Chapter 04

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—"Mr. Jeon oh sorry Son-in-law you will be staying in my house from now on, and don't worry you will get all freedom you need." Namjoon stated grining.

—"No i'll not." Jungkook said bitterly.

—"Oh you'll, don't forget you did signed the marriage certificate with my son so just accept it. And don't worry your brother will be staying with us to." As jungkook was going to give Namjoon a reply Mingyu entered the room, and his eyes widen to see the sight.

—"What the hell dad! Why did you tied Wonwoo like this?" Mingyu screamed not happy at all . Jungkook was shocked that his friend is calling that person dad who kidnapped his brother. "And don't tell me you are the one kidnapped kook's brother." Mingyu ran to Wonwoo for undoing the ties.

—"Don't worry Min I am alright." Wonwoo spoke. Jungkook is in shock.

—"Kook where's your brother? " Mingyu asked .

—"Wonwoo hyung is my brother, but how do you know him? What the hell is happening can you explain hyung? Mingyu you explain. " Jungkook didn't know how to react to all of the happenings.

—"Even I don't know what's happening,  Dad please explain. " Mingyu asked to Namjoon.

—"You don't need to know what's happening and take then with you, your hyung is waiting." Namjoon and other left to parking lot waiting for them.

—"Sorry kook it's for your own good." Wonwoo approached Jungkook . Jungkook just remain silent and followed them.


At the Kim Mansion

As the cars passed the main get Jungkook saw the mansion, it's more like a palace . Jungkook knew that Mr. Kim is rich but it's over his imagination. The mansion is so beautiful.

He saw the mansion in awe

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He saw the mansion in awe. But he is not happy.  He signed a marriage certificate forcefully and he doesn't even know who is the person.

And he just come to know that His brother has a boyfriend and it's his best friend who is the son of Mr. Kim .

Jungkook is all puzzled .

Other side

Hearing the car sound Jin came down to welcome them .

Namjoon enter first Jhope beside him. Then Jungkook and at last Mingyu and Wonwoo. Jungkook was looking at the mansion it's beautiful from inside to.

—"So where is he ?" Jin asked because Namjoon's body was hiding Jungkook so he didn't saw him . Namjoon moved and Jin saw a confused and not so happy Jungkook.

'Did I get married to him? He looks handsome but he looks old' Jungkook thought looking at Jin.

—"Don't tell me you guys kidnapped him." Jin widen his eyes looking at Jhope and Mingyu's reaction to kidnap. 

—"You really kidnapped him, And Gyu you also helped him ! what about you Wonwoo you to?" Jin became angry, he wasn't against his son but kidnapping for marriage,  he doesn't want their son to get married to someone who doesn't even know his son .

Jungkook was shocked. 'He is kind but who is he?'

—"Mom I didn't do anything, nor I knew. Ask dad he did everything.  He even tied my Won up because Won is Jungkook's brother. " Mingyu whined.

—"No food for dinner today." Jin said and Namjoon shocked now.

—"Common jinu darling,  why are you doing this , I didn't hurt him look ." Jungkook is even more shocked 'this man is being cute? Huh.....I am dreaming right?'

—"Are you ok Son, they didn't hurt you right? You can tell me if they did." Jin goes to Jungkook.

—"Umm...I-I am ok." Jungkook said.

—"Jinu darling where's Tae?" Namjoon asked .

—"Oh he is in his room, should I call him here?" Jin said.

—"Hmm ." Namjoon said and jin goes to call his son. After coming back Jin said tae is coming .

Taehyung come downstairs wearing his PJ's . when Jin went to his room he was taking a shower . So not knowing the reason his came down with his PJ's on, with wet hair .

Jungkook looked at the man coming down, Jungkook's eye's stopped as he saw the beautiful man. 'He is just wearing PJ and still looks stunning."

Their eyes met. Staring at eachother.  It's like the time stoped for them.


That's it for this chapter.
I am so impatient about uploading because 10 chapters are already done .

Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Enjoy the chapter.

Bye bye 🖐🏻

Love ya guys .

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