Heavenly Water

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"--Missing girl Anne Boonchuy--"


"--reparations have been declared nullified by all participating--"


"--Beware! Beware! Demons once again walk amongst us! That which was rightfully banished long ago comes forth again, stifling the winds of God There can be no doubt: The Sixty-Six Signs are an omen of truth, or my name isn't Sunny--"


"Man, there's nothing good on the radio tonight," one of Vee's new cabin-mates, Mordecai, sighed. "Even the one good music station's talking news."

"There's never anything good on the radio, Mordy," another of her cabinmates, Pickles, laughed. They had a different accent from the others, one which was especially prominent when they were excited. "Video killed that star a long time ago. Still, nothing better to do out here without reception..."

"I smuggled in some old CDs - yeah, I know, I'm a Boomer - but there's no player," 'Mordy' grunted, before glancing at Vee. Or at least Vee thought that he was doing; it was hard to tell how he could see at all with his hair draped over his eyes. "What about you, Luz? You into any music?"

Vee wasn't paying attention to the question. Instead, she found herself distracted the moment she had heard the word 'demon'. "Huh?"

"You okay?" Masha, Vee's final roommate, asked. Like the rest of them, she sat in the common room of the cabin they were all assigned to. "Ya' seem kind of out of it."

"Yeah," Vee said, before quickly shaking her head. "I mean-- no! I'm totally... in it. Just... what was that about demons?"

"Bleh, just some whackjob blowing hot air," Mordecai grunted. "Ever since that 'Sixty-Six Signs' crap took off, people like him have been spouting off twenty-four seven."

"Sixty-Six Signs?" Masha blinked.

"You haven't heard of it?" Pickles said, shaking their head. "Lucky you. It's just this dumb pamphlet saying how demons and magic are coming back to the world. The weird monster-ghost things said to be out west kicked it off. The usual ornery crap."

"Honestly, I hate it too," Mordecai grunted, folding his arms. "Gives us religious folk a bad name."

"Weren't your parents going to send you off to church camp this year?" Masha chuckled.

"Na, they were just joking," He said, before throwing on a smirk. "Can't preach the good word to just the choir, after all."

"You start doin' that and I swear I'm drawin' a pentagram," Pickles said, rolling their eyes.

"Don't make me tell the Doom Slayer on you," Mordecai grinned.

"And now you're soundin' like mah ma'," Pickles sighed. "Don't ask. She really likes the new Doom game."

Like usual, Vee had absolutely no idea what any of them were talking about. Pentagrams? Doom Slayer? None of it rang a bell. Luckily, she had a natural defense mechanism when it came to adaptability: smiling and nodding.

As she did so, her sensitive ears picked up a peculiar sound: a light pitter-patter coming from all around her.

"Awww, man," Masha grunted, gazing out the window. The surrounding woodland and nearby lake were being trickled upon by a light sheet of rain. And strangely, there didn't appear to be steam rising from any of it. "Well, so much for sneaking out for ice pops."

"Y-Yeah, that'd be dangerous," Vee nodded.

Masha looked at her oddly. "Dangerous? Na. Just don't feel like getting drenched."

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