Chapter 18

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—"Sir it's Baekhyun." Jhope said as soon as he enter the cabin.

—" Are you sure jhope?" Rm asked wanted to confirm it again.

—"Yes sir it can't be anyone else. Cause as john explained the man it's max, Baekhyun's PA." Jhope stated giving the file of information about the Byun's.

Byun Baekhyun also a Mafia leader. Byun's and Kim's are always been rivals. Although Namjoon didn't wanted it to be like this but Baekhyun started it.

Always trying to kill Namjoon or hurt Kim family. Namjoon did warn him once, after that their rivalry was not there for a few years.

—"Then do something about this." Jhope listen to whatever namjoon said and explained.


The day goes really bad for jungkook. Why? There's rumours on the social medias and the reporters were circling him. He knew he is fucked up badly. Even yoongi didn't able to control these mess. Jungkook somehow got out from there.

Other side lisa, she was happy. She was waiting for this moment from the moment she thought about Jungkook will be her.


Jungkook came home really tired. Yoongi also came with him. When they enter the house saw a really worried Jin.

—"Son are you ok?" Jin asked looking really worried. Jungkook nodded he doesn't want anyone to be worried about him.

—"It's already late Hyung do you want to go back?" Jungkook asked to suga.

—"Yoongiah you can stay here for today." Jin said with a smiling face.

Suga also didn't wanted to go home today and if he stay here he'll get to meet that cutie. Nodding suga smiled to his thoughts.

Jungkook headed to his room. Arriving at the room he gasped. He saw Taehyung was sitting on his bed and blood dropping from his palm. Jungkook rushed to Taehyung.

—"Taetae how did this happened." But instead of answering Taehyung's hand moved to Jungkook's throat. Grabbing it tightly he stared at Jungkook's scared eyes.

—"Tae-tae it's it's h-hurts." When Jungkook choked Taehyung let go of his throat. It's now red because of Taehyung's blood.

But Taehyung was still glaring at the latter. Jungkook got scared. Taehyung is acting like yesterday again. And it's scary.

Then Jungkook thought of that.' Is it V? Taehyung called himself V right?'

—"V..." Jungkook said after some courage. Taehyung looked at him again.

—"Kookie.." Taehyung said in a soft but deep voice. Jungkook thought maybe it's fine now. But who knows what's coming next.

—"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO WITH THAT BITCH." Taehyung screamed while grabbing Jungkook's collar. Jungkook gasped. No one came hearing the notice, probably no one heard cause of sound proof walls.

—"Taetae no V what are talking about." Jungkook wanted to clear all misunderstandings. He doesn't want his husband or future husband to hate him.

Yes he accepted the fact that this man infront of his wants to get married with him. Jungkook started to like that childish boy and also the mature around other peoples. But this version is scary, anger is not for Taehyung. If anger took over Taehyung he looks like a devil wanted to destroy the world for his beloved.

—"WHY WERE YOU WITH HER TODAY TO? WHY?" Taehyung was screaming out of anger. He cuted his hand when he was in that room where Jungkook's pictures were all-over.

All though Jimin stopped him from doing something more crazy but Taehyung didn't let him treat his wound.

—"S-she is my c-co actress. I-" Jungkook didn't able to say anything else when a pair of lips blocked him from talking.

—"Aww-! Why did you bite me ."  Jungkook backed off. After a peck Taehyung bites Jungkook.

Taehyung was looking at the scared Jungkook with his dark eyes. His hands moved to Jungkook's cheeks. Jungkook's white shirt became red by the blood. Although the bleeding stoped a while ago but it still leaving stain.

—"You know what, I can't see you with anyone else." Taehyung was speaking softly. Taehyung's grab was getting tighter on Jungkook's cheeks. The younger's white shirt is now red around the collar. His throat and cheeks are also red now.

—"V it's not-" V stoped Jungkook again putting his finger on Jungkook's lips.

—"If it's real then I am really gonna tie you up to the bed untill I am satisfied. And i'll do whatever I want with you." V whispered in Jungkook's ear with a slight smirk. Jungkook gulped thickly.

Then V's eyes moved to Jungkook's eyes staring for few minutes his eyes moved to Jungkook's lips. Jungkook's lips were red by the bite. And the younger feeled goosebumps by that stare of V.

—"is it hurts?" V caresses Jungkook's lips. 'Is his anger gone? But his eyes are still dark and scary.' Jungkook was thinking that's when V grabbed his chin tightly. Jungkook was taken aback.

—"You have to accept whatever I do to you." V said with a smirk on his lips and letting go of Jungkook's chin harshly.

—"I- what have I done wrong? And why are you calling yourself V?" Jungkook asked after collecting courage. But he is still scared of that smirk of the older.

—"Na you didn't do anything. It's me who did, I should have tied you from the first day you came here." V answered with a cold voice glaring at the younger.

—"And my name is V, that's why I am calling myself V." With that the older pushed him on the bed. Jungkook was caught off guard by the sudden move.

—"You'll recive punishment baby boy." V said with that annoying smirk.


Double update
Love yaa

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