Protect, Contain, Secure

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To call the shack the trio later sat in 'decrepit' was an understatement. It was practically falling apart. Sitting at the edge of a lonely field, below the branches of a blackened, rotting willow tree, it obviously hadn't been used for decades.

Which, fortunately (or unfortunately to Vee), made it perfect for their use.

"Come on, Mordy," Masha said impatiently. "Puff, puff, pass already."

"Hang on," he grunted, awkwardly fiddling with the flintlock lighter he held against Masha's bowl, the mouthpiece currently between his lips. "Not used to using one of these."

"We could always find two sticks to rub together," Masha chuckled. "Is that what you've been doing at home?"

"We aren't that out of date, you know," Mordecai mumbled. "Just cus my neighborhood doesn't have good reception yet doesn't mean we live in caves." With a satisfying flick, he finally ignited his lighter. "Aha. Let there be light." He began to take a long puff.

Vee fidgeted slightly. She hadn't talked nearly at all during the experience. Instead, she once again found herself lost in her worries, both regarding her friends and the 'counselors'.

"Vee, you good?" Masha asked. Vee's discomfort must have been obvious. "I haven't seen you this tense since the first day of camp."

Mordecai finished his puff, coughing slightly, before handing the bowl to Masha.

"J-Just worried about you guys," Vee said uneasily, wincing at the cough.

"No need for them vibes, girl," Masha smiled. "I feel fine. Better than fine, actually. I haven't smoked stuff this good in... forever."

"My first time," Mordecai said. "And it is pretty good. Honestly, don't see what the fuss is about with this stuff. You should try it, Vee."

"Peer pressure, peer pressure!" Masha laughed.

Mordecai rolled his eyes. "Lord have mercy, now I feel like we're part of a D.A.R.E. PSA. 'Don't do drugs, m'kay'."

Vee giggled slightly at that, even if she had no idea what Mordecai was joking about. It was something she was getting used to doing just to be nice (and fit in, of course).

"Seriously though, just glad you're here," Masha smiled. "Helps to have a sober person keeping us out of trouble."

"A-And you're sure you're alright?" Vee asked.

"Mhm," Mordecai nodded, laying back in the bit of dry hay that lined the floor. "Feeling a little light-headed, but that's normal... right?"

"Er... yeah... " Masha said, her speech somewhat stretched now, but still easily understandable. "Totally..."

There was a moment of comfortable silence following that, with Vee having to restrain herself from giggling at the goofy smile Masha was displaying.

'Maybe I was freaking out for nothing,' she thought. 'They really do seem okay. Just..."

She paused, noticing something peculiar about Masha's eyes:

They seemed to be growing completely gray.

"M-Masha?" Vee said.

The girl remained silent and motionless.

"Masha!" Vee said more forcibly, waving her hand in front of her eyes. Growing worried, she turned to her other friend. "Mordecai? Hey, I think something's wrong with Masha!"

Mordecai did make a move: sitting back up, but saying nothing. His bushy brown hair was in his eyes as always, so Vee couldn't make them out. But as she gently reached over to pull it away, she just knew they were going to be...

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