♡Chapter 9♡

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Jungkook's POV

"Yah Jimin-ssi! Give me back my diary!" I ran behind Jimin, who was busy carrying my diary through the halls of my house. It was my best kept secret so far, before this mochi faced guy decided to pick that up and start reading it. It was evening, almost time for Taehyung to come, Bogummie couldn't join because of a family party he had to attend.

"Catch me if you can PressureKooker!", Jimin shouted. I swear to God if my parents were here! Thank heavens they were out on business trip, otherwise my mum would've thrown me out for having secrets by now. Just when I was about to catch Jiminie, the doorbell rang. Before I could even react, Chim was fast enough to open the door and talk to the stranger whose face I couldn't see still.

Wasn't Taehyung supposed to come today?!

"Yah Jimin-ssi! Who is it-", before I could finish that sentence, the Kim Taehyung walked in, wearing the most casual clothing, glasses and looking sexier than the Greek Gods. Unfortunately, he had my diary in his hands, but he was standing there totally clueless about the situation while Jimin was smirking.

"Umm...am I interrupting something?", Taehyung spoke, breaking the awkward silence. What did he exactly think he was interrupting though? "I....I mean I can leave, you can enjoy with your boyfriend-", he looked around uncomfortably. Boyfriend?! Bitch who's whose boyfriend here?

"B-boyfriend?", I scoffed. "Uh, yeah I mean you two", he gestured between Jimin and me. By that, we both started laughing. Jimin fell down on the ground, clutching his stomach, laughing uncontrollably, "Oh...oh my God! Like I- hahaha- I understand I'm thirsty, but I wouldn't... I wouldn't drink gutter water man what the fuck-", he continued laughing, but I stopped.

"Oi, what do you mean by gutter water?! If I'm gutter water you're...an elephant's fart!", I swear it wasn't funny by now. That sentence made Jimin stop laughing and he got up to chase me down the drawing room again.

"You! You're...fuck it I can't remember! You're a dinosaur's urine, Jeon Jungkook!"

"You're a hippo's shart, Park Jimin!"

"What's a shart?!"

"A shit and a fart together, you idiot!"

We both kept running around and eventually sat down on the sofa, exhausted. As we laughed again, almost forgetting about the man standing at the door, still holding my diary. It wasn't long before he cleared his throat, quite loudly for us to hear. And then we looked at him, he was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, holding my diary, looking at us with his eyebrows raised, probably waiting for an answer.

"So... I guess you're best friends? Anyway, I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you, um...Park Jimin right?", he asked. "How do you know my name?", Jimin asked him back, still struggling to catch his breath. "'You're a hippo's shart, Park Jimin!' someone was saying that", he replied eyeing me. It made Jimin look at me with anger while I shrugged.

"Anyway Taehyung? Give me my diary, and please do not make yourself at home because I clearly don't want you here but I'm being forced to, just for the sake of the project", I sneered. "Oh really? And who insisted on having me in his group? 'It's my duty as the class representative to never let anyone feel left out', who said that huh?", he smirked. Aish boy remembered everything.

I went up to him, snatched away my diary and started walking up the stairs, "Follow me". He followed me closely, Jimin following shortly after. I was about to open the door to my room when Taehyung spoke up, "Will he be staying with us?", pointing towards Jimin. I quickly slapped his hand away, "Aish! Don't you know it's rude to point towards someone? And yes he'll be staying. We need him to code."

Jimin wiggled his fingers, "These fingers work like magic on the computer keyboard babygirl!" His smug smile was wiped away when Tae smirked and said, "They're pretty short to work that well, by the way". Oops. "Huh! Just because you're Jungkook's new friend, I'm letting you go...but the next time you say this, you're gonna regret it", Jimin was the one to put his finger on Tae's nose and flip him off before entering my room.

"Tae, just for your safety, don't ever point out how short he is, or how short his fingers are. Because if you do, the next time, he'll break your fingers to be as short as his", I tried my best to warn him. He smirked but didn't reply. Both of us went inside my room to see Jimin sleeping on my bed, scrolling reels on his phone, holding it right above his face.

"By the way, aren't we supposed to not let anyone else work on the team without permission? That would be violation of the rules, right?", Taehyung asked. "As long as it requires a software job, I can take help from my bestie, moreover who's to know anyway? I wouldn't tell, I hope you don't either!", with that I glared at him and he just shook his head 'no'.

I gave Taehyung a chair to sit as I sat at my desk. "Yah Jimin-ssi, stop scrolling and pay attention here", I called out to him. Chim put his phone down and looked at me with a 'duh' look. "See dude, tell me when you need me to code, otherwise let me be", he sounded smug.

"Well, I need you to code right now. I have checked the Arduino connections and tested the sensors. There's a height sensor and an infrared obstacle sensor. I have coded the Arduino IDE, I just want you to code the IoT connectivity. I have my smartwatch with me, I need the data to show here. Also it'd be nice if we could develop an app for it", I explained the idea to Jimin and he listened carefully.

"Ok done. I'll need much time for it though. I can code the basic layout of the app in about an hour or two, but designing it would take a lot of time, so I'll be taking it home if we don't finish it today. Also Kookie, make a ppt presentation for the design of the app homepage you're going for, the theme I mean. I'll be working accordingly. You prepare the presentation while I work on the IoT part", Jiminie replied.

I looked over at Taehyung who was staring at me looking like a lost puppy. I waved my hand in front of him, "Earth to Taehyung!" He flinched coming back from his little zone out session. He cleared his throat for the second time this evening. "It's nice to see you both talk so.....technically. You were fooling around just a few moments back, but now... it's different. You sure are unpredictable, Jungkook", he said.

"I'll take that as a compliment", I smiled, "You need to help me with the design here. Also give me the skates you brought, I'll attach the circuit with it", i said as he handed over his old pair of skates to me. We both sat closely, to prepare the design as Jimin continued doing the necessary calculations and typing away on his laptop.

It had been an hour, Taehyung had suggested a purple theme and I went with it. This app was supposed to help him anyway, because nobody else here was acquainted with skating in general. I was putting the final video presentation in a sequence when Taehyung suddenly objected to something, I wasn't sure what. But the moment he went behind my back, caging me within his arms to correct something on my laptop, his musky scent filling my nose, I felt dizzy.

His breath fell on my right cheek as he spoke away in his honey coated voice. I didn't bother to listen to whatever he was saying because I was busy getting distracted by his veiny arms in front of me, the feeling of his voice and breath hitting my right ear. My cheeks were probably as red as a tomato by now. But it didn't bother me one bit.

Jimin broke the enchanting spell that had surrounded me as I stared at Taehyung. Chim spoke, "You both keep your romance out of work please. A certain someone hates third wheeling, especially when he's single as fuck", glaring at us both as we awkwardly moved away from each other.

"Jimin-ssi, he was just correcting something", I tried signalling him with my eyes to stop making it more awkward between us. But Jimin never listened. "Oh yes? What was he correcting, dear Jungkook?", he gave me a sarcastic smile. Who was I kidding? It was Jimin. Obviously he would know it all!

It got awkward to the point that even the Kim Taehyung had to excuse himself to go to the washroom. The teasing started right after he left though, which I'd rather not talk about.

Kim Taehyung! You'll be the death of me!


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