In Plain Sight

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Agent P Log 7-31-2021-0220

ICP-1523 is once again defying my expectations. It appears the noise I heard was it sneaking out of its cabin to take a swim of all things... in its true form. Subject is still in the lake, and we are tracking its movements via our sniffers. We have yet to get a good look at it, but we intend to very soon.

Because unfortunately, the subject has put both its own safety and our investigation at risk with its recklessness. It would have been very easy for one of the kids to have seen it transform, causing a panic and forcing us to detain it before our investigation was concluded.

My partner has once again suggested an unorthodox solution to the problem. We will continue our guise as camp counselors and, under the pretext of being simple, sympathetic bystanders, lend our ears... and our advice to the creature. Hopefully we can keep the situation under control with this method.

I'd say we might be pressing our luck, but that ship sailed the moment we got here.


"EEEEEP!" Vee yelped, rapidly glancing about rapidly for an escape route.

"Woah, woah, hang on there!" Trigger said. "We just want to talk!"

"Nonono, you want to take me back!" she cried. "I'm not going anywhere!"

"Calm down!" Powers called. "That's not what's happening!"

Vee managed to stow her instincts ever so slightly, looking at them warily. She still very much wanted to sprint away, but the more rational part of her was holding her back. Sure, she could run, but then where would she go?

She... had nowhere else.

As if to purposefully calm her nerves, the two counselors took a step back, relaxing her further.

"See?" Trigger said.

"We won't hurt you," Powers said sternly. "We just need some form of... understanding." He then gestured to their counselor's cabin only a small distance away. "Why don't you come with us? Get out of the rain for a second?"

Vee took a deep breath, before finally saying. "A-Alright..."

She followed them back to their cabin, still unsure of their exact intentions. So far they had been nice, but she still had only been exposed to humans for a couple of days now. She wasn't anywhere close to understanding them. All she knew so far was some of them appeared to be afraid of demons.

And technically, that's what she was.

Tepidly, she followed them into their cabin's main living room. It was slightly bigger than their own, and had a few things in it they did not, including a box-like object sitting next to their radio she didn't recognize. It appeared electronic in nature, and whatever it was, she didn't understand why it needed to have ear-muffs attached to it.

"Have a seat," Powers said, gesturing to a chair at the square table sitting in the middle of the room. A few numbered cards were scattered on it. One of the counselors must have been playing some type of game. "Sorry for the mess. I was playing Solitaire."

"And losing, by the way," Trigger chuckled.


"Oh, um, it's okay," Vee said nervously, shuddering as she sat down.

Powers took a seat across from her, Trigger casually leaning against a kitchen counter nearby. Their faces were hard to read. On one hand, they seemed to be surprised, but on the other, Vee had the distinct feeling they were... studying her.

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