chapter 93

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The girls got up the next morning and breakfast was on the table, there Annem and baba loves when they are home they definitely love to feed them.
SANEM: "good morning children, breakfast is ready "
DENIZ: "Annem we finished your book last night, all we can say is wow, the both of you went through a lot to get to where you are today."
CAN: "true, but it made our love even stronger, every time someone tried to separate us or bad things would happened it brought us closer together."
ZARA: "but baba you had some serious injuries too, those men were crazy." Can takes Sanem's hand and kisses it and looks at her lovingly
CAN: "true, but I loved your mother I would have done anything for her, and I still would."
The girls are looking at them dreamily, what a love story.
NIHAT: "wow I think we should read this story."
AZIZ: "definitely, but honestly I don't see my self falling in love like that, and getting married, I love my freedom"
NIHAT: "I agree, I mean maybe one day we will meet someone and get married, but not anytime soon."
Can and Sanem started laughing.
CAN: "I think you two should read the book because I felt the same way, no one thought that I would settle down I was definitely a free spirit, kind of wild card."
DENIZ: "Annem it must of been hard fighting of all those women, I guess baba was very handsome and a lot of women wanted him." Sanem looked at Can and smiled.
SANEM; "oh that he was, he was and still is very handsome, I will still fight off any woman that goes after him." Can started laughing because Sanem still gets angry.
CAN: "I have to say, your Annem was something what a spitfire, she definitely always gave those women what they deserved."
SANEM: "not that your father was any better no one could even look at me he was always ready to pounce on them" the kids were laughing.
CAN: "and I still would pounce on anyone that would try to come near you! ( He also still gets irritated, and Sanem was smiling) but as you see everything worked itself out, true love always wins out."
SANEM: "okay so today we can just hang out by the pool and invite all our closest friends and do a barbecue what do you think?"
The kids loved the idea, they always loved being together with everyone, they always had a good time.
Everyone was hanging around the pool laughing and enjoying their time together. Akif and Metin told Can's kids all there funny stories about their father even Emre joined in. Leyla and Osman told the kids about their mother's clumsiness and how she always would get herself into trouble with Ahan and him and Leyla would have to cover for them. The kids were laughing they love to hear stories about their parents when they were young.
At the agency the next day it was busy, Can and Sanem are trying to get caught up before vacation.
CAN: "Sanem did you notice Deniz with Metins son Elkin, I think they are interested in each other."
SANEM: "I noticed, let's see how this plays out, he's a very nice young man, and also finishing up law school, and very handsome, actually they look very good together."
CAN: "that they do. Well I guess if it's meant to be it will happen."
SANEM: "maybe a little push, what do you think, I think we had a little help back then to remember your parents?"
CAN: "I do, oh I know they did, but look they're going back to school soon. This year she graduates law school and Zara also is graduating. Let them finish and if anything is meant to be it will happen."
SANEM: "I Agree, but I'm glad the boys will be working with us at the agency for a couple of months before they go away again. The house feels so empty when they're gone.
CAN: "it does, bebek,, why don't we take a little vacation with Emre and Leyla, the boys can fill in for us, just for two weeks, maybe if they start working there they might want to stay and not leave all the time."
SANEM: "that's a great idea, plus Emre and Leyla's girls can cover in finance, since they are both accountants, they know the business well, they worked there all the time during college."
CAN: "And his boys and our girls are still here so they can help when needed."
SANEM: "well it's settled, we're going on vacation, we're renting a huge boat and we are going island hopping."Sanem looks at Can and smiles "Can Divit I love you so much this is going to be great, maybe we can do three weeks?"can smiles and pulls her close and starts rubbing her back and butt.
CAN: I love you my princess, three weeks it is, but I think we should talk to the kids first."
They both started laughing.
SANEM: "I guess you're right."
Well it looks like all the kids agreed to help, they wanted their parents to take a much needed vacation.
They will be leaving in two weeks.
The two families were at the agency preparing the kids on what is going on and what needs to be done while they are away.
Sanem and Can were working together in his office when Sanem looked through the glass door and noticed Deniz talking to Elkin.
SANEM: "Can, look, you know Elkin has been here almost every day trying to make excuses to see Deniz, have you noticed?"
CAN: "I have, they do look good together don't they"
SANEM: that they do, he's a very handsome young man and of course our daughter is beautiful!" He smiles and pinches her cheeks.
CAN: "just like her mother."
SANEM: "Can look, it looks like there arguing, Elkin also looks angry but he's trying to talk to her calmly."
CAN: "but look at her she's not having it, she just walked away." He starts laughing "who does she remind you of?"and he smiles softly at Sanem
SANEM: "why are you looking at me like that, you're just as stubborn. But I must admit I might be a little more stubborn than you"
CAN: "You think?" They both started laughing. Let's get back to work they will figure it out. Anyway, so Emre and I hired two more girls to work here, there in college but need jobs for extra money. They will be doing odd jobs while working here."
SANEM: "great, we do need extra help around here."
CAN: "they should be here soon, there names are Elif and Asli ." There was a knock at the door and Derin walks in
DERIN: Can, the new girls should be here soon, I'll let you know"
CAN: "Thank you Derin, what's wrong is everything okay."
DERIN: "oh yes everything is perfect, actually, did you notice Deniz and Elkin ?"
SANEM: "I did, we both did, and were very happy!"
