Veeing Human

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Hi Mom!

The first few days of camp have been weird, but interesting. At first, I was really scared I wouldn't fit in, but I think I've made some friends already!


"Alright, ladies in gents!" Pickles proclaimed, gathering with Vee and her other cabinmates in the living area. "They said whoever has the best cabin cheer gets first dibs on boats, and there's only one with a motor. So let's do this!" He turned his attention to Vee. "Luz, you had one that was good, so let's hear it."

"Oh, um," Vee coughed. "Cabin Seven! Wuhaha!"

The rest of her cabin mates smiled at it.

"Yeah, that works," Mordecai nodded.

"I like the semi-laugh at the end," Masha beamed. "Makes us sound like a vampiric warband or something. Let's do it!"


I think the counselors really like me. In fact, they've kind of taken me under their wing a little!


"Alright, Vee, let's do this one more time," Powers said, sitting across from her in their cabin, his usual stern tone fully present as he asked: "What are the four essentials for any proper breakfast?"

"Bacon, eggs, steak, and more bacon!" Vee said proudly.

Powers actually smiled slightly at that, a look of admiration on him. "Good girl."

"What does this have to do with learning about humans!?" Trigger protested.

"This isn't about being human," Powers said staunchly. "This is about being a red-blooded American."

"Yeah!" Vee giggled, before chanting: "USA! USA! USA!"

"I would hug her right now if hugging didn't make me physically ill," Powers said.

Trigger rolled his eyes. "Somehow you're still the weirdest thing in the room, uncle."


They've started teaching us all a little about everything! Everything from how to tie knots to how to spot dangerous plants.


"... And these little guys are probably the worst of them," Powers said, kneeling down next to a patch of almost ghost-white mushrooms. A group of campers gathered nearby, listening intently. "Amanita bisporigera."

"God save anyone who eats one," Mordecai shuddered.

"Your soul would pretty much all be that's left of you if you did," Powers said morbidly. "A few days after eating them, say goodbye to your liver and kidneys. And what happens if you don't have those?"

"You die," Masha said, almost a little too fascinated in the subject given her tone. "Horribly."

"Correct," Powers said. "Now, who wants to tell me how these little hellspawns... spawn?"


Even if some of the stuff they're having us do is kinda scary...



In the middle of a grassy field, Counselor Powers tossed eight circular clay targets high into the air, two at a time, in rapid succession. Almost mechanically, Trigger followed them with his loud, human bang maker, and let rip seven shots, hitting every one of them in rapid succession. The final was accompanied by a loud 'PING!' A piece of it flung out afterwards.

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