Chapter 12

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At the Same evening

—"Sir one gang sneaked into our building . and one of them even tried to break into your office ." Jhope informed Namjoon as soon as he get to know it .

—"How is the situation now?" Namjoon asked putting the pen down that he was holding.

—"only the one who tried to sneak into your office is alive." Jhope stated.

—"Ok don't kill him , and ask him who send them and why . Torture him if he doesn't want to say anything. " Namjoon said with a cold deep voice. Jhope nodded and left.


Next Morning

When Jungkook woke up from the sleep he felt a slight pain on his left hand . After looking beside he saw that Taehyung is still sleeping hugging him like a koala. Jungkook smiled seeing the adorable person beside him.

—"Do you know how beautiful you are?" Jungkook said while caressing the older's head. Then he thought about previous night , the question Taehyung asked him before . "Taetae I might started to like you." Jungkook smiled sweetly before hugging him again.

But a call interrupted his moment. Taehyung also woke up with a whiny tone.

—"Why are you disturbing , turn off the phone ." Taehyung whines and hugged Jungkook more tightly. Jungkook picked the call.

—"Yaahh what are you doing! I am waiting for you downstairs." A not so happy yoongi answered from the other side of the phone.

—"Umm....what do you mean?" Jungkook asked with his sleeping voice, struggling in the hug of the older.

"Look at the time." Suga rolled his eyes.

—"Oh shit." Jungkook said when he saw it's already 9 Am. And cutted the call.

—"Taetae woke up or let me go." Jungkook tried to woke Taehyung up but it's a waste. After struggling for 5 minutes Taehyung woke up looking at Jungkook with puffy eyes in the morning.

—"I have to go to Work so you can go to your room, mom won't be happy after seeing you here ." Taehyung nodded , he is still half asleep. Jungkook could not control himself anymore, He kissed Taehyung's little pout. It's not a proper kiss but a peck, and ran towards the shower . Taehyung blushed, his cheeks became red like a tomato.

Taehyung didn't goes to his own room. Instead he fall asleep again .

When Jungkook came out from the bathroom he saw Taehyung is sleeping. Instead waking him again , He left to downstairs.

There he saw Suga sitting on a chair . Yeah jin grabbed the chance and suga is doing breakfast there. Jungkook soon joined.

—"Did you sleep well?" Jin asked And Jungkook nodded. After doing breakfast they left .

After sometime when Jungkook left , Namjoon come home, he wasn't home previous night .

—"So what happened? " jin asked as he goes to his tired husband and hugs him.

—"Someone's trying to stole the project." Namjoon said and hugged back Jin.

—"Who do you think doing this?" Jin asked.

—"That rat didn't want to say but don't worry i'll found out soon." Namjoon said caressing Jin's forehead.

—"Go fresh yourself and i'll serve your breakfast. " Namjoon nodded with a smile. "Oh where's Jhope?" Jin asked as he didn't saw the latter.

—"He is dealing with that case, told me he'll back in a hour don't worry." Namjoon goes to his room .


After a hour Taehyung woke up from sleep . Goes to his room freshen up , did his breakfast and left for Office. But he was flustered all the time. Cheeks always red whenever thinking about yesterday. The day continued like that.


Somewhere else

—"God damn . how did they got catch." The man said angrily.

—"Don't worry sir, he will not reveal your name." The PA said .

—"How can I not worry Max." The man name Baekhyun said.

—"Sir John's family is being hostage by us, he'll never open his mouth." His PA max said.

—"If they get to know about us we are fucked up. No one will be able to save us." Baekhyun said. He knew the power Kim Namjoon holds. He is not any ordinary business or any ordinary mafia. He is been rulling over all the other mafia's in the underworld.

—"And be carefull that dickhead doesn't get know about this." The boss said sitting on his chair while messaging his templates .

—"You meant by-" His assistant get cut off when Baekhyun screamed.

—"Don't you dare to say his name in front of me."

—"That Motherfucker is 10 times more cruel then RM." Baehyun sighed.

—"How did RM even got a man like that?" He said being irritated.

—"How can I know that Sir." Max said

—"SHUT UP IDIOT. And do what I am saying. If RM get to know about me you'll be 1st to die." Baekhyun left the room leaving a Max who is processing his said.

—"You'll be the one to die don't worry." Max said in a low tone after Baekhyun left.


That's it for today........

Hope you are enjoying my creation.

And feel free to comment, I like to read and reply.

Love you



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