DERIN: "Metin and I are very happy , but I think they don't know it yet that they love each other."
SANEM: "I agree, but maybe we can show them the path without saying anything". (In the meantime Metin walked in)
DERIN: "I agree, but I just saw them arguing about something, awww isn't it sweet a little lovers quarrel."
Metin and can are watching these two making plans with each other for the kids.
SANEM: "it was it reminded me of our little quarrels Can." can starts laughing
CAN: "our quarrels weren't little, they were huge, and I think you and Derin should stay out of it"
METIN; I agree let them figure things out for themselves. We did, Derin and I argued all the time at the beginning "
DERIN: "yeh, maybe because old girlfriends were showing up left and right, what the heck did you do go out and sleep with almost all the girls in Istanbul!" Can was laughing
SANEM: "what are you laughing at, (Can stoped laughing and looked innocently at Sanem, he knew she was getting angry) you weren't any better, and I think your sons take after you both!"
DERIN: "and I bet you any money that little quarrel they just had was my son and his girlfriends and your daughter being jealous"
SANEM: "I agree, I think they really like each other, but they still don't know it, all the kids have been hanging out together a lot lately since they have been back." Metin and Can are just looking at each other smiling.
DERIN: "anyway, tomorrow we have a new account coming in Can, some makeup company, there from Italy"
CAN: "okay, no problem, Derin who is that boy that Zara is talking to?"
Metin and Derin turned to look.
METIN: "oh that's Erkin's friend from college Adem, he's a nice boy, he's studying to be a doctor, actually he's a couple of years older than my son, he's doing an internship here at the hospital in the city."
Derin and Sanem are looking at the couple, and they also seem interested in each other.
SANEM: "has he been here for a while I don't remember seeing him anywhere."
DERIN: "yes, several months and when Elkin came home, they have been inseparable."
SANEM: "so that means they have been hanging out together all the kids."
CAN: "Sanem I see your wheels turning, are you playing Cupid again?"
SANEM: "Can, my love, you know I'm good at it, look at Derin and Metin. Ahan and CeCe. Or how about Guliz and Osman" Can pinches her cheek and smiles. Okay little matchmaker, remember just a little push let them find their own way. Like my parents did us."
Derin and Sanem were smiling, and Metin and Can were watching them, "no problem my love just a little push."
DERIN: the reception just texted me, the two new girls are here Ela and Asli there around twenty three years old almost done with college, Ela in creative writing and Asli commercial arts, very sweet girls actually I think they are cousins."
CAN: "okay let's meet our new employees, Metin and Derin left and CeCe brought the girls back to the office."
The girls entered the office they seemed a little shy and nervous.
SANEM: good morning girls it's nice meeting you both."
ASLI: it's nice meeting you both Mr and Mrs Divit."
ELA: "thank you for giving us this opportunity to work for your agency."
CAN: well I see Ela you're studying creative writing, actually my wife went to college for the same thing and she's written several books."
ELA: "oh I know, I've read each book and I loved them, especially your love story it was beautiful."
She was smiling and had a dreamy look on her face.
Sanem was smiling because she reminds her of a young Sanem. Even Asli has a dreamy smile on her face.
CAN: "and Asli commercial art , very nice, maybe eventually you both can do your internships here and maybe even move up in the agency." The girls were smiling ear to ear Can and Sanem really liked them very sweet and seemed very innocent.
SANEM: "are you to cousins, you look alike "
ELA: "yes we're first cousins, but we're like sisters inseparable." Sanem really likes these girls. Hmmm Can sees her wheels turning again. This can't be good.
There's a knock on the door and Aziz and Nihat walk in.
AZIZ: "baba I need you to look at these photos that we want to donate for the fundraiser."
NIHAT: "yes baba, maybe we can auction them off"
The boys turn to look at the girls and smile.
NIHAT: hi I'm Nihat and this is my brother Aziz,"the girls have huge smiles on their faces. These guys are gorgeous, and huge, my god and they're twins. Of course there gorgeous look at the father and mother.
ELA: "hi I'm Ela and this is my cousin, Asli, very nice to meet you." Nihat and Aziz are thinking very nice and sweet girls. Can and Sanem are watching the interaction. The girls are definitely interested, the boys seemed it to, it might be a take a little while longer for them to figure it out, but they will, plus they're kind of wild, like father like son, but they will figure it out.
The boys just stared at the girls, and the girls are blushing. They suddenly snapped out of it
AZIZ: " well we will get back to work, it was nice meeting you both and if you need anything just ask.
The girls nodded and thanked them.
CeCe came into the office and took the girls to show them around and to show them what they will be doing for now. And Sanem is smiling, she is so happy right now.
SANEM: "Can did you see that, our boys definitely thought the girls were pretty and sweet."can smiled and pinched her cheeks
CAN: " Yes I noticed, the girls kind of remind me of someone else, who was and still is very sweet and innocent." She looks at him and smiles."and leans in to kiss him
SANEM: "who, do I know her?"
CAN: "I think you do my love, I'm looking right at her."
He gives her a hot kiss. "I love you my sweet wife, I think your match making skills are very very good, and there rubbing of on me" she smiles and hugs him.
SANEM: " so you're thinking that these two girls are nice for our boys?"
CAN: "I do, like I said they remind me of you, and I think they will be good for our boys."
SANEM: "you're the best my hunky husband, love you so much!!"
CAN: "and I love you my hot sexy little matchmaker!"

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