Chapter 17

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Looking at the boy next to him sleeping soundly, Jungkook smiled. He loves to see sleeping Taehyung so much. 

Why? Jungkook can tell better though. Jungkook was smiling like idiot seeing Taehyung sleeping like a child while grabbing his hand.

After few minutes Taehyung woke up from the sleep. He saw Jungkook staring at him with his doe eyes.

—"Good morning kookie." Taehyung smiled and scroll more towards Jungkook hiding in his chest.

—"Good morning Taetae. You good now?" Taehyung nodded.

Although Jungkook didn't get what was wrong with Taehyung yesterday still he feeled like Taehyung wasn't ok.

—"You want more sleep?" Jungkook asked when he saw Taehyung scrolling more towards his chest. Taehyung nodded with a pout looking at Jungkook with puppy eyes. Jungkook smiled caressing the older's hair.


Other side Yoongi is here at kim mansion. He came to pickup Jungkook but here doing breakfast.

Jungkook didn't come down. So Jin forced yoongi for having breakfast. Suga didn't mind though, it's almost everyday thing now. He is loved by the members here.

When he was chewing the food There comes jimin. When their eyes met suga looked at his plate avoiding the eye contact.

And jimin being a big flirt he is smirked and sat next to suga. And that's didn't get unnoticed by Jin. Jin smiled to himself looking at those two. After few minutes he served Jimin's food.

—"Hi." Jimin said to suga and didn't got an answer so he tried to talk again. "Good Morning." But the atmosphere was still awkward.

—"G-good morning " after taking some time yoongi finally replied. Jimin smiled. Atleast the man sitting beside him didn't avoid his existence like he always do.

—"Heyy can't you just talk to me a little. Why do you always avoid me?" Jimin asked before a slice of pancake in his mouth.

—"When did I avoid you?" Yoongi widen his eyes hearing jimin. Based on yoongi he never avoided talking to jimin.

Suga just shy around jimin. When they first time met Suga was a blushing mess. Jimin keep flirt with him whenever they saw eachother.

Suga's character always turned 180° whenever he talk to jimin. Not a proper conversation but still small answers.

—"So why don't you talk to me?" Jimin asked crunching his eyebrows.

—"Umm I-it's just I don't talk to much." Suga tried to shrugged the topic.

—"Thank god I thought you didn't liked me." Jimin said with a smile. Suga looked at his smiley face and he did smile to unconsciously.

—"Ok give me your number."

—"Huh-!" Suga snapped out from his thoughts. He was to distracted by Jimin's smile.

—"Give me you phone number you lazy head." Jimin flicks suga's head.

After few seconds they exchanged their contacts. After doing breakfast they started a conversation. While having talk with Jimin, suga totally forgot about why he is here.

Around 9 am Jungkook came downstairs fully ready for go to work. He didn't bother both of them. Straight gose to dinning for the breakfast.

—"Slept well?" Jin asked and got a smiley nod from Jungkook.

—"Where's mingyu?" Jungkook asked to Jin. Previous night Mingyu was teasing him. And left him alone with angry Taehyung. And he wanted to know about why Taehyung said he is V.

—"Well I don't know, he went out with Wonwoo in the early morning." Jin stated and before going to what he was doing.

Jungkook had his breakfast and went to say bye to Taehyung. Entering Taehyung's room he saw the older rubbing his eyes.

—"Taetae you feeling well?" Jungkook was worried about Taehyung.

—"Kookie." Taehyung pouted and opened his hand like a child wanting a hug. Jungkook smiled at the cute being sitting on the bed.

Jungkook hugged Taehyung while caressing his back.

—"Kookie don't go to anyone. It hurts." Taehyung said hugging the younger tightly. Jungkook was happy to see this behaviour of Taehyung.

—"I will never." Jungkook chuckled. "Can you let go of me now, I have to go now."

—"Ok...." Taehyung did as he told to. "Kookie~ I love you." Taehyung said in a whiny tone and pressed a kiss against Jungkook's lips.

—"I'll be back soon ok." With that Jungkook left.


Somewhere else

Looking at the wall full of Jungkook's pictures the man was smiling. Suddenly he stands up and headed to the table infront of that table.

—"You are bold huh!" Said the person with his deep voice. He put his hand on the table and there's a picture of Lisa.

The person took a knife from the drawer. Then cut the picture aggressively.

—"You want Jungkook right." Stabbing the knife on the table over the picture he said. He was creepily laughing.

After few seconds he was caressing Jungkook's picture. It's like he is whipped for Jungkook.

—"Baby boy do you like that girl?" The man said sadly. Then the sad face turned into a angry one.

—"WHY THE FUCK YOU LIKE HER? IS THIS BITCH SO GOOD? DOES SHE PLEASE YOU GOOD?" The person throw the things on the table aggressively.

—"WHY WHY WHY DO YOU SMILE WITH OTHERS?" grabbing his own head he was going crazy, his voice is shaking badly.

—"Are you nuts stop it. You are bleeding." Someone came in a perfect time.

—"Y-you tell me W-Why WHY IS HE SMILING SO MUCH WITH THAT BITCH." After that the person started crying.


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