Chapter 47

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Mevcabi had asked Leyla and Sanem to go earlier to the house to help her prepare for today's dinner.
SANEM: "auntie, why all this food, the Divits have been here before."
MEVCABI: "well I also invited Osman and Ahan, there family you know."
SANEM: "oh Okay, but you have enough food here to feed an army. How much can we eat"
MEVCABI: "they can take some home, I always make more, you know that, better to have more than to run out of food."
Leyla and Sanem looked at each other and smiled. And went and hugged their auntie. "What was that for"
LEYLA: "for you, just being you, and always taking care of us." Mevcabi smiled and kissed the girls, she loved these girls like they were her own daughters, she would do anything for them.
MEVCABI: "so Sanem, how was your hike with Can the other day?" Sanem and Leyla just looked at each other. Damn she's one smart cookie.
SANEM: "Oh, it was very nice, you should see all the beautiful flowers I gathered to make my creams. Actually auntie I'm thinking of creating my own cream brand, what do you think?" Leyla also trying to sway the conversation.
LEYLA: "that's a great idea Sanem, those organic creams you make are so good, my skin is always smooth and they smell great. And the scent last longer than most creams I've used."
MEVCABI: I agree, I think you should do it, and Sanem?
SANEM: yes auntie?"
MEVCABI: "nice way of saving your self and changing the subject!" The girls look at each other in shock, she winks at the girls and says, "you know I was young once too, and very much in love, your uncle and I always tried to escape from everyone so we could be alone." There auntie has a dreamy look on her face thinking about her Nihat. The girls look at each other, with a, I really don't want to hear details about their romantic meetings. Sanem quickly changes the subject.
SANEM: "well auntie we're going to change"
Mevcabi came back to her senses and looks at the girls and smiles. "Okay girls go, oh Sanem, there's this beautiful new dress hanging on the door of your closet, wear that tonight." Sanem looks at her confused.
SANEM: " auntie, I was just going to wear a simple sun dress, why do I need a new dress?" Mevcabi gave her that look, like don't ask questions, just do what I tell you, and Sanem always knew that was the end of discussion. The girls went to their rooms to change, Sanem looked at the dress hanging up, it was beautiful, it was a beautiful green silk dress, with spaghetti straps. She put it on and looked in the mirror, it was beautiful it hugged her body, and made her look very shapely. Leyla knocks on the door and looks at her.
LEYLA: "Sanem, you look beautiful, you're breathtaking, the color is beautiful on you."
SANEM: " it is beautiful isn't it, but I don't understand why I have to be dressed up like this, you don't have a new dress for today why should I." The girls just looked at each other and all of a sudden they smile,
LEYLA: "Sanem, do you think Can is coming here today for an engagement, do you think he bought you this dress.?"
SANEM: "what else could it be, I'm mean we're already engaged, he just wants to follow tradition and make it official with aunt Mevcabi and uncle Nihat."
The girls started screeching and grabbed each other and started dancing around. Mevcabi heard them and started laughing, "They figured it out, those are my girls, of course they take after me and my sister!"
MEVCABI: "girls, come let's set the table everyone will be here soon." The girls went down stairs and Sanem went straight to her aunt and hugged her.
SANEM: "Thank you auntie, you just make everything more special." Mevcabi smiled and kissed her with tears in her eyes.
MEVCABI: "let's finish up, come on let's not waste time I want everything perfect."
The door bell rang and they all went to the door to greet their guests, of course Sanem was the first one there to open the door. She has a huge smile on her face when she opens the door and sees Can standing there with the chocolates and flowers and he also has a huge smile on his face. They are just standing there staring at each other when Mevcabi welcomed everyone inside.
Can was staring at Sanem, he loved the way she looked in the dress he brought her.
CAN: "You look beautiful Sanem, I knew that dress would look great on you."Sanem couldn't stop smiling
SANEM: "thank you Can, I love it, and I love you, I love your surprises, how long have you been planning this."
CAN: "I asked for your hand after the fire that first week, but everything got delayed. But now it's time my love to make everything official." He grabs her by the waste and pulls her in for a quick kiss, and looks at her body up and down. "I wish I can just take you away and make love to you right now" Sanem starts giggling, let's get in there before Mevcabi comes looking for us. Because she's like a blood hound, she senses everything. They both started laughing, Can took her hand and kissed. " okay let's go inside bebek everyone is waiting for us."
The day went beautifully, Aziz asked for permission for Sanem's hand, Can drank his coffee with a straight face, and everyone laughed.
OSMAN: "congratulations Can, you drank the coffee with a straight face, now we all know you can handle Sanem" everyone started laughing, And clapping.
MEVCABI: "yes, son, she can be quite a handful, just make sure you're there to catch her when she falls." Everyone laughs because they know Sanem, even sanem is laughing.
