♡Chapter 6♡

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Jungkook's POV

My Saturday had drained on after facing Taehyung's rage, coming back home to have my mum's slippers hit my face, then it ended with my mum apologising with jajangmyeon, obviously, it was an Asian household after all, our mums would never apologise directly, they'd just call us for dinner and cook our favourite meals.

It was Sunday and I decided to invade V's personal space again. But this time I called him beforehand, not that I didn't do it last time. On Saturday, I had called him ninety nine times and he didn't bother to pickup. But I was a nice guy, so I called him again. He picked up on the third time. Learnt his lesson I guess!

"What?", he sounded rather bored and also a bit out of breath. Was he training on Sundays too? Damn! And I thought I was being productive. "Yes good morning to you too! Are you training today?", I tried to be as normal as possible, as if he totally didn't manhandle me a day ago.

"I told you to keep it a secret or there will be consequences", Taehyung's deep voice shook my insides as it reverberated through the phone. "It is a secret, Tae! I'm calling from my room, nobody is here", which was true to some extent, well if you wouldn't count my plushies.

"Do not 'Tae' me! What do you even want from me?", he sounded rather bothered by this conversation. Just the question I was waiting for. "You know Tae, the project we are planning to do, which you're also included in, would require me to have your skates", posh language could be the only one to save me.

"How dare you?! I know you for a day and here you're asking for my skates? Really Ju-junk-", motherfucker forgot my name! "Jungkook! My name is Jeon Jungkook, you moron!", I could hear his smug huff from my phone.

"Whatever, you won't be having my skates unless you're capable of skating in them. By capable, I mean, capable of competing with me", I could feel him smirking from the other side. That bastard! He knew I couldn't skate.

I should've refused his offer, I should've just found another project idea, I should've....but I didn't. Instead, I just accepted his challenge. Why Jungkook Why??!!!

"Fine. I'll skate and compete with you, but I have a condition-", I continued, "you have to teach me ice skating", I could imagine his face at that moment, the smugness wiped off, the smirk gone. Oh what a sight it would've been!

"I'm a bad teacher", he replied. So...he didn't deny the proposal. Hmm....
"It's fine by me. I'm coming down today, my lessons start from today itself. Also I'm broke so I can't pay you, and I don't have skates", all the necessities to learn figure skating were absent.

"Ok then, I have spare skates, you can come down, but I'll give you a time period, I'll talk to the dean to extend the project deadline, I'll teach you for a month, if you can do atleast one quad, I'll give you my skates, then you can do your project on them", with that he slammed the phone down.

Did I just succeed? Well, since I had always been quite athletic myself, knowing Taekwondo and boxing, I probably wouldn't have much difficulty in learning skating. One quad! One month, more than enough!

So I headed to the ice skating rink, obviously in my beloved motorcycle. I parked it once again as the deja vu kicked in. The last time I was here, he had dragged me down the halls, and this time he was the one to call me. What an irony of life!

[Play Schindler's List theme while reading this part]

I went inside the arena, the smell of freshly smoothened ice floor hitting my nose. Then I saw him skating, this time with a different music, the theme of Schindler's List. Maybe it was for a different programme, skaters did have a lot of pre-Olympic programmes to attend and every single performance had to be different from one another.

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