Chapter 2

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Can was excited to see his family. He always loved that welcoming feeling from his family when he would come home after a long trip. he loved surprising his father and Miriban, and of course his brother.
Can walked into the house and hears them talking in the living room.
AZIZ: "son!!! Welcome back!! (They get up to hug him to welcome him home)I didn't expect you back for another month."
CAN: " I finished sooner than expected, so I decided to come home earlier."
MIRIBAN: "well, we're so happy that you're home, we missed you!!
EMRE: "missed you brother!! I'm glad you're home." the brothers hugged each other. they were very happy to see each other.."
MIRIBAN: "Can, come we were just ready to sit down for dinner."
Can was loving being home, he was telling the family about his travels. They always loved to listen to him and hear about his adventures.
AZIZ: "Can, I'm going to organize a fundraiser for the local orphanage, and we will raise the money with your most popular pictures."
CAN: "as long as I don't have to be there. You know I try to be as private as I can dad."
MIRIBAN: "yes son, we know, but you being there will bring in more money, people will have questions about your pictures."
Can was sitting there rubbing his face, he knows Miriban is right. But he hates being center of attention.
AZIZ: "Can, it's for the kids, they really need a lot of upgrades at the orphanage."
CAN: "okay dad, you know I would do anything for those kids. I'm in."
EMRE: "that's great brother. The pictures will be auctioned off fast, they are amazing" Can hugged his little brother and started messing up his hair. And they started playing fighting and then hugged each other.
Sanem had just gotten back from work at the club, she was counting her tips. She does very well. She likes the money, but she doesn't like the way the men treat her, especially when they're drunk. Sanem's phone rings.
SANEM: "Leyla, how are you I missed you!!" ( leyla was working in Izmir, but she was looking for a job in Istanbul, so she can be close to Sanem and her aunt and uncle. She missed everyone so much.
LEYLA: "I'm good, I just missed you, I hope I find something soon, so we can be close to each other."
SANEM: "me to Leyla, I really miss you, I miss our late night chats."
LEYLA: "me too, I even miss the crazy things you used to do. The trouble you always got into."
SANEM: "well, I'm a little older now, not as crazy, but still clumsy." And they both started laughing, Leyla knows how clumsy Sanem could be.
LEYLA: "how's work Sanem, and school.?"
SANEM: "the money is great, but I hate it. The men are constantly trying to come on to me, especially when they are drinking. And the sad part is I have to be nice or I'll be fired."one more year of college and I'm done, I started writing my book with my professors. But I'm not in a hurry to finish it. I want to take my time. As soon as I'm done I want to get an office job. It will happen I just have to be patient."
LEYLA: "it will Sanem, don't worry. Everything will work out for both of us." They talked for a little while longer and hung up.
The next day, Sanem went to class, her professor in her creative writing class was very interested in her work. And in her it seemed. But of course she didn't notice. And he didn't push it. He told her that he feels that she will be a well known author one day. She was very happy. She left with a huge smile on her face.
She headed over to the orphanage to read to the little children, preschool age. There was this one little girl that Sanem was attached to, her name was Bella, she was two years old. Sanem called her Bell, because she loved the story of beauty and the beast. She would always try to sing the songs from the movie, she was the sweetest little girl. She would always give Sanem the biggest hugs and kisses.
While walking out the door, she noticed a flyer on the wall, that there will be an auction at the art gallery , in support of the orphanage, the photos will be from the famous photographer Can Divit. She couldn't believe her luck, those are the pictures she always admired in the magazine. " I have to go and see, even if I can't get in, at least it's all windows in the front, and I will be able to see some of his pictures."
EMRE: "hey Can, we're going to a new club that opened up, with Metin and Akif. And you're coming"
CAN: "I don't know, I have some work to do yet for the gallery maybe next time."
EMRE: "come on Can, you should see the girls that work there. Beautiful, and there outfits are very nice, very short tight shorts and a tight tank crop tops"
Can started laughing,
CAN: "what happened to Aylin, aren't you guys together anymore?"
EMRE: "Can, it's the same as you and Polen. We fulfill our needs and that's it. We always see other people."
CAN: "I think Polen wants more, I might have to break it off. She's really starting to get clingy."
EMRE: "yeah. Aylin has the same ideas I think. I was thinking of breaking it off completely too. We really don't even get together anymore. But you know she works for us, and I try to be nice. I don't want to hurt her."
CAN: "it's the same with Polen, we only see each other two, three times a year. But she wants more, it's time to let go. Anyway brother, let's go and see these beautiful girls you're talking about"
Can and Emre headed over to the club to meet up with Metin and Akif.
METIN: "Can, what do you think about these Turkish beauties.? I see you're already getting a lot of phone numbers." Actually all four of them are doing pretty well with phone numbers. But Can notices one waitress, she's beautiful, in a soft innocent looking way. her body is to die for. The shorts hug her ass perfectly and her breasts, wow!! He's getting hard just looking at her.
But she looks agitated, it seems that the table she's waiting on, is giving her a hard time. They're trying to grab her constantly , they must be very drunk.
