Chapter 67

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Can is home, and Sanem is more than happy, she's hovering over him like a mother hen. Can is resting in his bedroom and Sanem keeps sneaking in to see if he's okay. He hears his door opening again, with his arm over his forehead and his eyes closed, he turns his head and opens his eyes and sees two big beautiful brown doe eyes peaking in on him. He can't help but smile, god how I love this woman.
CAN: "Sanem, come lay next to me."
SANEM: "Can are you awake?, I want you to rest, we have Metins wedding tomorrow" Can couldn't help but giggle a little.
CAN: "I rest better when you're in my arms. Come lay next to me." She goes over and lays next to him and he takes her in his arms. And kisses her nose. "Bebek, what's going on in your beautiful little head of yours.?"
SANEM: "I just want to take care of you Can, you're still not one hundred percent. You're still weak."
CAN: "Sanem, look at me, I'm fine trust me, it's just the wound that is holding me back, believe me I have a lot of energy, if you want I can show you!" And he winks at her. She starts smiling and kisses him on the cheek.
SANEM: "oh yeah, how much energy, are you willing to show me?" And he does that deep sexy laugh of his, which makes her Melt. He turns and looks at her and she can see the passion in his eyes.
CAN: "Bebek, yes I am willing to show you , get on top of me, and trust me I'm more than willing!" She starts giggling, SANEM: "not today my big bear, you need to heal, I don't want that wound opening up." He kisses her on the forehead.
CAN: "I will be careful, come on, get on top." She Kisses his lips softly looks into his eyes.
SANEM: "Can, I want to, believe me, but not yet okay. I don't want you hurting again."
Can knows that she's worried and still somewhere in that beautiful head of hers still blames herself.
CAN: "Okay, I will wait, but not to long, I want you and it's going to happen soon." She cuddles into him more and he's just getting hotter with her in his arms.
Bebek, when you cuddle like that and press yourself into me like that I want to attack you, and make love to you, you have no idea what you do to me." Sanem smiles she's so happy that she has that effect on him.
SANEM: "okay, I'll get up, and go get you your dinner."
Can kisses her, and squeezes her tight.
CAN: "actually, I'm going to get up, I need to get out of bed." She gets up and goes to the other side to help him up, he sits up, pulls her in by the waist and buries is face in her breasts and starts kissing and play biting through her clothes and she can't help but giggle.
SANEM: "I thought you were hungry"
CAN: "I am, this is relieving my hunger!" And they both start laughing.
SANEM: "okay tiger let's get going, everyone is ready to eat. He moaned a little disappointed but he got up.
The next day, Can and Sanem worked from home, Sanem was happy to see Can energetic, they worked half of the day, so he can rest and she and Leyla can go buy dresses for Metin and Derins's wedding."
SANEM: "Can, are you sure you're okay, I'll just wear what I have." He looks at her and smiles.
CAN: "I'm fine, sweetheart, go have fun, I'm just going to sit outside and relax, I feel good."
SANEM: "okay, love you see you later"
Sanem and Leyla came back happy with their shopping,
LEYLA: "Sanem, that dress is beautiful Can is going to love it."
SANEM; "thank you Leyla, I know Emre won't be able to take his eyes off of you. Okay let's go get ready."
Sanem went into the bedroom and saw Can had just gotten out of the shower, she just stopped and looked at him, he had the towel wrapped around his waist, he looked so hot, this is hard for me, but it must be hard for him to.
Can sees Sanem and smiles he walks over to her slowly and grabs her by the waist and brings her in for a passionate kiss. They're both starting to lose control, but Sanem pulls away and looks up at him and smiles.
SANEM: "Can, we should get ready, don't you think, actually I thought that I would have to wake you up."Can pulls off his towel looks down and says. CAN: "this guy wouldn't let me sleep he keeps thinking he wants to be inside you." Sanem starts giggling
SANEM: "You know Can Divit, for someone who's had major injury, you are really hot for some rough sex"
And she play bites his lip.
CAN: " one has nothing to do with the other, my injury is in my chest not down here, (he points to his hardness) his is working perfectly fine."
Sanem starts laughing and so does Can he hugs her and kisses her passionately again. He looks at her lovingly
CAN: "okay princess let's go ready, but tonight when we get home, you're giving me some." She smiles and walks away to go take a shower.
Can was dressed and waiting for Sanem to come out of the bedroom, he hears the door open and sees Sanem looking beautiful as always.

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