♡Chapter 14♡

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Jungkook's POV

All I had to do was avoid him in college. I had given up on the idea of trying a quad long ago because after one jump on ice, I knew that ice skating just wasn't for me. Taeh- no...Mr. Kim Taehyung had agreed upon it too, long back. So there were absolutely no chances of me being in contact with that man ever again. The project was done, the presentation was left, the final date of prototype presentation was a day after, but I wouldn't really need him to do it.

Only one person from each team had to present while the other had to assist in operating the prototype. All the other teams had two members while only ours had three, he was an extra anyway. Moreover, he didn't want to be in that group project in the first place. I was the one to force his name into it. He wasn't required, yeah, that's it.

I had decided to call him Mr. Kim Taehyung from now on, given the fact that he had absolutely touched me without my consent, not that the cupping of cheeks was something inappropriate, even kissing the nail of his own thumb wasn't inappropriate. But it felt inappropriate! How dare he kiss-
He didn't kiss me, no, that wasn't my first kiss, not like that.

My thoughts went haywire as I walked down the halls of the university. I hadn't shared any of this to Jimin, he wouldn't listen to anything and he would tease me. The halls seemed painfully long today, especially when I had to take another route to class just because of a certain someone. I had some books in my hands which I had picked up from the library on my way here.

"I just have to avoid him, just avoid him, avoid- ah!", I squeaked as my body collided with something. Walking with my eyes on my shoes wasn't a good idea so I collided with a wall-


Wall had arms now-

"What the-", I looked up at the potential wall that I had collided with, the wall which was holding me by my waist, keeping me from falling on my butt while all my books fell with loud thuds. That wall was none other than, Mr. Kim Taehyung, the only person I had to avoid. Here I was avoiding him. Jungkook you had one job!

I still stared at his eyes, mine looking like big doe ones for sure. He was looking at me too, with an unreadable look in his eyes. None of his face muscles were moving yet I could feel his confusion. He wanted to ask something but was holding himself from asking it. But he didn't hesitate before saying the next thing.

"Avoid who?", he asked. Wasn't it obvious? Why was he so dense oh my God!
I pushed myself out of his hold and kneeled on the ground to pick up my books without answering his question. He was getting angry, maybe because he was always used to getting answered in one go. I loved pushing his buttons.

He kneeled in front of me, "Who are you trying to avoid, Jungkook?" I still didn't answer. I didn't know this corridor, I just knew that if I walked through this space it would land me in the back door of the classroom. But it had a lot of lockers lined up against the wall. I was still picking up my books, some torn pages had scattered on the floor and I was busy aligning them accordingly.

"Jungkook, I'm asking something", I ignored him again. "Jeon Jungkook don't test my patience, if you don't wanna answer it or even talk to me, just say that", he was getting frustrated. My anxiety went up by one notch, I knew I was pushing the wrong buttons, but the freaky side of me wanted to continue. I wanted to see how far he could go just for a simple question, how far he would go after last evening.

Before my brain could process anymore, I felt a strong hand grabbing my upper arm and drag me up. He pushed me against the lockers and hovered over me. We didn't have much height difference, but his dominance still made me look smaller. The locker door rattled with a loud sound as my back hit it and a whimper left my lips.

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