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Agent P Summary Log 7-21-2021-0740

After months of monitoring Gravesfield, we finally have an active case that deserves our undivided attention. Our investigation began with a local conspiracy buff, who in his own words, believes the town is under siege by 'demons and witches'. He promised to provide proof if we just 'gave him a few weeks', but it didn't take long for us to find evidence of a Type C anomaly (see Status Log 7-19-2021-1430) on our own.

This came from a large spike in [REDACTED] energy our sniffers detected near the home of local resident Camila Noceda; or at least the residue of it (see Status Log 4-81-1929-1530 for address and exact coordinates). While we were unable to pinpoint the original source of the spike, we did manage to find a related anomaly nearby.

Anomalous Subject ICP-1523 is (in current form) approximately 1.23 meters in height, brown-skinned, dark brown-haired, and tan-eyed.

Subject is not human.

'She' may appear that way, but we have good reason to believe that the subject's true form is that of an undiscovered, reptilian species. Tests on discarded scales of the subject using [REDACTED] points to its species being able to absorb large amounts of Class X energies. Presumably, this is what allows its shape shifting capabilities. This points to a loose possibility of it being related to [REDACTED] out west, but I am skeptical of that. It doesn't match their sociological profiles.

No matter its origins, the subject is currently in human form, and seems to have taken the identity of one Luz Noceda, with her 'mother' Ms. Noceda being none-the-wiser. What happened to the original Luz Noceda needs to be determined by a second investigation. Results of our background check can be found in Document 1523-C.

We have decided against informing both Mr. Hopkins and Ms. Noceda of our findings for the time being, as both parties could jeopardize our new objectives. Adhering to Section 36.2.3 guidelines pertaining to ethical conduct, we will now begin gathering intelligence on Subject ICP-1523 before making any drastic moves. My gut tells me this creature is up to no good, but I do agree with the spirit of our new doctrines: we cannot allow our biases to dictate decision making. Only hard evidence.

Normally, I would prefer a more passive approach to this, but the unique situation we're in has allowed my partner, Agent T, to present an... equally unorthodox idea.

I pray that I won't regret this, but I suppose I should have a bit of faith in him after [REDACTED].

Good lord was that a lot of [REDACTED] explosive [REDACTED] bubblegum.


"Gooooood evening, campers!" one of the camp counselors beamed, standing on a wooden outdoor stage before a group of fifty odd human teenagers... and one disguised Basilisk. "I hope everyone is ready for..."

The spiky-haired blonde blinked, before turning towards his older, black-haired, stern companion. And in a soft voice apparently only Vee could hear, he asked: "Uh, what is this camp for exactly again?"

"Thinking inside the box," the man answered quietly in an almost emotionless tone. "Designed to bring deviant youth back into the folds of our society via a combination of life skill building and conformist propaganda."

"What, really?" the man coughed. "Is this what summer camps are for these days? Wasn't like that when I was a kid... What happened to canoeing, smores, two month fling romances that both parties say will last beyond the summer but never will?"

"That's oddly specific," Powers replied. "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it were some sort of front set up by a private reactionary element, but that's another investigation. Now come on, let's get back to it."

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