♡Chapter 15♡

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Jungkook's POV

It was officially the day of presentation of our prototypes in front of the whole college. The event was being arranged by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department for everyone to view and take part in future endeavours. The competition at first was supposed to be small scale, I had tried to convince our HOD for delaying my submission as a certain someone had refused to lend me his skates.

It was accepted but I didn't really need the delay after all, we were quick to finish the project within the assigned time period, and the competition scaled up a level. Our prototype exhibition and presentation was scheduled to be done in the auditorium, in front of all the other engineering students as well as the Dean of Seoul National University, Prof. Dr. Lee Dong Wook.

Bogum and I had arrived in the auditorium early with our prototype, we had tested it prior to this event. Jiminie was here too, he waved at me from a distance before running towards me. "Hey PressureKooker, all the best! Remember not to take my name, because if you do, you'll be disqualified. I do not need credit for this. But if you plan on applying for a patent then maybe I'd like my name on it", he winked at me and both Bogum and I burst out laughing. He was surely one of a kind.

"Yeah okay Chim, go sit now, the show will begin in a short while, I need to go through my speech once again", I smiled at him gesturing him to sit. "Hmm I'll sit. Hey, where's Taehyung? Wasn't he your teammate?", the dreaded question. I glanced at Bogum and he did the same before he spoke up, "Jimin, Tae has his selections tomorrow, for Olympics, he won't be attending this event, he's probably practising now", to which Jimin nodded, clearly not pleased by the situation.

Bogum took me by the arm and walked us to the nearest corner, "Did something happen between you two?", he asked. Yes, I kinda lashed out on something very trivial, and he would probably never see my face again. But I didn't say that, or any of that. I couldn't. Rather I said, "Nothing as such. We wouldn't need him today, I've prepared enough, you have done your part, we'll be fine don't worry', I smiled it off, avoided the situation again.

Our HOD called me by waving at my direction, I excused myself from Bogum and went to answer him. "Yes sir, were you calling me?", I asked. "You had a team of three right? Where's....
hmm...what's him name? Ah yes, Taehyung. Where's Taehyung?", I didn't know how to answer Professor Yoo.

I couldn't tell him that Taehyung was rehearsing for his selection rounds because I knew it was a secret. Otherwise, he wouldn't have got mad at me when I went to his rink. So I had to think of some other reason.

"Sir... he's busy with a part time job. He won't be able to come here today. Don't worry sir! We'll manage", I smiled awkwardly to manage the situation. He nodded and cheered me on for the event. The event was about to start in a few minutes, so I went to arrange our prototype on the stage. There were other ones as well, all taking part in the competition.

We had a table alloted for each project, so we arranged our laptops, a pen drive containing the PPT and necessary codes, the project skates, fully functional with several sensors and actuators attached to it, and a smartwatch.

The event began with the felicitation of the special guests and the Dean of our university. Professor Wook went on the dias to deliver a speech as the others sat down. The audience settled down as the auditorium quieted down to listen to his speech.

"A very good morning dear students and my fellow professors", he smiled as the girl students awed at him, the guys were equally gay for him. "I'm pretty excited to see the projects you will be presenting today. I did take a peek at them though in the backstage. But I wouldn't dare say anyone is better than the other! Every single prototype has caught my eye. I can already sense that it'll be very tough to decide a winner. But regardless of who wins today, just know that all these projects would be signed up for a patent from the University. I'll help you with the legal procedures of that. Good luck, budding engineers!", he raised his thumbs and wished us good luck, smiling as he got down from the stage.

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