Chapter 22

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—"oppa I want him." Lisa said while sitting on the couch.

—"Have you talk to him?" His brother Baekhyun asked.

—"Oppa we became close but he is ignoring me now because of the rumor." Lisa said pouting.

—"Oh have you told him about your feelings ?" Lisa shook her head.

—"Tell him about your feelings if he refuse then i'll make sure to do something." Caressing her head Baekhyun said.

After some small talk lisa left from Baekhyun's place with a smily face.

—"Sir why do you care so much about her? She is not even your own sister." His PA asked to Baekhyun.

—"Whatever, tell me about the matter you come for." Rolling his eyes he stated.

—"Well they aren't trying something and I didn't get any information about john, I guess RM killed him already." Baekhyun sighed in relief.

—"That's good."


—"Oh god can't you guys go to your room?" Entering the house first scene jimin saw is Mingyu and Wonwoo making out in the kitchen.

Seeing Jimin Wonwoo became shy and hide into Mingyu's chest. Rapping his arms around the shorter's waist Mingyu rolled his eyes.

—"Do you need anything here?" Jimin walked to the fridge taking out a cold water bottle he headed upstairs without answering.

—"Min what is he thinking now about us-! It'll be awkward now." Wonwoo said looking at the younger.

—"Don't worry nothing will happen and he won't mind us." Showing his canning teeth while smiling mingyu stated.

—"Ok but let me go now." Trying to free himself from the latter Wonwoo said but failed.

—"I am not done yet and mom-dad Isn't home today so-" and with that he started to kiss the older again.


—"Here we go again-" As soon as Jimin reached upstairs he muttered to himself.

—"Yo you two stop making out here and just enter the room instead of holding the door knob." Jimin rolled his eyes and passed them heading towards his own room.

Infront of Jungkook's room Jungkook was pinning Taehyung by the door and devouring on him. Sucking the other's lips so good untill Jimin inturupted.


—"I don't know whose face did I saw first after waking up from the sleep today." Jimin entered his room muttering to himself.

—"My day sucks and that cat face didn't even replied to my message from yesterday night." Getting furious he gulped all the water was into that bottle.

Suddenly a notification sound caught his ear. Showing not much interest he checked the notification.

—"AHHHH WOW." Hearing him shouting the other four ran towards his room. Seeing him doing well they sighed.

—"What's wrong with you chim." Jimin show Taehyung his phone with a shaky hand.

—"Huh he asked you out what's so special?" After Taehyung understood he shouted to. "WHAT SUGA HYUNG ASKED YOU OUT. LET'S GO TO SHOPPING RIGHT NOW." Taehyung and Jimin was hugging the next second others shaking their heads and sighing.

—"I thought he doesn't like me."

—"I told you before he does like you." Taehyung said.

—"Guys wanna go shopping? " looking at Jungkook, Mingyu, and Wonwoo Taehyung asked and who they are to deny Taehyung's boxy smile with that childish voice.

All of them nodded and headed to get ready.


—"Mingyu, what's wrong with Tae this days?" Jungkook finally asked what he wanted to ask for a while.

They are now at shopping mall. Jimin and Taehyung vanished from their eyesight.

So now the other three, Jungkook , mingyu, and wonwoo is waiting for them to come out from the section Taehyung and Jimin entered.

—"What do you mean something is wrong with hyung?" Mingyu asked crunching his eyebrows.

—"That day he became angry he was saying that he is V not Taetae." Jungkook explained what hee wanted to say.

—"Well you don't know?" Mingyu asked thinking that maybe Taehyung did talk to him about that.

—"If I knew why would I ask you-!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

—"Hyung has dual personality." Jungkook and Wonwoo was staring at Mingyu in shock.

—"So does he forgets everything happened when he stays in his other personality?" Jungkook asked again.

There's so many questions circling inside jungkook's mind. Like 'did he forget what happened between us?' 'Does he became week because of that?' 'Is it a serious condition?'

—"Don't worry he remembers everything and he just act like that when he is angry. I mean call himself V." Mingyu chuckled seeing jungkook's face.

—"So nothing serious right?" Jungkook asked again just to clear those unnecessary thoughts.

—"y-yeah nothing serious." Mingyu stutter replying. Mingyu was still hiding something from Jungkook but the younger let the matter go.


That's it for this chapter
This book will soon be finished
Hope you guys liking it.
After this i'll continue "FORBIDDEN LOVE"
Let me know in the comments what's your opinions.
And also check out my new book of Jeongcheol "ARRANGED FATE"

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