All Things Where They Should Be

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Agent P Summary Log 3-93-1929-1600

I'm pleased to report that Vee was successful in removing the [REDACTED] magical energy from Masha Firewalk and Mordecai Benjamin. I'm also equally pleased to report neither of these two individuals were able to recall any events from their time in [REDACTED]. Our memory altering drugs are still very new and untested on teenagers. Not to mention, I don't believe Vee would have approved.

Thus, things have fallen into place rather nicely. With Lawson on our side, it wasn't hard to convince Director 'Captain' Harkness into agreeing to let Vee loose. In fact, he seemed to be impressed at our 'sexy' bit of gumption.

Someone really needs to explain to him that calling what we do 'sexy' is not okay.

Nevertheless, I am grateful towards him for allowing Trigger and myself to remain as camp counselors for the remainder of the season. Our official task is to keep teaching Vee about human customs and keep an eye on her friends for any lingering side effects of their magical outburst. Though I'm pretty sure he wanted to give us some low-key work for a bit, too.

That may not be a good thing. Usually 'down time' is a prelude to a dangerous mission.There are whispers of strange activity related to [REDACTED] in Antarctica with our name on it. My guess is we'll be packing for the high seas very soon. At least we won't be alone: this seems to be an all-in operation. Three quarters of the agency will be participating.

Unfortunately, that means we likely won't be able to keep an eye on Vee once we're done here. She'll be, effectively, on her own. The director isn't going to waste manpower on a non-threat, even if it would be for her benefit. With the investigation into the disappearance of Luz Nocella hitting a dead end, there simply isn't a reason to be in Gravesfield anymore.

That being said, when we're done with this next mission, we fully intend to check up on her. It's frowned upon to mix our private lives with our work lives, but my time off is mine to do what I please with.

I still haven't been able to wrap my head around why Vee was able to 'snake her way into our hearts' (Trigger's joke, not mine). I suppose I've always had a soft spot for kids. I just didn't expect it to extend to non-human ones.

Nonetheless, I am happy to have gotten to know the young basilisk. Not just because she's - and I never thought I'd use this word - adorable, but because it's given me a new perspective on the non-human intelligences we deal with. I feel like it opens a new path towards understanding and co-operation instead of antagonism.

Maybe it's a pipe dream. Maybe not. But for now, I'm happy that all things are where they should be.

I know you'll never read this, but good luck out there, Vee. This is where I have to leave you. Anomaly classification to be immediately relabelled as: Safe.

Case File: Closed. 

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