♡Chapter 12♡

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Taehyung's POV

I was sitting at my usual corner in class, earphones plugged in, Requiem was playing in my ears. The selections were almost here, two more weeks before a competition decided my chance in Olympics. My mind replayed all the steps one after another in sequence. The jumps, I could feel it in my legs.

My eyes wandered in the garden of our campus, the bench I sat in had direct view to it. Nature calmed my senses as I looked back inside the classroom, my eyes drifted to Jungkook. His back faced me, while he was busy writing something down. Even his back looked good... Shut up!

I shook my head, shaking my thoughts away in the process. It was post lunch so there was only one class left for the day. Jungkook went out with his empty water bottle when a commotion broke out. It was among some students, right beside Jungkook's desk. I wasn't interested in their drama, but it got out of hand as they started fighting.

I had always been the type of person to avoid situations like these, they triggered me. So I decided to leave the classroom for a while. I took my bag and belongings and start to walk out. As I was walking past them, I saw them throw things at each other. Immature fools. I was passing by Jungkook's desk when I saw it, a diary. The most beautiful one I had ever seen, a black gothic style diary, with golden floral embroidery, some musical symbols occassionally showing up, and in the middle of the cover was a bunny with transparent wings.

It reminded me of Jungkook, the diary reflected exactly how he was, bunny like bubbly personality with angel wings, trying desperately to save everyone in despair, keeping his own sanity at stake. The student fighting was about to pick the diary up, maybe to throw it at his opponent, but I was quick to pick it up. He looked at me with angry eyes, I gave him a probable excuse, "It's mine, buddy", I shrugged as I went out of the classroom with it.

I walked down the halls with his diary still in my hand. I sat down at the farthest staircase in peace. It would be rude to read someone else's diary, but the temptations were strong. I wanted a taste of the forbidden fruit lying right in the palm of my hands. I shook my head at the thought. No I can't read it... I can actually...no I can't.

I gave in to the desires, not bothering to rethink the consequences that might occur for it. What would happen? I'd know more about the person who's so hell bent on making my life a bed of roses. That wasn't a bad thing if I were to consider the possibilities. That type of knowing him wouldn't have his consent, but it wouldn't harm him. Moreover, I'd never tell him. How would he know if I don't tell him?

I opened the diary. It felt as if I was opening a box containing a horcrux. I made sure to be gentle with it. The diary was too well maintained to be handled roughly. I went to the last written page, where the attached bookmark was placed. There was a poem called Whiskey Eyes.

Dark hair and whiskey eyes,
Red lips and little white lies;
One look and a thousand butterflies,
One confession and a hefty price.
Touch once and you'll realise,
The hidden giggles and happy sighs,
The answer to your uncertain 'why's,
The unfortunate but long goodbyes.
It's the love that the world beautifies,
A rather cunning feeling but wise,
The pain holding together the ties,
It's my soul that his face crucifies.

I had no idea that he was capable of writing something this beautiful. The way he weaved his sentences to perfectly match the rhyme. Twelve sentences in total, all ending in the same rhyming word. I rummaged through the rest of his diary, it was filled with poetries and passages, occassionally filled with certain one liners. One specific sentence caught my eye.

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