Chapter 12

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Leyla and Sanem were so happy that they were together again.
LEYLA: " Sanem, what's going on with you and Can, it looks like you were having an intense conversation., by the way, Wow!, he is very handsome." They both start laughing.
SANEM: " he is isn't he? ( with a dreamy look on her face.) Leyla is looking at her smiling.
LEYLA: " Sanem, is something going on between you two? He seems very nice"
SANEM: " I'm not sure, I know I have feelings for him, I can't think when I'm around him, he makes me feel things I never felt before. And I think he feels something too, I'm not sure. But he has a girlfriend "
LEYLA: " I don't know Sanem, the way he was looking at you, I think he does have feelings for you. Maybe his girlfriend is just to pass the time with, he's young, very handsome and single. You know how guys are."
SANEM: " You should see her she's beautiful Leyla, she looks like a model. They look so good together, why would he want me, I'm just plain and simple.
LEYLA: " Sanem, you're beautiful, what are you talking about, you need to be more confident in yourself. from what I saw he definitely sees your beauty. I don't think I'm wrong, I think he's interested."
SANEM: " I don't know what to think, I hope you're right. Anyway let's talk about you, so tomorrow you have an your interview , and by the way Emre is very handsome too"
LEYLA: " Sanem, I'm here to hopefully work, not to get involved with any one, ( pause) how handsome is he. And they both start laughing."
SANEM: " very, actually I can see you too together"
LEYLA: " okay matchmaker Aydin!"
The girls stayed up very late trying to catch up with each other.
The next morning, Sanem went in the main house to make breakfast with Leyla.
MIRIBAN: "good morning girls, Leyla, I'm Miriban, it's very nice to meet you."
LEYLA: "thank you! It's very nice to meet you also."
MIRIBAN: " so, are you excited, you have your interview with Emre today."
LEYLA: " I am, I hope everything goes well, I would love to come back and be with my family. It's very lonely in Izmir."
MIRIBAN:"'I'm sure it is, there is nothing like family that's for sure. But I'm sure you will do fine. Sanem, it's only four of us this morning, Can and Emre are already at the office there is a meeting with a potential client today."
SANEM: "okay, is it alright if I go into the city with Leyla today? I want to spend the rest of the day with her after the interview."
MIRIBAN: "'of course, I will make dinner. Enjoy your time together "
AZIZ: " good morning everyone, Leyla it's nice to meet you." 
They sat down and ate breakfast, Leyla liked Aziz and Miriban, very much.  The girls went to get ready to go to the agency.
MIRIBAN:" what do you think Aziz?"
AZIZ: "'I think she will be perfect, at work and mostly good for Emre. I think when he sees her he will be hooked right away, she's a beauty."
MIRIBAN: "I agree, she's is a beauty and looks very smart and efficient. But Sanem and Leyla are totally different, don't you think?"
AZIZ: " I do, but I think both of them are perfect for Can and Emre. But we have two problems, Polen and Aylin.
MIRIBAN: " They are definitely a problem, The good thing is that the boys don't love them. But those two are not going to let go of Can and Emre very easily." Aziz agreed. " any way let's get to work."
The girls entered the agency with Miriban and Aziz, of course everyone was wondering who they are, the girls were looking around, they liked the atmosphere of the office. 
SANEM:" Leyla this place is so nice, look how open and colorful it is, there's windows all over the place. It's not depressing at all, it's a happy environment."
LEYLA: "I agree, even some of the people seem colorful " they both started laughing. Then a little man with a mustache comes and introduced himself as CeCe.
He seemed very nice, Sanem and CeCe became instant friends.
AZIZ: "Leyla come, let me take you to Emre's office, he's finished with the client."
Leyla followed Aziz into Emre's office.
AZIZ: " Emre this is Leyla Aydin, Sanem's sister"
Emre looks up at Leyla and starts smiling, and Aziz is beaming!
EMRE: " Leyla is that you!! I can't believe it!! You're Sanem's sister!!"
LEYLA: " Emre, wow I can't believe I'm interviewing with you, I had no idea!!"
AZIZ: "'You two know each other?"
EMRE: " we were in college together, we had several classes together.  Leyla was the top of her class. Every student wanted to cheat off of her" and they start laughing. Both Emre and Leyla are so happy to see each other. And Aziz is even happier!
EMRE: " no interview needed, you're hired!"
LEYLA: " Emre, don't you want to talk to me first to make sure I will qualify"
EMRE: "Leyla, I know you're efficient and I know you know what you're doing, plus I talked to your professors and they highly recommend you."
LEYLA: "Thank you!! I have to give my two weeks notice and then I can start."
EMRE: " the sooner the better" they just looked at each other, both happy to reconnect.
Miriban and Aziz were in Aziz's office. Looking at Emre and Leyla.
AZIZ: "Miriban, what are the chances that these two knew each  other,  look at the way they're looking at each other there is definitely Sparks there."
MIRIBAN:" I agree, but look at Aylin, if looks could kill.  I hope she doesn't cause problems, I would love to fire her. She does nothing anyway. Sometimes I wonder what the boys saw in Polen and Aylin, yes they are attractive, but their personalities are awful and they're not very nice."
