♡Chapter 3♡

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Jungkook's POV

It was finally the day of group division for a new project. Third day into this college and it had already started getting interesting. No, it wasn't just about that guy, it was also partly about the fact that we were about to start a new journey as budding engineers!

As we started settling down for the class to begin, my eyes darted to that familiar corner of the room. It was preoccupied by him again. I was dying to know his name by now, especially after my interaction with him. I couldn't get his honey coated voice out of my head.

I had a thing that I believed, more like Jiminie made me believe. It was my life and I was the main character, so everything around me must happen in a way that benefits me. In a way it's true, nothing has ever not benefited me, so I trusted the process.

If I really were the protagonist of my story, then I believed that he'd be chosen as my partner for the group project, exactly like it happened in romance novels. I wasn't saying it was romance that I wanted from him, but I surely wanted to know more about him. I hoped the circumstances would be by my side.

I signalled everyone to stand up and greet our HOD as he entered the classroom with a big bowl full of chits. He signalled us to be seated and started announcing the procedure of group division.

"As all of you can see, I have this bowl with me today. It has the names of all the students in this class. But there's a problem. We have odd number of students, but I had already decided that it'll be a group of two people, so one of you will have to either join another group or work solo if you want to. So without any further ado, let's start!"

As he finished announcing, students from the first bench started going up to him and picking up the chits. Most of them friends got paired with each other, I watched carefully as the small pieces of paper kept decreasing rapidly. But I was glad that nobody else had gotten his name yet. It was a relief!

Them came my turn, I went up to the professor's platform and waited as he shuffled the bowl again for me to pick. It was the moment of truth, the universe would definitely give me what I wanted the most.... right?

Without further delay, I picked up a purple coloured paper.
What can I say? It's my favourite colour after all!
I opened the paper to see a name "Park Bogum", I said out loud for our HOD to pair me up with this guy. But I somehow felt like this name didn't quite match him. He was too magnificent to have a name so simple.

As soon as Bogum came to stand beside me for the pairing, I got to confirm my worst hunch. It wasn't my mystery boy, he was someone else. Even the universe didn't want me to know his name! Aagh!!!!

Frustrated but nonetheless happy to have a good partner, we both sat down to watch the rest of the pair ups. Maybe someone else would pickup his name and call it out loud, then I'd get know him. That was the only hope left. But deep inside, somewhere in my heart, there felt a little squeeze of jealousy, I couldn't watch him partner up with someone else.

As the number of chits kept on decreasing, somewhere in my heart there lit up a little spark of hope that he would have to choose his partner, rather than someone choosing him. As it came down to one last chit, I saw him get up from his seat, slowly approaching the podium in an enigmatic manner. He didn't bother to bow to the professor before he picked up the last piece of paper left in the bowl.

"Oh. You have picked your own name, I'm sorry but you're the last person left to choose your partner. I guess you are that odd number we were talking about", Prof. Yoo said as my boy kept staring blankly at the bowl.

Why wasn't he saying his name yet?! If he has picked up his own name, the professor is supposed to say it out loud just like every other student! I suppose even God doesn't want me to know his bloody name!

Frustration got the best of me before I stood up and yelled out loud, "Sir, he can come into our group". The guy, what was his name again? Ah yes, Bogum, he agreed as well. He seemed like a good guy, but bro was eyeing my boy when I suggested him to be taken into our group. I didn't like that, but that's for some other time.

Professor himself didn't seem to mind the proposal but my idiot had something else in his mind. "I'm fine alone, thank you", his ocean deep voice reverberated in the walls of the classroom.

A rejection. My first rejection! Who the fuck does he think he is?!!

"I think not, sir. Please let me have him in my group. As a CR it surely becomes my responsibility to not let anyone feel left out. I'd love to work with him", take that, asshole! I'll show you what diplomacy can be!

"That's actually very nice of you Jungkook", HOD approved, "I won't take a no from you, please go join him", he motioned my boy to sit beside me.

Mission accomplished!

"Now that y'all have your partners, I'd love to see what innovative projects you come up with. Remember, it can be inspired by any pre-existing product or prototype, but you must not copy someone else's work. The idea must be original, or a modification of a product.

You have to prepare ten slides of powerpoint presentation and describe your prototypes. You have to construct a working model of it, and you'll be judged on the basis of your creativity and skills", Prof. Yoo ended his announcements and left the classroom.

I smirked in triumph as he, most unwillingly, came to sit beside me, as soon as the class ended, still quiet, his expressions still inscrutable. As I sat down beside him, I could smell his perfume, exquisite, musky, manly. I had to ask his name, I was dying to know it at this point. And so I did.

"What's your name?" He was still phlegmatic about the situation. "You see, I need to put our names into the project right? Also I would need your phone number, so that I can contact you, whenever I need-"

"Why are you so interested in me?", he cut me off, leaving me speechless. "I didn't willingly come here, you practically manipulated the professor to believe that you don't want me to be left out, when in reality, you just want to get a hold of me."

I wouldn't say he was wrong but how the hell did he know it?! I had to defend myself anyway. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are darling? Just tell me your name and phone number and you may leave" Oh no please don't leave!

He took out a pen and paper and quickly scribbled something, threw it on my face and left. Damn he was obedient. I should've felt insulted, but I didn't. I unfolded the paper and read it.

Kim Taehyung
Fuck you

Mission successful!


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