♡Chapter 2♡

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Jungkook's POV

It was day two of my college life, and the first thing I wondered about was whether that certain brown haired siren eyed boy was gonna show up to class.
Just know his name and this obsession will be over...

The second day started with a bang to say the least. The first class, Circuit Theory started in a rush, too much syllabus, too little time to finish it. Hopefully we would finish studying the syllabus before it finished us. Atleast that's what our professor meant to do.

The subject wasn't quite a favourite of mine, to be honest. Too many resistors and laws and every single circuit was meant to be solved in a different way. It became frustrating quite fast. But it wasn't tough, it was easy to understand, less interesting, less engaging.

That certain specific boy did show up to class, right on time even, looking just as beautiful as he was the day before. The second class was of Mr. Gong Yoo, our HOD. He was a phenomenal professor, a subject like Electronic Devices which was solely based on semiconductor physics would have definitely been boring without him. The way he made us understand every single topic with precision and accuracy and made the topic fun to learn was really commendable.

Sir had a wonderful personality as well. He definitely knew how to ignite interest in students through activities. On the very first day of his class he announced, "Tomorrow I'll be putting all of you in groups of two people for a hackathon. Bookish knowledge will only take you so far students! Hands on experience is necessary if y'all want to have a stable career in this field."

"Everyone here will team up with another student here of my choice and work together to build something unique. You will learn teamwork as well as engineering through this project. Start from a small team and build your way up to the top, my friend! You'll have a month to work on your prototype, and then you'll present the model along with a ppt presentation in front of me, the dean, and all the other facilities of this university. It's a competition. The winner gets a secret prize!"

He winked after the mention of the secret prize. Whatever it was, I had to win it! My competitive side knows no bounds and my zeal for academic excellence would only get validated if I were to win this competition, regardless of who my partner would be.

Our HOD continued, "also I'd like to select a CR, as in class representative of this batch. I'll be making a judgement based on your CSAT scores, because definitely your scores tell who's more serious about this degree."

He took out a list which probably stated our scores in detail and said, "Jeon Jungkook. Is there anyone present here by this name?" Honestly, I felt a slight pride at the call of my name, and soon after my pride was proven just right.

"There you are! You'll be the class representative of this batch because as of right now, I'm quite impressed by your score. Topping CSAT isn't a regular thing to do my boy! You did great! Congratulations!"

I stood up and bowed to him. Finally someone who had recognised my efforts, I felt seen and validated and honestly I couldn't ask for more. I thanked him for that, but in my peripheral vision, I could see some people getting offended. Well that was their problem, if they just couldn't afford to be better than me, then they also mustn't be jealous of me.

I was sure of one thing, the process of knowing that mystery guy's name got much easier now that I was the class representative. I could just go up to him and ask, but that would make me a pushover which I definitely didn't want.

The day went in a rush, it was lunch time again. After lunch we had Devices lab, and lab classes, as said by our professors, were mandatory to attend. The attendance alone had a huge influence on our overall percentage. As I was engrossed in my thoughts about academia, my mind begged to differ and suddenly drifted to that one corner of the room.

The afternoon sun hit his face perfectly sculpting the shadows adorning his features. The wind disturbed his perfectly styled hair, and even if it was for a moment, I wanted to possess enough power to stop the wind from touching his face, because maybe his face was better suited for me to touch...

I was too engrossed in my thoughts to realise that he had been staring back at me. The accidental eye contact had me feeling nervous, so I was the first one to break it. I almost got caught oof!

Lunch time was almost over and I caught a glance of my mystery boy, he was rushing, again. He hurriedly put away his lunchbox and packed up his bag. Once again he was on his way to somewhere but our upcoming lab class. I was the class representative and surely I had the right to question someone if they refused to attend the classes.

I went up to him standing in his way to stop him. And he did, he stopped in his tracks and looked at me, eye to eye, his stare had that intensity to burn me alive. His eyes were deep honey coloured and I almost lost myself in them.

"Y-you can't leave", damn I stuttered! He kept staring at me without uttering a single word, his eyebrows raised in such a manner that made a shiver run down my spine. "Move", he said, his voice was deep, it had an ominous feel to it, as if he'd kill me if I annoyed him anymore. But maybe deep down, I wanted to get killed by him.

"You need to attend classes, why are you leaving?" My question didn't bother him much, because soon after that query eft my mouth he replied, "I'm not answerable to you" and pushed me before leaving the classroom.

Well, that was embarassing. Why were all handsome men always so full of themselves? Where did all that attitude come from?!

I decided to wait and watch him for a few more days before complaining about him to our HOD. Afterall, I needed to have enough proof, and that 'enough proof' would definitely have to wait till the next day...


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