AZIZ: " well being young once and not knowing any better, I don't think they were looking at there personalities, there was only one thing on their minds at the time, and those girls offered it to them. ( Miriban agreed), but we have to have a good reason to fire her, hopefully she will give us one soon."
Meanwhile, Can was trying to get rid of this new client, Ceyda! She was flirting with him endlessly, kept asking him to go out with her. He looks out the door and sees Sanem talking to CeCe, he excuses himself and opens the door and calls Sanem to come into his office.
CAN: " Sanem, sweetheart can you come into my office please?" Sanem just looks at him, " sweetheart? What was that. " please Sanem, you can get back to work in a couple of minutes." He looks at her with  a pleading look. " okay Can I'm coming"
CAN: " just play along with me " she just looked at him and agreed. " Ceyda this is my girlfriend Sanem!!"
Sanem just stood there schocked but recovered quickly. Ceyda just looked at her with an angry and disgusted look. Sanem put out her hand to shake it but Ceyda didn't budge.
SANEM: " nice to meet you Ceyda"
CEYDA: " yes, you too! Can how about that drink tonight, just me and you" and she side glanced Sanem.
Sanem was getting angry she didn't like the way she was looking at Can! Sanem puts  her arm around Can's waist and Can pulls her close and kisses her on the head and Sanem looks up at him and smiles.                                 SANEM: " sorry Ceyda but Can and I have plans tonight, just me and him."
CEYDA: " he can break the plans, I'm an important client."
SANEM: " an important client in the office during business hours, not after"Can loves a jealous Sanem.
CEYDA: " Can, I'm not taking no for an answer", she gets up ready to walk out." You will meet me tonight, I will send you the information where ." And looks right at Sanem. Sanem was getting angry. She turns to Can, hugs him tightly starts rubbing his chest, and then puts her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. she doesn't even know what's coming over her, but all she knows is that she's thinking Can is mine.!  But Ceyda doesn't like how Sanem is all over Can." She knows she's in for one hell of a fight, but she knows Can Divit is worth it.
SANEM: " Can, my love you can go it's fine, after all it's a business meeting, right Ceyda?"she was very stern talking to Ceyda and Ceyda new what Sanem was saying. And Can was loving it, especially that kiss, what was that, it was definitely out of character for Sanem.
CAN: "okay Ceyda, send me the information and I will meet you there." Sanem just looked at him, and scratches his beard. I don't think so Can Divit.! She said to herself.
Ceyda went on the other side of Can to give him a kiss goodbye, but Sanem put out her hand and stopped her, and said.  "Thank you for doing business with us, he will see you tonight!" Ceyda gave Sanem the dirtiest look, looks at Can and blows him a kiss and starts walking out, and turns and says, see you tonight handsome! And looks at Sanem. Sanem was ready to jump on her but Can held her back by her waist. and he was caressing her hair. " "calm down Sanem, ignore her."  Ceyda really pushed her buttons and Ceyda knew it.!  She Looks angrily at Can.
SANEM: " you probably like it when women who flirt with you. I think you were enjoying this little flirtation Ceyda was doing with you."
CAN: " Actually no, I just want one woman to flirt with and her with me, and I'm looking right at her."
Sanem turns bright red and looks at Can, and he has a smile on his face he's loving this side of her. He's caressing her cheek. And then she starts thinking about Ceyda again.
SANEM: "I'm coming with you tonight!! you are not going to be alone with her! No way in hell!!"
CAN: " what ever you say sweetheart!  He's looking at her, he's never seen her this angry.
SANEM: "'who does she think she is, you even told her that I'm your girlfriend, that's right, I am coming tonight.  And you better not say no!"
CAN: " I wouldn't dare sweetheart, I want you with me." She just looked at him. " You do?"
CAN: " of course, I need someone to keep Ceyda away from me," and he winks at her, and blows her a kiss.
And she smiles.
SANEM: " Can Divit, as much as I want to stay mad at you I can't!! And believe me you make so angry sometimes!!"  And she smiles again, and says "OK fine since we're going to be a couple tonight I have to go buy myself a pretty new dress . Because  I have nothing to wear.
Can, pulled out money so she can buy herself a new dress. She smiled and scratched his beard and said.  " Can please, I can buy my own dress, okay, thank you though."
CAN: " Sanem, let me buy it for, it's just a little thank you for coming to my rescue" and he winks at her again.
SANEM: " I really don't think I came to your rescue. I think you're used to these kind of women, and I'm sure you know how to handle them," she was getting frustrated again, " but tonight we're going to stick it to her good!!" And she walks out.
Can, is smiling ear to ear, she definitely wants me, and I definitely want her, I have to fix things with her, before I leave. Can is leaning back in his chair and his father and Emre walk in.
EMRE: " what was that?
AZIZ: "yes, son, it looked like Sanem was ready to attack Ceyda."
CAN: " actually she was, I had to hold her back"
He's starts laughing. " Ceyda was pushing her buttons big time, but my Sanem, damn she's special."
Emre and Aziz start laughing, and Aziz looks at Can and says. " son, she's very special that one. If I were you, I would try to hold on to her, because if you let go you might regret it." "And Emre, that Leyla looks like a good catch, you should get to know her better."
Aziz looked at Both of his sons and he knew that they were very interested in the Aydin girls.

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