She walks over to the bar where Can is standing and he hears her talking to the manager.
SANEM: "look! You have to do something about that table they won't leave me alone I don't want to wait on them anymore."
MANAGER: "too bad, this is your job, you're a waitress. They are just drunk, deal with it."
Can was getting angry, he could hear it in her voice, that she was very upset. Poor Sanem said nothing, she turned around and noticed Can looking at her. She just stopped and stared at him, he was so handsome. It's like she couldn't move. His eyes were intense. And his long hair was beautiful.
Can, couldn't believe how beautiful she was, her beautiful big brown eyes. Her plump beautiful lips. He couldn't stop looking at her. They stared each other for a couple of seconds and snapped out of it. He put out his hand and said. " hello, my name is Can, I heard you talking to your manager. If those guys give you a hard time, just let me know and I'll take care of them." Sanem smiled and had unshed tears in her eyes. She shook his hand and said. " thank you, Can, but I don't want to cause problems, I really need this job. But if things do get really bad, I will definitely let you know."
She smiled and walked away. Sanem walked away thinking, wow, this guy is hot, and so sweet, he's willing to protect me and he doesn't even know me.
Can, is looking at Sanem, he can't understand why he feels so protective of her. She very sweet, innocent, this place doesn't seem to be her type of place to work in.
EMRE:"she's a beauty, isn't she. You look smitten Can."
CAN: "that she is brother, she's different."
Can was keeping an eye on her all night. Sanem was really getting aggravated with those men at the table.
She would take sneak peeks at Can, she kept looking over at him all night, and she noticed he did too. Can noticed how she would look over at him and give him a shy little smile.
At one point of the night, one of the guys got up when Sanem went over to the table. He tried to grab her butt and tried to pull her close, Sanem got so mad, that she spilled the drink over his head and smacked him across the face, and pushed him away, and Can started walking towards her.
Emre, Metin and Akif, couldn't believe how rude that guy was to that poor girl.
CAN: "Sanem, are you okay, go to the bar, I'll take care of them."she put her hand on his chest, Wow that's solid like a rock.!
SANEM: "no Can please. It's done, over with. I just want to finish my shift and go home" Can, nodded his head. "Okay" he noticed how upset she was. She walks over to the other side of the bar. And he hears her manager say. " what the hell is a matter with you, how could you smack that customer and throw a drink over his head?"
SANEM: "did you see what he tried to do to me? He tried to grab my butt and he tried to pull me close to him, who does he think he is? My job is a waitress I'm not his whore!!"
MANAGER: "yes, your job is a waitress, but they are drunk, they don't know what they're doing!"
SANEM: "well, if they can't handle their alcohol, then they shouldn't be drinking. Let somebody else finish that table off. I'm not going back.!!" Can didn't like the way the manager was talking to Sanem, instead of sticking up to her he was agreeing with the customer.
Metin couldn't believe it either.
METIN: "it's time for the lawyer in me to get involved."
MANAGER: fine finish your night clean up, and don't come back you're fired."
SANEM: "good, I don't want to work here anymore, you don't care nothing about your employees, only about the money that comes in."
MANAGER: "if that's what you think then fine!"
SANEM: "you are such an ass, you see how upset the girls get, the way these men treat them and yet you do nothing, you're a coward!!" He grabs her hand and squeezes it hard and says, watch how you talk to me or you will be sorry." Can and Metin start walking over to help her. But all of a sudden she punches him in the face and pushes him aside and says. " don't you ever grab like that again, do you understand.!! He just gave her the dirtiest look. Can was so proud of her, what a little spitfire. Good for her.
Sanem started walking past Can, he stops her and says. " are you okay?" She looks up at him with unshed tears and says. " I don't know what came over me, I never spoke to anyone like that" he can tell that she was shaking. " Sanem let me take you home". " no thank you, I'm fine, I'm not too far from here." And she walked out. Metin went over and had a little talk with the owner and put him in his place.
Can decided to leave. He was worried about Sanem. He didn't even know this girl, but somehow she entered his heart. As he was walking towards his car he hears a scream, he stops and listens again, he hears where it's coming from and he runs over to the other end of the parking lot and he sees the same man who grabbed Sanem on top of her, punching her, and trying to tear off her clothes. Can grabs him, lifts him off of her and throws him up against the car and starts punching him. Emre pulled Can off of him.
EMRE: "Can , Stop, you're going to kill him."
Can let him go and he ran off. He turns to see Sanem on the ground crying. He goes over to her and hugs her tightly.
CAN: "Sanem, do you want to go to the hospital?"
SANEM: "no please, I'm okay, thank you, because of you he didn't rape me." He held her a little while longer. She looks up at him. " I'm going to go home now. Thank you again. She scratches his bead and kisses him on the cheek.
CAN: "let me take you home"
SANEM: "no it's fine, there's a taxi."and she runs off into the taxi. She didn't want him to see where she was living.
Can just stood there he couldn't believe that she just took off. I'll find you Sanem somehow.

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