Chapter thirteen

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It's been over three weeks since you and Rafe have called it quits, Sarah and kiara have been there for you from the start, taking you out on girl dates as well as having brunch at least twice a week.

You were feeling a lot better, the first few days had been rough, you were used to texting/calling Rafe every day, now you were just strangers.

"It's for the best." Is what you told yourself, but it's far from the truth you loved him.

He still goes to the country club to play, but makes sure to avoid you whenever you and Sarah are at the golf course.

"Oh hey jaz! How are you and Rafe doing?" Kelce says, pulling out his wallet, eyes on you as you try to ignore him.

"Why don't you ask him?" You reply, turning back to the girls, looking over at kelce who was waiting for his drinks.

"He already moved on, did you know that?" Kelce says, sipping on his drink.

You stayed in place as you turn to look at rafe, who was staring at you, but turns his face away as you caught him.

"Really? Good for him." You whispered, feeling the lump in your throat growing as you bite your lips nervously, sliding back into your cart and driving off, the tears falling down.

You had no idea if it was a lie or not, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction knowing that his words hurt you.

Fucking Kelce, you were doing just fine.

You dried your face with a paper towel, and fixing yourself in the mirror before you walked out of the bathroom with a shaky breath.

You accidentally bump into someone, you quickly apologised before you caught the scent, that damn cologne you loved so much.

"Can we please talk?" Rafe said softly, and looking at you as you pull your arm away from him, and stare at the ground.

"Leave me alone, Rafe." You reply, looking around nervously as you uncomfortably tapped your foot on the ground.

He analysed your face, frowning slightly as he saw the dark circles under your eyes, your lips are red and plump from biting them so much.

He sighed, and then scratches the back of his head nervously as he nods, turning and walking away.

You let out a breath you've been holding, walking inside of the room, and closing the door behind you. You close your eyes and lean against it.

"What's up? Hey jazzy are you okay, what's wrong with you?" John b asked with worry.

"Wanna go to a party tonight at the cut? There will be hella guys for you to drown your sorrows on."

"I don't think I should."

"It's okay to miss him you know."


On the way to the party, your thoughts get the best of you as you get nervous. What if Rafes there and he's with some girl? 

"Jaz, you're hereee." JJ says, launching himself at you as you catch him, wrapping your arms on his waist gently.

"What the hell?" You hear Sarah say, walking over to you once she noticed your face as you seen him.

"He's not supposed to be back until tomorrow."

As if searching for you, his eyes catch yours while drinking from a cup, making you look away at the boys instead.

"We can leave, we don't have to stay." John b says, looking at you but you shake your head, "oh hell no he's not ruining my night." You respond.

He opened his mouth to respond, but not before he got pulled back roughly from your arms, "yo man, what the actual fuck?" You hear John b, catching jj just in time.

"Rafe, what the hell?" You say, helping John b help jj up shaking your head at him. "I should be saying that shit to you, jaz." Rafe responds.

"None of your fucking business." You say to Rafe before continuing, "I'm not your damn toy." Your friend's watching just in case.

"It is my fucking business jaz." He says, pulling you back towards him, and making you face him once again.

"You fucking let her go Now!" John b says, quickly catching up to Rafe and pushing him down toward the ground, not wasting anytime before punching him, earning a gasp from me.

"Mind your business, pogue." Rafe says, you pinch his arm as he yelped, looking down at you with his bloody nose, "What? I'm fucking right."

"Jaz?" You hear kie as she looked over at you, and waits for a response.

"You don't have to go with him." Sarah whispers to you, but he hears her.

"Sarah, shut the fuck up." He shouted, making you jump a little.

"It's fine. I'll be fine." You say, and give her a small smile as she nods, turning back to your friends as they walk towards John b's car.

"Why would you do that, Rafe?" You ask and walk over to his truck, and walking slowly as rafe limps slightly.

"You let that pogue touch all over, you're mine."

"Since when am I yours, huh?" You ask, as you lean over to buckle his seatbelt, standing back and close the door.

"You've always been mine jaz, we just had a small fight, that's all." Rafe said, biting on his nails as he looks over at you.

"You call that a small fight?" You ask, laughing at him lightly, turning to face him, turning on the car and sliding on your seatbelt.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I did back there, okay? I am sorry for arguing with you and hurting you, I didn't mean to, I'm trying to change jaz." He says, shifting on the seat as you drove him home.

You sat in silence as you drove, stopping at the red traffic lights before facing him, "I'm sorry for what I said rafe, I sounded like a bitch."

"I deserved it. I'm trying to stay clean jaz, I swear to you I am, the last time I did anything was when we fought." He says, leaning back against the seat, fumbling with his hands nervously.

You parked in front of his house, sighing, and look over at him while you try to take a second to think, "I still love you, so so much, but you hurt me." You say, looking up at him, as he bit his lip.

"I know, I'm sorry baby please, I love you just give me one more chance, just one more okay." He says quick and grabs your hands in his softly.

"I don't know, Rafe, I want to try but I just don-"

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