Chapter 99

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The next morning, all the kids were off to the beach with their boyfriends and girlfriends. AZIZ and Nihat went to pick up the girls, they were waiting for them a couple of blocks from the house.
AZIZ: "good morning bebek" ( and he gives her a kiss and she starts blushing he brings her in for a hug.) "you're so sweet."
NIHAT: "good morning princess" ( he gives her a kiss and she is also turning red) he hugs her tightly and kisses the top of her head) are you girls ready.?"
ASLI: "we are, let's get going before someone sees us."
NIHAT: "how far is your house from here?"
ELA: "just about two blocks down, on the right you can't miss it, it has a white double door and the house is painted soft yellow"
ASLI: "it's funny every house in the neighborhood is a different color. But it really does look pretty."
AZIZ: "brother we can probably take some nice pictures in the neighborhood."
NIHAT: "I agree, remember the pictures baba took of annem''s neighborhood.?"
AZIZ: "They were beautiful, but then again no one takes a picture like baba."
NiHAT: true! Okay let's get going everyone will be there soon."
They got to the beach around the same time everyone else did, Deniz and Zara went and hugged Asli and Ela.
DENIZ: "we are so happy that the two of you are dating our brothers."
ZARA: " we are all very happy, I guess love is in the air, because I'm dating Adem and Deniz is dating Elkin."
ELA: " wow, that's wonderful we're so happy for you both, although, we did notice that you were interested in each other."
ASLI: "yes, Elkin and Adem were in the office almost everyday looking for you." The girls were laughing.
NIHAT: Ela, come sit next to me." Ela was looking at Nihat in his bathing suit with no shirt on, this man is gorgeous, tall, dark and handsome, his body, is to die for, his muscles are bulging. He's so huge next to me. Ela starts feeling hot and flustered and it looks like Asli is feeling the same, because Aziz is perfect too. He looks just like Nihat, they definitely are identical.
AZIZ: Asli, do you want to go swimming?, if you do you would need to take your cover up off first."he smiles and caresses her cheek. She takes it off, and she's wearing a bikini, that's definitely not covering that much. Aziz swallows hard, she's beautiful, wow. She's looking at him. She looks worried.
ASLI: "Aziz you don't like it. I'll put my cover up back on." He smiles and kisses her hand
AZIZ:," Asli You look so hot, you're not leaving my side, I don't want anyone other men looking at you."she smiles and scratches his beard.
ASLI: "I never want to leave your side."
He picks her up and runs into the water with her.
Nihat is looking at Ela, she is definitely hot, wow, very hot.
NIHAT: "bebek, you look hot, beautiful, you only were this bikini when I'm around, I don't want other guys looking at you "
ELA: I don't think anyone will look."
NIHAT: well obviously you don't know how good you look. Whatever you do don't leave my side."
Ela: really, I mean, I look okay?"
NIHAT: not just okay, perfect." And he kisses her softly. Then he picks her up and throws her in the water.
All the men were very protective of there girls, Adem and Elkin, were just as bad as Nihat and Aziz."
But the girls loved it. Aziz noticed a bruise on Asli's arm, he rubs it and says "Asli, were did you hurt your self, that's a pretty big bruise." Ela and Asli looked at each other.
ASLI: "I'm just very clumsy, I ran into the door when I got home last night. You be surprised how clumsy I am, you will always see bruises on me." And she starts laughing
ELA: "true, that she is." He smiles and kisses her bruise. "I'm going to cool off I'll be back in a couple of minutes."
Aziz and Nihat went into the water and Asli and Ela sat next to each other.
ASLI: "he grabbed you to last night but you don't have a bruise, he must of grabbed me harder."
ELA: "I'm sorry Asli, soon we will move out."
ASLI: I can't wait. Actually he hasn't really hit me that much lately, probably because I'm giving him money, thank god I don't have any more bruises, because how would I've explained it to Aziz."
ELA: "Maybe you should tell him the truth. Maybe he can help."
ASLI: "are you kidding, did you see what those two did to the Italians, I don't think they know their own strength."
ELA: "okay, it's our secret, for now, (they look toward the water) here they come."
They kissed there girls and laid next to them."
AZIZ: "lay down next to me. I want to hold you a little."
Asli laid down next to him, " so tell me a little about yourself. I want to know all about you.
ASLI: "there isn't much to tell, I lead a very boring life."
AZIZ: "do you have siblings?"
ASLI: "no, it's just my stepfather and I, and of course my cousin Ela. My father passed away when I was around five, and my mother remarried, when I was eleven years old, and then she passed away when I was 15. that's about it. See very boring."
AZIZ: "I'm sorry Asli, it must of been hard for you?"
ASLI: "it was hard, but I'm okay, I adjusted, there isn't much else I could have done." Aziz felt sorry for her, she practically has no family. He held her tightly and was caressing her arm.
NIHAT: Ela, tell me about your self, do you have any siblings?"
ELA: "no, it's just me and my mother, my father left my mother when I was around seven years old, he never came back. My parents fought one night and the next day he was gone. My mother was devastated, she worked odd jobs to support us, but it wasn't enough , when I was around 16 she got a job working for a wealthy family as a maid, in Izmir,"
NIHAT: "she didn't take you with her?"
