Chapter 11

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—"Why do you like me?" Jungkook asked suddenly. He wanted to know it why does the latter likes him, is it just because he is a famous actor . No that can't be because Taehyung is more Rich then Jungkook . And with his looks he can easily get anyone he likes and not to mention Mr. Kim .

—"Ummm... You wanna know?" Jungkook nodded. "There's no reason, I just like you , I don't need any particular reason to like you ." Taehyung smiled while looking at the lake . "You know what you looks cute, really cute that I want to see you every sec without getting bored." Taehyung shows his boxy smile to Jungkook . Jungkook was amazed and soon he became a blushing mess.

—"Umm...I want ice cream." Jungkook said trying to avoid the subject. But Taehyung grabbed his wrist .

—"Kook, give me chance, can you?" Taehyung asked holding Jungkook's hands , you can see the sincerity in his eyes. Jungkook wanted to give him a chance so he nodded with a smile on his lips .

—"Thanks kook." Taehyung said before placing a kiss on Jungkook's cheek. "Let's get you icecream then we'll go home." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung bought Jungkook Corn Ice cream and a chocolate icecream. For himself he bought Strawberry flavour icecream. After finishing their icecream they headed to the car . Jungkook didn't eat the corn ice cream, why? Because he wanted to eat it in the car while going home.


Jungkook was smiling to himself thinking about the time he spend with Taehyung.

—"He seems different today . or is it just me who noticed to late?" He is talking to himself. But he liked it . And then someone knocked his door .

—"Who can be it is this late?" He goes to open the door. He widen his eyes seeing Taehyung with wearing his pj . 'Damn he looks cute again just like 1st day .'

—"Can I come in?" Taehyung asked cutely.

—"Hmm come in ." 'Damn he is talking cutely again. Such a baby, I wanna squeeze him.' Jungkook thought and smiled .

—"So... Why are you here ?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity.

—"Why, didn't you like it I came to see you?" Taehyung pouts. 'Ahhh that pout again......' Jungkook thought.

—"No it's not like that." Jungkook said while scratching his nape.

—" So it's our 1st day dating right! can we cuddle.?" Taehyung asked pout didn't leave his lips .

—" it ok for you?" Jungkook asked . 'How can I resist when you are asking me like that .' Taehyung hugged Jungkook and the younger is shocked now . Eventually Jungkook hugged back with a small smile .

After that they goes to sleep, cuddling eachother. 'His personality changed after arriving home . Is he like this only in home? That's good right, yeah other then the people in this house no one can see this cutie side of him.' Jungkook was thinking while caressing Taehyung's back.

—"You like me now ?" Taehyung asked looking at Jungkook. Jungkook didn't reply,  he just stopped caressing.

—"I thought you are in sleep already. " Jungkook said looking at the older.

—"Nope , I am not . Answer me Kookie." Taehyung said showing his puppy eyes . Jungkook started to blush again.

—"Can you give me some time to answer?" Jungkook asked .

—"Umm...yeah , how about 10 second , no wait 5 second. " Jungkook chuckled seeing the elder's cuteness.

—"Not like that Taetae ." Jungkook ruffled Taehyung's hair seeing the elder pouting. 

—"Ohh kookie is cute, Then i'll give some time to Cute Kookie." Taehyung giggles. 

—"You are more cute Taetae." 

—"Kookie , can I.....Can I kiss you?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook was silent.

—"Ok I'll not." Taehyung pouted after seeing Jungkook silent .'He doesn't like you , why are asking this stupid things.' "Good night." Taehyung hugged Jungkook and closed his eyes, he is tired after a long day.

—"Good Night Taetae ." 'What just happened?  He wanted to kiss me? Why didn't I reply, I wanna have taste of those sweet lips to, but why didn't I reply? ' Jungkook placed a soft kiss on Taehyung's forehead before closing his eyes to sleep. The older smiled after feeling the kiss .

Soon they fall asleep .


Hi readers....

Are you doing well?

I am doing well to.

BTW joining to work from tomorrow so.......

Maybe i'll give u guys update late.

Don't worry i'll try best to update quickly.





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