Chapter 72

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The week was going smoothly, it was Friday morning and Can and Sanem had an appointment with Gamze and that Italian sex symbol.
CAN: "Bebek what do you think so far, I think we did well with this campaign, if we get this it will be very good for the company."
SANEM: "I think it's great, the diva won't find any better that's for sure." Can laughs and pinches her cheek.
Everyone was in the conference room, Derin, Aziz, Meriban, Ela and CeCe, along with Can and Sanem, waiting for Zara's team to show up.
Guliz knocks on the door and in walks, Gamze and Zara with another young gentleman.
They greet each other, but Zara's eyes are glued to Can, and Sanem notices and so do all the employees especially the women. Zara is dressed to kill, with her sexy mini skirt and her tight fitted practically see through blouse. Sanem looks at herself and sees herself very plain, a nice snug dresses with spaghettini straps, and a nice pair of comfortable heels. Miriban squeezed Sanem's hand, and looks at her with confidence. And whispers to her "your much prettier and sexier"
Sanem smiles and gets back to business. Ela notices the young man kept looking at Sanem , but Ela doesn't like this Zara at all she's very bold towards Can. Can noticed how the young man was looking at Sanem.  He was a good looking guy probably around Can's height and age, very well built. Practically like Can.
ZARA: " this is gio, one of my assistants, he flew in from Italy for this meeting."
GIO: "it's nice to meet you all."
Can grabs Sanem's hand and kisses it, and held it, for most of the meeting.
Sanem told them, that they will pick out the models for the add if they decide to go with them. It would be a man and a woman. On the beach. With different romantic settings in the evening wear that Zara designed for men and women.
ZARA: "I like it, Gio what do you think?"
GIO: "I think it's great, I don't think you should look further, this agency is perfect.!"
ZARA: "I agree " Sanem and Can looked at each other and smiled, he caresses her cheek. Zara sees this, but definitely wants Can for herself married or not!
"Well, I think I already have the model, for the men, it will be you Can, your perfect, your style is just what we need."
Can and Sanem just looked at each other, and all the employees, Ela, Derin and Miriban knew exactly what she was doing, she wants Can, and she is determined!"
CAN: "that's not going to happen, I don't model and never will, find someone else." He was strict with his decision. And he meant it, and Sanem could see it.and she was very happy.
ZARA: "Can, please, you are perfect, you're a hot young man with a unique look and famous you're perfect!"
And she smiles sweetly at him. Sanem is getting pissed.
CAN: "sorry, but my answer is no, find someone else. End of discussion.!" He's getting angry.
Zara sees it and she backs off. Gamze is looking at this, but again no expression.
ZARA: "Fine, then you will take the photos, I refuse to have another photographer!"
CAN: "sorry again, I don't take pictures of models, I take pictures of nature, again find another photographer." Zara is not happy, she wants him, and it's going to be him. Sanem sees this and she is getting angry. She's ready to punch that Botox face of hers.
ZARA; "Can, please, it would be perfect, you a world famous photographer and me a world famous clothing designer, it will be great, you'll see."
GIO: "Actually, Sanem would be the perfect model, she's perfect." Can looks him and he is definitely getting angry.
CAN: "no she will not, find another model!"
Gio saw how pissed Can was and backed off.
ZARA: Gio she's to plain and simple anyway, she's not for this photo shoot." And she looks at Sanem and smiles and Sanem smiles back sarcastically.
CAN: "she's perfect just the way she is!! He turns and looks at Sanem and kisses her hand.
ZARA: "fine, then at least do the pictures, I want a professional and you're the best, please Can."
Can looked at Sanem she smiled and nodded okay.
CAN: "fine, when we are ready with the rest of the campaign we will do it in a one day shoot in Agva, only two models, you can pick them out. We will let you know when everything is ready in the next couple of weeks. Zara was more than happy.
ZARA: "thank you Can, this means the world to me. Having you as the photographer is the best thing for this add."
They ended the meeting with that, she went to kiss and hug Can but Sanem and Ela intercepted, both went to shake her hand at the same time. And then Gio went over to Sanem, and looked at her up and down and Can went and stood next to her and grabbed her by the waist and brings her close to him.
GIO: "well it was nice meeting you both, I'm leaving for Italy, I will be back for the photo shoot."
Can is like goodbye have a nice flight.
Can took Sanem by the hand, took her to his office and left everyone else in the conference room.
Sanem and Can are both angry, but can didn't notice how Zara was flirting with him and Sanem didn't notice how Gio was flirting with her.
He turns and looks at Sanem and smiles and gives her a kiss.
CAN : how about some lunch, are you hungry?"
SANEM: I Am, for a fish sandwich and a nice big piece of chocolate cake, let me just go see if Miriban and your father want something to eat, I'll be right back.
Sanem went into Miriban's office, and Miriban noticed that she was upset.