ELA: "No, the people she works for didn't want any kids around, so I stayed back. But I have Asli, I sleep there pretty much. We're very close, like sisters, actually our fathers were brothers."
Nihat felt so bad for her.
NIHAT: "I'm sorry Ela, ( pausing and pulling her close and hugging her) well just so you and Asli know, you will never be alone again, we just made you both part of our Family!."
DENIZ: "that's right! And just so you know, when we say you will never be alone, trust us we mean it you will never be alone!" The girls are laughing and have tears in their eyes.
ZARA: "honest truth, we're always together, all of us Even uncle Emre's and aunt Leyla kids, we're all inseparable."
ELA: "we don't know what to say, thank you all so much. I think I speak for Asli too, we would love to be part of your family."
DENIZ: "if you get tired of us being around just tell us, and we will give you a break."
ASLI: "I don't think that will ever happen, we love how you are all so close. This to Ela and I is like a dream. We always wanted a real family."
Deniz , Zara and Emre's twin girls went over and hugged Ela and Asli, they did one big group hug, and the girls squeezed  so hard that they all fell to the ground laughing. Then the guys all ran over picked up their girls and threw them in the water.
Ela comes up from the water laughing and crying.
NIHAT: "Bebek (taking her hair out of her face) are you ok, did I hurt you?" She starts crying and hugs him tightly.
ELA: "I'm just so happy, Nihat, I just lo..(she stops mid sentence)
Nihat smiles and takes her into his arms
NIHAT: "what Ela, don't be embarrassed, because I love you too." She looks up at him and smiles her eyes full of tears.
ELA: "you do?"
NIHAT: "probably since the first day I met you, but my brain took a while to catch up." They both start laughing and hug each other.
ELA: "me too Nihat, from the first time I saw you I knew, but I never thought it would be possible."
NIHAT: " well it is possible, I'm never letting you go Ela, you're mine, I love you." They hugged and kissed each other and walked back to the beach together and laid in each other's arms.
Aziz and Asli were playing around he picks her up and throws in the water again and she comes up laughing.
ASLI: "You know, I wish I was bigger and stronger, because then I would pick you up and throw you in the water."
AZIZ: "why don't you try" they both start laughing. "I'll stand still try to pick me up." He has a smirk on his face and she's giggling.
ASLI: "okay, ( she starts stretching like she's working out) and they both start laughing and then she puts her arms around his waist and tries to pick him up. And they both start laughing very hard. She looks into his eyes laughing "ah Aziz I just love you so much!" she stops, puts her face into her hands, she was so embarrassed. He smiles takes her hands away from her face. And her eyes are shut.
AZIZ: "Bebek, look at me". She opens her eyes and looks at him like she scared. "I love you too" she looks shocked "don't look so shocked, I think I fell in love with you the first day I met you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. But it took me a while to realize it."
ASLI: "really you love me, I can't believe it, I think I'm dreaming, pinch me." He starts laughing and grabs her by the waist and gives her a passionate kiss. " I love you Aziz" and she starts kissing him all over his face while saying I love you the whole time.
he picks her up and throws her in the water again and she comes up full force and jumps into his arms.
AZIZ: "I love you Asli, now and forever." He took her by the hand and they went and laid on the beach together, holding each other.
The girls were so happy, they couldn't believe that these two handsome hunky men were in love with them. They were all smiles Deniz and Zara were watching them.
DENIZ: "Zara look how happy the girls are, they're in love."
ZARA: "look at our brothers they look just as happy, I think they're in love too, who would of thought that those two would fall in love so soon"
The girls start laughing. Because they know how popular they were with the women.
DENIZ: "but just look at them, I'm just so happy for them."
ZARA: " me too sister. Me to."
It was time to head back to the house, Elkin and Adem decided to go back home and take showers and they would meet them back on the farm.
AZIZ: "Asli, Ela, you can take a shower in the girls room when we get back home." Girls agreed.
NIHAT: "okay, let's get going" everyone got up to leave.
ASLI: "Ela, you know we might be home late tonight, we have to think of a good excuse of where we were."
ELA: "hopefully he will be drunk and passed out, but don't worry we will think of something, okay?, and don't worry I'm with you, I won't let anything happen to you."
ASLI: "thank you Ela, I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have you." The girls smiled and hugged each other
ELA: " well you have me and you're stuck with me for life, I'm not going anywhere. Look at are luck, we are dating twin brothers, and we're in love."
ASLI: "we are, I just love Aziz so much. We are lucky, not only with them but the whole family."
ELA: "we definitely are, come let's go, they're waiting for us."
Aziz and Nihat saw the girls talking, they look a little worried.                                                                             AZIZ: "Maybe they're just nervous  that this is their first and it will be their only relationship."
AZIZ: "we will let them talk to us when they are ready."
NIHAT: "I agree, okay let's get going everyone. The party isn't over yet!"
The boys took the girls by their hand kisses it and head home.
NIHAT: love you bebek" She smiles shyly ELA: love you too."
AZIZ: "love you princess" she smiles shyly ASLI: "love you too my prince."

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