other then him. If something happens to him I won't be able to forgive myself. "

"Then I'll go with you." Jungkook just nodded. Mingyu doesn't know who is Jungkook's brother nor he knows who kidnapped him, he just knew he have to help Jungkook.

After sometimes they reached the location that was given. They were standing infront of a building, without any other thought Jungkook head to the top floor . Mingyu was following him but someone guards captured him pointing the gun on his head . Jungkook looked back but Mingyu said him, "Don't worry about me i'll be fine."

Jungkook entered the almost dark room with dim lighting. He saw his brother being tied up . Jungkook's fear calms down when he saw they didn't hurt Wonwoo.

"Leave my hyung alone, I-I'll do whatever you want me to do." He said looking at Namjoon who is sitting on the chair.

"You are to quick to accept my while." Namjoon throw a papper and pen towards Jungkook. And Jhope whispered something to Namjoon after entering the room.

"Just sign it and be my Son-in-law and i'll do nothing to your hyung and your friend." Namjoon smirked.

"Kook don't do anything stupid." Wonwoo said but Jungkook signed it as soon as he grabbed the papper and pen.

One of the guard holding mingyu entered and asked Namjoon what should they do with Mingyu.

"You didn't hurt him right?" The guard shook head. "Leave him then I am all done here." Namjoon ordered, and Wonwoo and Mingyu both get released . But Wonwoo was still tied up.


So that's it for today's chapter.

And I am continuing my very first ff of Yeonbin . I had unpublished it before but now I am continuing writing other books so why not that to .

If any of you interested can check on my profile.

Ohh and if any of you thinking, I like dark kinda stories, but can't write properly. So still learning hope you enjoy my work .

Babye 🥰

OH My Fucking God

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OH My Fucking God..................
I just saw his weverse story

I am fainting hold me tight plzzzzzz 🙂

But he is hurt 🥺


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