MIRIBAN: "Sanem, that women is a piece of work, but I wouldn't worry, Can loves you, he held your hand through that whole meeting. And he didn't like the way Gio was looking at you. He was angry."
Sanem looked at her confused.
SANEM: "Gio looked at me, I think you're mistaken, his boss is a goddess did you see her body she's beautiful, why would he look at me."
MIRIBAN: " just because she's beautiful, doesn't mean that every man wants her, she's more the type that you pass the time with, but you are the type that men want. the type they want to love and have a family with."
Sanem smiled and hugged Miriban, she loves her she always says the right thing to make her feel better.
Can was in his dad's office, Aziz noticed how irritated he was, and he knows it's about that Italian Gio.
AZIZ: "son, why are you so angry, Sanem loves you, didn't you notice how angry she was getting at Zara, that woman was flirting with you the whole time. I thought at one point sanem was ready to beat her up. Gio is definitely a player and you know Sanem, she was probably clueless because she's an innocent at heart. Plus she loves you and I think you know that."
CAN: "Zara wasn't flirting with me, I only noticed Gio, and I didn't like the way he was looking at her and flirting with her."
AZIZ: "do you honestly think Sanem noticed? Can smiled
CAN: "probably not, she's too sweet and innocent, your right dad I know she loves me, but I hate when other men look at her like that."
AZIZ: "and I'm sure she feels the same about you with the woman, and remember for her it's worse, because you have quite a reputation with the woman."
CAN: "well no other woman interests me, just Sanem, thanks dad, I'm taking Sanem out to lunch do you want anything?
AZIZ: "I'm good son, go enjoy your lunch with your beautiful wife."
Can and Sanem came out of Miribans office and aziz's office and looked at each other with huge smiles on their faces.
CAN: "let's go get some lunch, I'm getting hungry."
SANEM: "let's go, I'm hungry too," on the way out they saw Metin and Derin heading out to lunch, and they decided to join them. The guys were talking and Sanem and Derin were having their own conversation.
DERIN: "Sanem are you okay, I saw how angry you were getting, don't let that sleazy woman get to you , you are way more beautiful than her!"
SANEM: "Thank you Derin, I mean I trust Can, it's her that I don't trust."
DERIN: "trust me Can is not that type, I know Metin had a lot of girls to, but I try to block it out. Because just like you he was my first and last" Sanem smiled, she loves Derin she's always so honest.
SANEM: "I know Metin loves you too, he is a good man Derin, you see how caring he is with everyone, he's so much like Can, I guess that's why they get along so well." They both look over at their men and smile.
DERIN: "I agree, we are very lucky aren't we"
SANEM: "yes we are."
The couple's finished lunch and went back to work.
There was a knock on Can's door and a man maybe a little older than Can entered his office, Can recognized him right away, it was Atlan, his friend the Architect.
CAN: "Sanem this is Atlan, my architect friend, he's going to design the rooms for the house, his wife and him are one of the best architects in Turkey."
ATLAN: stop exaggerating Can, it a pleasure to meet you Sanem."
SANEM: "it's a pleasure to meet you too."
They got down to work and told them exactly what they wanted. They both seemed pleased with his design.
ATLAN: "okay, I will apply for the permits and hopefully we can start construction soon."
CAN: "sounds good, see you soon!"
Can turns and looks at Sanem and she's so happy and smiling. "Bebek, you look happy with the design "
SANEM: "very, it going to be great, lots of room for our huge family."
Can hugs her and looks at her in the eyes.
CAN: "I agree, I was thinking, once we add the family room and the office, we can expand the kitchen into the family room area that already exists, the kitchen needs updating anyway, what do you think?"
She smiles and kisses him.
SANEM: "I agree, that's a great idea, I can just picture a big island and me and you baking and cooking together with our kids. It's perfect Can, I love it."
CAN: "we will do everything at the same time, and we can live in the cabin for a several months until everything is done."
SANEM: "sounds good to me, my love, are you ready to go home, it's hot and I want to go swimming."
CAN: "what did you say you're hot, ( she starts giggling and turning red, he loves that shyness about her)so am I bebek hot for you!!" He gives her one hot kiss and squeezes her tight. "Let's go bebek" he grabs her by the hand and they headed home.
He kept looking at her, while he was driving, caressing her thigh and she would smile and look at him and scratch him beard.
SANEM: "Can, I hope we're always like this, you and I, the way we are now, always wanting to be together."
CAN: "it will my love, I can't imagine anything else, or anyone else with me, only you. I said this before, we were destined to be together, just looking at our story proves it. We've overcome so many obstacles and we're still together."
SANEM: "you're right, and in fact it's made our love even stronger, don't you think."
CAN: "I don't think it I know it."
She smiles and looks at him and says " I do to, my love. I do too."

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