SANEM: "okay, everyone is this a pick on Sanem night or an engagement party. Let's put some music on and dance!!" She turns to Can and they look at each other with so much love.
CAN: "my princess, I will always be there to catch you."
SANEM: "I trust you will my love"
Everyone was having a great time they moved the party outside into the street, Can and Sanem called Metin, Derin, Akif his wife, CeCe and Guliz to join the festivities, the whole neighborhood came out to congratulate them. The dancing and partying went way into the night. Aziz decided to close the agency on Monday so they can recover from their celebration.
Can was drunk, he kept grabbing Sanem, hugging her and kissing her. Emre wasn't to far behind, he was attached to Leyla all night.
EMRE: Leyla, you look hot, I love you" he kept kissing her and hugging her, of course Leyla loved it, he's always very good to her and affectionate.
LEYLA: "I love you too, but I think you shouldn't drink any more, you had more than enough."
EMRE : "maybe, but I know what I'm saying, and I know what I'm doing, and Leyla just so you know, soon you and I will be one" Leyla turned and looked at him.
LEYLA: "Emre, what are you saying?"
EMRE: "I'm saying I love you, and I want to marry you, I know this isn't the greatest proposal, but I will make it up to you don't worry." Leyla started tearing, they were hugging each other and kissing each other."
CAN: "Sanem look at Emre and Leyla, I think they're next." He grabs her around the waist and brings her close. Sanem is smiling at Can
SANEM: "I think you're right, look how happy they are. They're like us Can."
CAN: "that they are" a couple people in the neighborhood grabbed Can and Emre put them in the middle of a circle and had them dancing, Leyla and Sanem couldn't stop laughing,
LEYLA: "Sanem, look at them, they're having so much fun."
SANEM: " look they're making up their own moves, and everyone around them are laughing but enjoying them, they are really welcoming them into our neighborhood."
LEYLA: "yes, they are, but I think Emre and Can are really liking this traditional life, I know Emre told me several times, that he loves how the neighborhood looks out for each other"
SANEM: "I agree, Can said to me many times, that he wants all the traditions in our lives even when we have kids. I feel so blessed Leyla, for me there's no one that can make me feel what Can does, he's the love of my life." Leyla hugged Sanem.
LEYLA: "I agree, you too were meant to be. I feel the same way about Emre. Isn't it crazy, how two brothers are with two sisters"
SANEM: "just like mom and dad and aunt Mevcabi and uncle Nihat. What a coincidence." The sisters looked at each other and smiled and then looked at Can and Emre. "I think we should go save them, what do you think?"
LEYLA: " I don't know, look how much fun they're having, everyone is clapping and dancing along with them." The girls start laughing again and squeeze through the crowd to go dance with Emre and Can.
When the girls enter the circle everyone started clapping and whistling for the couples, they loved watching the two couples enjoying themselves and dancing. The boys grab the girls by the waist and bring them in for a passionate kiss. Of course the girls were embarrassed but not Can and Emre, they love to show how much they love their girls. Can all of a sudden stops dancing and yells out
CAN: "everyone listen up, the wedding will take place here in the neighborhood and you are all invited!!!"
Everyone was clapping and cheering, they were all very happy that they are able to celebrate with them.
Sanem looked at Can, she had tears in her eyes,
SANEM: " I just love you more and more every day Can Divit." He grabs her and kisses her, "I feel the same way princess, I never thought I could love the way I love you." They hug each other tightly wiping tears away from each other's eyes. And the crowd is admiring this beautiful handsome couple. All of a sudden Mevcabi and some of the neighborhood women come out with more food. "Your aunt is amazing my love"
SANEM: "yes she is, one of a kind."
The partying went straight into the night, people started clearing out, and the Divits were helping the Aydins clean up. Aziz invited the Aydins the next day for dinner. And they also invited Osman and Ahan.
The girls decided to spend the night with their aunt and uncle. Can and Emre were disappointed but they understood.
CAN: "I'll miss you Bebek, I'll pick you up tomorrow along with your aunt and uncle."
SANEM: "sounds like a plan my prince. See you tomorrow. Can?
CAN: "yes princess."
SANEM: "Thank you, for loving me, and all my baggage that I come with."
CAN: "are you kidding, I'm the one that's thankful, Sanem, you introduced me to this life, and I love it, these people show there love and aren't scared to show it, they embraced my family and me. This is what people should always be like. Not the fake world, these people are genuine."
SANEM: "Can Divit, right now I just want you to make love to me" Can hugs her and says, "maybe your aunt and uncle will let me stay I promise I'll be quiet"
They both start laughing
SANEM: " like that's going to happen! Can you imagine my aunts reaction when I ask her if you can sleep with me." They both laugh. "Okay, bebek I will see you tomorrow. Good night my prince." He caresses her cheek, and brings her in for a soft kiss and looks her in the eyes with love and says
CAN: "good night my beautiful princess, see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams."

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