First Day: Shane Go Away

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As Janis and Damian yanked Wyatt into a corner, their expressions morphed into ones of dire seriousness. "Alright, spill it," Wyatt drawled, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "What's the latest gossip on our dear queen bee?"

Janis shot him a look that could freeze lava. "Listen up, Wyatt," she began, her voice tense. "We're not here to gossip. We're here to save your sorry behind from falling into Regina's web of manipulation."

Wyatt rolled his eyes, but Damian's grave nod urged him to listen. "Go on then," he said, his voice laced with reluctant curiosity.

Janis didn't mince words. "Regina may seem like she's turned over a new leaf, but don't be fooled. She's still the same conniving mean girl we knew back in middle school."

Damian chimed in, his tone matching Janis's seriousness. "Seriously, man, Regina's like a black hole of drama. Once you get sucked in, there's no escaping the fallout."

Wyatt scoffed, but their warnings still lingered in his mind. "Thanks for the warning," he muttered, his sarcasm barely contained. "I'll make sure to steer clear of the Regina tornado."

As he trudged through the crowded halls, Wyatt's disdain for Regina simmered beneath the surface. He couldn't shake off the feeling of contempt that boiled within him, fueling his determination to keep his distance from the queen bee and her toxic antics.

His thoughts were interrupted when he was introduced to Cady Heron, the new girl at North Shore High. Unlike the plastic princesses that roamed the halls, Cady's authenticity shone like a beacon in the sea of superficiality.

"Hey," Cady greeted him with a genuine smile, her warmth palpable. "I'm Cady. Nice to meet you."

Wyatt couldn't help but soften in her presence, a stark contrast to his usual cynical demeanor. "Hey there," he replied, returning her smile with a hint of genuine warmth. "I'm Wyatt. You too."

As they exchanged pleasantries, Wyatt found himself drawn to Cady's sincerity, a refreshing change from the backstabbing drama of high school politics. Little did he know, their meeting would set off a chain of events that would challenge his beliefs about friendship, love, and the true nature of high school royalty.

As Wyatt confidently strode through the bustling school hallways, his eyes lit up with determination. He had made up his mind – he was going to try out for the jock team. It was a bold move, considering his past as the misfit who never quite fit in, but Wyatt was ready to prove himself on the field.

As he approached the sign-up sheet, his hand hovered over the paper, his heart pounding with excitement and nerves. With a decisive flourish, he scrawled his name in bold letters, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

Just then, a familiar figure sauntered into view – Regina George, the queen bee herself. Wyatt's stomach twisted with a mixture of apprehension and disdain as he watched her approach, her perfectly styled hair and designer outfit marking her as the epitome of high school royalty.

Regina's gaze flickered over the sign-up sheet, and for a moment, Wyatt held his breath, half expecting her to sneer at him or make some snide remark. But to his surprise, her expression remained impassive as she glanced at his name.

"Joining the team, huh?" Regina remarked coolly, her tone laced with a hint of curiosity.

Wyatt felt a surge of defiance rising within him as he met her gaze head-on. "Yeah, why? You got a problem with that?" he shot back, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Regina's lips curled into a smirk, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Nope, no problem at all," she replied casually, her tone dismissive.

Before Wyatt could stop himself, he felt his hand shooting up, his middle finger raised defiantly in Regina's direction. "Yeah, well, screw you too," he muttered under his breath as she sauntered away, a satisfied grin spreading across his face.

Keep on Pretending, Pretty Girl. (Regina George x Trans Man Reader)Where stories live. Discover now